
5th Molecular Imaging Center Symposium of National Taiwan University
IMPORTANT: Please refer to the instructions below to prepare your 1 page abstract. Your
submission will NOT be reviewed and automatically rejected if you do not follow the general
guidelines below.
Requirements of the Layout
Page Limit. The page limit is 1 page. Any abstract submitted with more than 1 page will NOT
be accepted.
Margin Requirements
Paper size
Top margin
Bottom margin
Side margins
Manuscript should NOT contain any page numbers, headers and footers.
Author List. The author names should be listed in the order of First Name, Middle Name or
Initial (if any), and then Last (Sir) Name.
Figures. Ensure every figure in your paper is clear enough, with a standard of 300dpi.
References. The bibliography should be formatted with a 9pt font. Please do not change the
font size, even if it helps to comply with the page limit.
Please follow the included instructions and the formatting guidelines, avoiding any change to the
Submissions must be in WORD format.
Important Dates
Abstract Submission: June 30, 2015 (Tuesday 5:00pm, TST)
Notification of Acceptance: August 28, 2015 (Friday 5:00pm, TST)
5th Molecular Imaging Center Symposium of National Taiwan University
Title (Times New Roman, 14pts, Bold. Leave a 10 pts space after the title)
Authors (Ex: Author1, Author2 and Author3) (Times New Roman, 14 pts)
Affiliation (Times New Roman,14 pts, italics)
E-mail: xxx@yyy.zzz (Times New Roman,12 pts)
(Leave one empty line here)
Abstract (Times New Roman, 12 pts, Bold, Leave a 10 pts space after this line)
(Times New Roman, 12 pts) Please start typing directly into this template by replacing the words
“Title” by the title of your abstract, “Authors” by the list of authors (underline the presenting
author), “Affiliation” by the full affiliations of each authors (Department, University, Address, City,
Country), and “E-mail” by the email address of the presenting author. Leave the word “Abstract” as
it is. Then start typing the text of the abstract here. This text must be fully justified and written with
a line spacing of 16 pts. Just start typing directly here, and you should be fine with the formats. The
total length of the abstract is limited to one page and it may include maximum one figure. If figure
is included, the caption of the figure should be written within a textbox under the figure in Times
New Roman, 11 pts, with a line spacing of 14 pts. All the text inside a figure must be large enough
(not less than 9 pts) for clarity in reading.
If you need to change the paragraph, please use new paragraph with an indent of 0.5 cm. The
page size for this abstract should be set to A4, and the margins on all sides should be set to 2 cm.
Please delete all text written above in red color, they are only for your information.
The list of references should start with “References:” in the first line and then the references can
be written from the next line, as shown in example below. Reference should also be fully justified
and written with a line spacing of 14 pts.
References: (Times New Roman, 11 pts)
[1] A. Author; B. Coauthor, and C.C. Collaborator, "Title of the paper cited in the main text," J. in Italic, 1,
123-456 (1999).
[2] A. Author, Book title underlined, Chapter 1. (Publisher, City, 1999).