seminar announcement flyer - Department of Civil Engineering And

Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics
Seminar Announcement
Friday, January 25, 2013
CE 201
12:00pm – 1:00pm
Bedload transport capacity in sand- and gravel-bed rivers
Peng Gao, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Department of Geography
Syracuse University, New York
Bedload transport capacity (BTC) refers to the maximum bed load that can be
transported by a given flow of a river for a given group of sediments. Determining
BTC is essential for understanding the adjustment of river morphology and channel
stability. BTC has been commonly calculated using one of bedload equations
established in terms of the data obtained from flume experiments or in natural rivers,
or both with either homogeneous or heterogeneous grains. This talk will describe an
alternative perspective of viewing BTC by introducing a general means of
determining BTC for sand-bed rivers with homogeneous grains and gravel-bed rivers
with heterogeneous grains, respectively. In flows transporting bed load of
homogeneous sediments such as those in plane, mobile-bed flume experiments and
sand-bed rivers, a given flow can only produce one bedload transport rate, which is
defined as bedload transport capacity for homogeneous sediments (BTC-HMS).
All are welcome