Life transformed by the power of God Rev Dr Francis Ngoi 24 Feb Paul has been known to me as Frank Ang. He heard the gospel early on in his life but it never meant anything to him at that time. The seed of the gospel planted all those years before germinated about 5 years ago, ever since the beginning of 2002. Seeking counsel for a new direction for his life, he devoted much time and effort in to pursuit of his spiritual development. He attended an Alpha Course conducted by Grace Methodist Church in the middle of 2002; fueling a hunger for an understanding of the Scriptures; reshaping his lifestyle according to Christian values. He has expressed a desire to become equipped for the ministry in helping others. I was prompted to advise him to visit Agape Renewal Center in Los Angeles . Through the help of Rev Liu Tsai Fang, Prayer Coordinator of Singapore Christian Prayer House, he attended the Summer Intensive Courses in Agape Renewal Center . Frank was convicted to deal with his past sinful life; the wonderful spiritual encounter motivated him to move in the power of the Holy Spirit. He came back with a determination to live an obedient life for Christ. Regularly attending in the prayer ministry (Mandarin) at Singapore Christian Prayer House, SCPH then became his spiritual coverage. With the newfound passion, the Lord prompted him to set up a Rev ival center. He dedicated his office space at Manhattan House for this sole purpose. By God’s grace, CKRM Christian Centre was founded to become a blessing to others under the spiritual coverage of the Agape Leadership ( Malaysia ) Sdn Bhd, a new training center set by Agape, USA . Congratulations! May the Lord empower you to �see to it that you complete the work you have received in the Lord. (Col.4:17). Rev. Dr. Francis Ngoi Ngie Huat Director Oasis Family Life Education Centre