13-14 HS Company Contract

Student’s Name _____________________________________________
_________________________ Dance Company Contract - 2012-2013
Dear Parents and Dance Company Member:
Congratulations! You have been accepted as a member of ______________________
Dance Company. In order to maintain clear standards, rules, and expectations, Dance
Company members and parent(s) are asked to review, sign, and return this contract by
____________________________. If the contract is not signed and returned, the student
will not be able to participate in Dance Company. Parents are asked to review the
expectations with their dancer and decide if the requirements can be met. Acceptance to
___________________________ Dance Company should be viewed as a privilege and an
opportunity to develop as a dancer and artist.
Thank you for your support. If you have any questions or concerns don’t hesitate to
contact me at 410-_______________________ or _________________@aacps.org
____________________ High School
Dance Company Director
I. Academic
A G. P. A. of 2.0 is required and must be maintained in order to participate in Dance
Company. If a dancer does not have a 2.0 G.P.A on August 15th, he/she will not be a
member of _______________________________ Dance Company for the school year
and will be removed from Dance Company class. Dance Company members must be
enrolled in Dance Company class in their academic schedule and participate in after
school rehearsals.
a. School work takes precedence over dance. If a dancer needs to report to another
teacher after school for academic assistance and will be late to rehearsal, the dancer
is required to do the following:
1. Notify the director beforehand to be excused.
2. Get dressed for rehearsal first (in preparation for being late).
3. The dancer is responsible for any missed rehearsal material.
4. If this occurrence becomes excessive, at the discretion of the director the
dancer may be dismissed from Dance Company.
b. Should a scheduling conflict prevent a company member’s enrollment in Dance
Company class, he/she must discuss other options with the director.
c. If a dancer falls below a 2.0 G.P.A. any time after 1st marking period grades, the
dancer will have the opportunity to attend Academic Assistance.
d. Academic Assistance consists of a minimum of 8 sessions for a minimum of 6 hours
spread evenly throughout the 16-day academic probationary period and provides the
dancer the opportunity to regain a 2.0 G.P.A in order to continue to participate in
Dance Company events. Dancers must attend rehearsal each day after attending
academic assistance. The student must attend required academic assistance on days
that there is no Dance Company rehearsal. If the student regains a 2.0 G.P.A after
completing academic assistance, he/she may continue with Dance Company. If
he/she does not regain a 2.0 G.P.A, the dancer will be removed from Dance
Company. An apprentice or understudy will replace the dancer attending academic
assistance in all pieces in which they are cast.
e. On the days of report card distribution, it is the dancer’s responsibility to show the
report card to the director. If a dancer fails to show their report card, consequences
are at the discretion of the director.
II. Attendance
a. On the days of a rehearsal or performance, the dancer must attend school the entire
day. In the case of extenuating circumstances a note of approval by the Principal is
required in order for the dancer to rehearse or perform.
b. All appointments should be made on non-rehearsal and non-performance days.
c. When a dancer knows in advance that he/she will be late to school or have an early
dismissal on the day of a rehearsal or performance, it is the dancer’s responsibility to
inform the director at least one school day prior in writing from a parent or
guardian. Failure to do so may result in the student’s inability to participate in the
d. If an emergency arises during the school day, the dancer must communicate directly
with the director prior to rehearsal or prior to leaving school.
e. Dance company members and apprentices are allowed three legal absences per
semester. Missed choreography is the responsibility of the dancer. More than three
legal absences will result in dismissal from Dance Company.
f. An illegal absence will result in dismissal from Dance Company.
g. During the week of a performance, all company members must attend all tech and
dress rehearsals. No exceptions! Arrange schedules now to accommodate these
h. Dancers are expected to attend rehearsals beginning August 15th.
i. Dancers are required to attend all master dance classes at the All-Day Dance Festival.
j. Arrange schedules now to accommodate work and other personal obligations.
III. Dress Code
a. Professional dance attire is required for class and after school rehearsals.
b. For Dance Company class, dancers will need to purchase dance attire as follows:
appropriate shoes for specific dance styles, sweats will be available but are not
c. On the days of a dance performance or event, all company members must wear their
company warm-ups. No exceptions!
d. No jewelry or gum is allowed during class, rehearsal or performances. Hair needs to
be secured off the face for class, rehearsal and performances.
