Queen Mary Alumni Network Alumni Card Application Form Alumni Relations and Fundraising Office Room CB100, First Floor, Queens’ Building, Queen Mary, University of London, Mile End Road, London E1 4NS, UK Tel: +44(0)20 7882 7790; email: alumni@qmul.ac.uk Title First name(s) Surname Personal email address (ie. NOT with the suffix; qmul.ac.uk) College username (ie. leO761) Date of birth Student ID no. Graduation/qualification year College Address (including postcode) Mobile Insert digital passport-style photo here (only if emailing document) Telephone Department of study Subject studied Please let us know what you are going on to do: □ Employment □ Currently looking for employment □ Further study □ Other (please state ________________________________________) If you are working, please let us know your: Job title ________________________________________________________________ Organisation ____________________________________________________________ Please tick as appropriate: □ I would like to have my college email address forwarded to my personal address as above. (This option is only available to students who possess the personal email format, introduced in 2010. e.g. a.bloggs@hss10.qmul.ac.uk) □ I would like to apply for an alumni.qmul.net email address. I would like to personalise my Alumni Email Address as ................................................@alumni.qmul.net (this option is only for alumni students who did not have an email address with a personal name introduced in 2010 e.g. a.bloggs@hss10.qmul.ac.uk) □ I wish to receive the QM Alumni e-Newsletter (a digest of College news sent to your inbox on a monthly basis). □ I wish to be included in the Web email Directory (a password-protected site where you can share your email address with alumni from across the years). □ I understand that the above details will be kept on computer in accordance with the Data Protection Act currently in force. □ I consent to receiving mailings in connection with the Queen Mary Alumni Network. Signature Date For Office use only: Alumni Reference no: Method of Payment: Online, Cash, Cheque no.___________, Postal order, Credit/Debit card Date processed: