Discussion LP STANDARDS AL-ALEX-2005.SC.9-12.GEN.7: AL-ALEX-2005.SC.9-12.BIO.8: Describe the structure and function of DNA, including replication, translation, and transcription. Identify the structure and function of DNA, RNA, and protein. DETAILS CONCURRENT SKILLS/COMPETENCY FOCUS: Paraphrasing, listening, how to reference items, analyzing, and interpreting LESSON TOPIC: The structure and function of DNA, RNA, amino acids, and proteins & how they are involved in transcription. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES AND ASSESSMENT: TSW recall and distinguish the steps of transcription through a guided discussion. INSTRUCTIONAL PROCEDURES (Designating Set and Closure) Phase 1. Entry: Identification of Problem, Issue, or Topic TTW discuss with the class the objectives for the day: TSW learn about transcription TSW learn all relevant vocabulary TSW be able to discuss the process of transcription TTW introduce the concept of transcription and how it occurs in the body by starting an outline on the board. Transcription: the process by which RNA is synthesized from a DNA template. TTW then give some vocabulary associated with transcription: o DNA- deoxyribonucleic acid. DNA serves as the source of information for development and functioning in an organism. o RNA- ribonucleic acid. A single-stranded nucleic acid that plays a role in transferring information from DNA to proteins. o Template strand- the strand of DNA that is used as a template during transcription. The RNA synthesized during transcription is complementary and antiparallel to the template strand. o Transcription factors- protein that binds to DNA s TTW then detail the course of transcription for the students. o Further vocabulary will be given as it is discussed in class. o Examples of the process will be drawn on the board for the students to put in their notes. Phase II: Clarification TTW ask that students raise their hands before speaking. TTW summarize the process of transcription for the students using a video: o http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsofH466lqk Phase III: Investigation TTW facilitate discussion by asking the following questions: Review Questions: o How is RNA similar to DNA? o What are the three major components of transcription? o How is transcription initiated? o What is the process of elongation? o How is transcription terminated? Phase IV: Closure: Summary, Integration, and Application TSW work in groups of 3-4 to discuss and go over the material learned. TSW make notes within their groups of what they found the most interesting and surprising Each group will reflect what they considered to facilitate a class discussion to close for the day MATERIALS/RESOURCES: Transcription video: Ndsuvirtualcell. (2008, January 30). Transcription [video]. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsofH466lqk. White board Expo marker Science books Notebooks Pens/Pencils ACCOMODATIONS: TTW work closely with special education personnel to obtain a copy of all IEPs for students in his or her class. TTW adhere to any accommodations and/or modifications outlined within a student's IEP, for example: - increase time allowed for completion of tests or assignments. - provide direct, positive reinforcement and immediate feedback whenever possible. - recognize and reward student behaviors, which contribute to the learning environment. TTW make modifications and accommodations as needed for ELL students, for example: - arranging for ELL students to work with non-ELL students during group sessions. - providing translated worksheets. - providing clear, concise directions, and concrete examples for the lesson and all homework assignments. - allowing ELL students to use translators for in-class assignments and tests.