IV. Code of Conduct
a. Suspension from school for any reason is cause for dismissal from Dance Company.
b. Misbehaviors
Dance Company members will be issued Misbehaviors (for example: lack of
preparation for rehearsals, dress rehearsals, or performances). Dancers will be
dismissed if they accumulate five Misbehaviors per semester.
c. Disrespectful behavior is not permitted at any time.
d. The director reserves the right to issue a Misbehavior for any other infraction against
the ____________________ Dance Company contract. If a student receives a
Misbehavior, parent contact will be made.
e. Under no circumstances may any photos or video of any aspects of the school dance
program be put anywhere on the Internet, including sites such as MySpace, facebook,
YouTube, twitter, etc. Photos of only yourself and videos of only yourself performing
your own choreography are at your discretion after serious consideration of possible
consequences that may affect you later on.
f. Any conduct deemed detrimental to the dance program and/or overall good of the
school system, anytime, on and off campus, can result in removal from the Dance
Company as determined by the Dance Company Director.
V. Performances
a. All performances are mandatory. All dancers will receive a Dance Company calendar
in June. Some dates are subject to change and additional dates will be added. Mark
calendars with all dates.
b. Make the director aware of any conflicts by September 15th. If conflicts are not
reported by September 15th it is required that dancers attend the event on the Dance
Company calendar.
c. If other dance opportunities arise on the date(s) of Dance Company performances
after September 15th, the commitment to the Dance Company event must be
d. If an additional performance date needs to be added to the calendar, teachers will
accommodate dancers with calendar conflicts.
In other words, dancers will not come to the teacher a couple weeks before a
performance expecting to attend another dance event that has come up, and teachers
will not ask dancers to miss an already planned dance event that was not previously a
conflict. This is expected common courtesy to both the school program and other
programs that dancers may be involved in.
VI. Student Choreography
a. Student choreography created for Dance Classes or Dance Company can be
performed at any time at the discretion of the Dance Company Director.
b. If student choreographers are unable to perform for any reason their choreography
can be performed at any time at the discretion of the Dance Company Director.
VII. Transportation
Transportation to and from rehearsals and performances is the responsibility of dancers
and parents. For carpool events, self-transportation forms (provided by the director) will
need to be signed and returned for dancers to drive or be driven by another dancer or
VIII. Parent Responsibilities
a. Throughout the school year, it is essential for parents to participate in Dance Company
events such as chaperoning field trips, fundraisers, coordinating bake sales, phone
calls, repair and laundering costumes, assisting with dance concerts, etc. The success
of __________________________ Dance Company relies on parent support.
b. Fundraisers are mandatory for all dance company members and parent assistance
may be needed.
IX. Costumes and Funds
a. The dancer is responsible for purchasing dance shoes, tights, leotards, and some
costumes and accessories. Dance Company members are responsible for repairing
and returning costumes on time and are financially responsible for any unreturned or
damaged costumes. If a student does not return costumes, damages a costume, or
owes dance company money for any other event, the dancer’s name will be put on
the school’s obligation list with the amount owed. The dancer will not rehearse or
perform until the obligation is paid. The student will not graduate until the obligation
is paid. Additional rules for obligations may be enforced.
b. Fundraisers are mandatory for all dance company members!
X. Apprentices
Apprentices are a small group of ___________________________ Dance Company that
participates in school-based events such as Homecoming, Showcase Assembly, Winter
and Spring Dance Concerts. In addition, apprentices will have the opportunity to
understudy roles. This is an excellent experience and an avenue to possibly becoming a
full company member. In the event that another dance company member is unable to
perform, an apprentice will be assigned to that dancer’s role. Apprentices have all the
responsibilities listed in this contract.
XI. Guest Choreographers
Guest choreographers may work with Dance Company. The choreographer expects the
a. Ability to select the number of dancers and the dancers for their piece.
b. Dancers absent from rehearsal to be replaced by understudies.
c. Selection of an appropriate costume/hair/make-up with the teacher.
d. That the choreography will be performed by the same number of dancers selected
and that choreography will not be changed without permission.
e. That the choreography will be well-rehearsed and professionally performed.
We have read and understand the ____________________________ Dance Company rules and
expectations. We agree to follow the rules and accept consequences for non-compliance. We
understand all dancer and parent(s) responsibilities and obligations concerning eligibility,
attendance, dress code, code of conduct, student choreography, performance, transportation,
parent responsibilities, fundraisers, costumes, funds, and apprenticeships.
We understand that dancers will not rehearse or perform until their signed contract is returned.
Student Name (Print)
________________________ ____
Parent/Guardian (Print)
Student Signature
Parent/Guardian Signature
_______________________________________ _____________________________________
Student Email
Parent Email
_______________________________________ _____________________________________
Student Phone
Parent Phone