Aug 16, 2015

The Heart Beat
of Sacred Heart
This past Wednesday, we said our goodbyes to Joseph’s mother, Filipinas (Fely) Mata.
She has been a part of our
community for several months. Joseph, Pia, and JP drove her to Worthington, Ohio last weekend to visit with
Josephine and Eric. They all enjoyed a great weekend together. Fely will visit for two weeks with them before she
flies back to the Philippines on August 23rd. We will miss her very much. She is such a beautiful lady; always smiling
and is a very good cook!
Also, Sacred Heart Community was saddened when we recently learned that Mark and Cheryl Smart and Ferdinand,
Rosie Edralin and the boys Ferdinand Jr., Christian, and John would be leaving the area. Mark has been
transferred with his job, N&W Railroad and the Edralins’ are leaving for New Jersey to be close to other family.
Rosie told us they will be leaving in early September; Cheryl will be moving as soon as they find a home. We wish you
ALL safe travels, a good move, but we will miss your presence with your Sacred Heart family.
Fr. Thomas has fit right into our Sacred Heart Parish community and seems to be very pleased
with his new parish and rectory. In the eight weeks in Williamson; he has been to two
birthday parties; played some basketball with the guys; presided over a funeral; the interment
of ashes at the Fairview Cemetery; thrilled with his Installation Mass and dinner; walks the
floodwalls of Williamson in the evenings for exercise; celebrated 37 masses; two First
Wednesdays and Fridays; learning the difference between meager and regular meals; getting
familiar with his community and knows the names of most of the parishioners; enjoying
different cuisines - even some from his homeland of India; and has been invited to dinner at
several parishioner’s homes since his arrival. He always has a welcoming smile on his face and
we are very grateful to have him at our church. If you have not had an opportunity to visit or
speak with Fr. Thomas, make an effort to meet and talk with our delightful priest.
The Ladies Altar Society met last Sunday after the brunch. It was a busy meeting; discussing events for the
next four months. Janie will enclose a recap of the meeting and calendar of events for the rest of 2015 in the
next few weeks after she talks with the Knights of Columbus.
The purpose of the Altar Society is to encourage a friendly spirit among the women of the parish, and to support the
various parish activities. Membership is open to all ladies in our parish. Just some of the activities the LAS helps
sponsor: to aid in supplying the needs and care of the sanctuary; special meals for the parish - Ash Wednesday Lenten
Service Luncheon, Mardi Gras Celebration, Breakfast with Santa and Knights of Columbus; dinners during the season
of Advent, Lent, and Holy Week; serving dinners after Funeral Masses, host receptions after Baptisms, First
Communions, decorating for all events for the parish. Organize different committee’s to oversee the kitchen, weekly
brunches, the altar clothes, maintaining the priest’s vestments, sending cards for special occasions to parishioners,
sending bulletins to shut-ins and out-of-town former parishioners, and special cleaning of the church. Our parish is
very fortunate to have such an active LAS. The LAS is very fortunate to have the help of so many of our men to assist
us in our endeavors. The success of our events is because we each have an interest and steadfast love for our parish
and so many volunteers give of their time, talents, and generosities to make each event special! We are truly blessed
at Sacred Heart!
WHAT A BEAUTIFUL PARISH FAMILY WE HAVE! The last several weeks and especially over the
last few months, several parishioners have donated their time, resources and energy to tend to the Sacred Heart
Community Garden, the grounds surrounding our parish, and any issues that needed attention. Dr. Leo planted the
beautiful yellow flowers in the courtyard and on the side of the church. Andy, Lisa, and John have faithfully watered
the vegetable gardens and picked the vegetables. Lisa is the “keeper of the rose garden” under the outside stairway.
Lonnie is often seen mowing the grass and trimming. Fr. Tom has learned how to operate the leaf blower! Debby is
our “overseer” of the parish. Her duties go beyond her 12 hours a week! Jerry is our “GO TO” parishioner that we call
upon for the quick fixes! Donald is our “guru” we call for questions about the computers! Carrie continues to keep
the rectory shinning! Bobby comes once a week and tends to the church. Our LAS president, Janie Hunt works
diligently with the ladies to create new ideas for our parish events. Our Knights’ volunteer to help in any and all
events for the parish. Our Sunday sponsors of the brunches create delicious cuisines each week. Our Choir, Organists,
Cantors, Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, Altar Servers and Ushers all play an important role each celebration of the
mass. Our DRE director, Julie Miles and the CCD teachers give their time and energies to teach our young ones. The
“editors” of the bulletin continue to work hard to keep you updated in the day to day happenings in our parish!
Several parishioners have made “impromptu” dinners after evening mass to bring our community together in a casual
setting with Fr. Tom. Our community has been invited to several “birthday bashes” and what an opportunity to come
together to celebrate with our parish families. Our parish is unique, caring, and dedicated to our Catholic Faith. It is
very inspiring to see parishioners working hard to tend to the many needs of our parish. Our parish is small in
number but LARGE in commitment and love for Sacred Heart. Know that we are very proud of you and inspired by
your love, creativity, caring and dedication. WE’RE BLESSED!
Let’s help our Brunch Sponsors CLEAN-UP!
We have many dedicated “sponsors” that each and every week brings a “bountiful blessing” to our Sunday brunch
table. We want to thank all of the families that support our brunches. We always welcome new volunteers and
assistants. Not only do our sponsors bring food to the table, they have to clean the table afterwards! Do your part,
carry your plates and cups to the trash can. Help those that are feeding us each week. A little goes a long way, so
pitch in and do your part to make our Sunday Brunches enjoyable for one and all. Also, we are asking that you
PLEASE TAKE THE GARBAGE BAGS TO THE DUMPSTER! We are doing away with the garbage cans behind the fence.
Again, Thank You!!!
Our Brunch Sponsors
1 Sunday:
2nd Sunday:
3rd Sunday:
4th Sunday:
5th Sunday:
Anita, Denise, Julie 1, and Linda
Filipino Community
Youla, Pat, Rose Marie, and Debra
Janice, Sam, Lisa, and Andy
1st Wednesday Devotion to the Mother of Perpetual Help
Millie and the Filipino Community, Barb and John
1st Friday Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Amber, Debby, Janie, Julie 2, Barb and John
(And ALL that bring a special dish!)
Each Sunday you will notice “The Hands” located either on the brunch table or beside the coffee pot.
It was suggested to the Altar Society several years ago to place the hands during brunch for donations.
The money collected is used to provide coffee, creamers, sugar, paper ware (plates, bowls, napkins,
cutlery sets) for the sponsors to use during their particular weekend and for any special events.
Our supplies always need replenished! Thank you for any and all donations to this cause. A special
“thank you” Julie 2 for going to Sam’s to purchase our needed supplies! Your support is always
greatly appreciated.
Remember, each and every one of us are the Heart Beat of Sacred Heart!