Year 7 - Life in Space Research Task This task consists of 2 parts: Part 1: Group activity sheet: How Do Astronauts Live in Space? Due _____________ Part 2: Letter home from the International Space Station (ISS) Due _____________ What do think it would be like to live in space on the International Space Station for a month? Think about the following problems you might have: weightless environment of the ISS. everyday activities, like eating, taking a shower, and using the bathroom. What might be some other challenges of living on the ISS? LIFE IN SPACE TASK Part 1: You will be working in groups of 3-4 students and using the Internet or other resource materials to answer questions about living in space. a) Record your findings on the activity sheet: How Do Astronauts Live in Space? b) Present your findings to the class as a group presentation. You may use a poster or PowerPoint presentation to support your presentation. Group 1: Food How has the food that astronauts eat changed over the last 50 years? What kinds of foods do astronauts eat in space today? What methods are used to prevent food from spoiling? If you lived in space for a month, what foods do you think you would miss the most? Explain your answer. Web Resources Group 2: Space Suits What are the main parts of a space suit? How do they work? Do astronauts have to wear the space suits all the time? Why or why not? What are some safety measures that are built into space suits? Do you think space suits are comfortable? Why or why not? Web Resources Group 3: Extra-terrestrial Experiments What are some examples of experiments that are conducted on the ISS? What do scientists hope to learn about life in space? How do scientists conduct controlled experiments in space? Name two findings that have emerged from experiments done in space. Web Resources Group 4: Sanitation in Space How do astronauts shower and use the bathroom in space? Do they have to wash dishes or laundry? How do they keep their living quarters clean? What special sanitation issues do astronauts face that those of us on Earth don’t worry about? Web Resources Group 5: Sleep and Relaxation Do astronauts require more or less sleep than normal when they are in space? How many hours of sleep do astronauts usually get each night? How do astronauts relax in space? Do astronauts sleep in a bed? If they do not, how do they sleep? Web Resources LIFE IN SPACE TASK - Part 2: You have been given the opportunity to work and live on the ISS for a month. Using all the information that you learned during the first part of this task, write an interesting and informative letter home addressing the problems and experiences you have whilst living in space. Use the correct format for writing a letter and edit your work for grammar, punctuation and spelling mistakes. Length: 400 – 500 words. Refer to the Assessment rubric below for specific criteria ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: Books about the ISS The International Space Station Franklyn Mansfield Branley. HarperCollins, 2000. The International Space Station Wolfgang Englehardt. Tessloff Publishers, 1998. Space Station Science Marianne J. Dyson. Scholastic Inc., 1999. Web Sites on the ISS:,28391,55023,00.html Name: Life in Space Assessment Rubric Needs improvement 1 point PART 1 Satisfactory 2 points Very good 3 points Excellent 4 points How Do Astronauts Live in Space? Group work Did not work Worked somewhat effectively in a group. effectively in the group. Research Did not research individual section adequately. Could not demonstrate understanding Researched Researched individual section individual section in briefly, demonstrating some detail, a basic demonstrating some understanding understanding Group presentation Presentation was rushed and not prepared. Presentation showed some consideration and preparation Researched individual section thoroughly and accurately, demonstrating excellent understanding PART 2 Letter home from the International Space Station (ISS) Content Missing significant content Understanding Letter shows gaps in Satisfactory Shows good understanding understanding shown understanding Format Incorrect format of letter used Correct format of letter used most of the time Spelling/Grammar Little or no evidence of editing - incorrect grammar, punctuation and/or spelling mistakes Some evidence of Evidence of editing editing - few grammar correct grammar, no punctuation or punctuation or spelling mistakes spelling mistakes Overall grade Teacher comment Covered all areas required All areas covered in Thoroughly and good detail accurately covers all areas in excellent detail Correct format of letter used consistently Excellent understanding demonstrated throughout letter Name: Life in Space Group activity sheet: How Do Astronauts Live in Space? Other group members’ names: Your Research Topic: ______________________________________ Group no.___ The specific question that you are researching ___________________________________________________________________ Due date for research completion: _____________ Due date for group presentation : _____________ Notes: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------