Title of the Paper: An Empirical Investigation of Linkages between India and Major Asian Stock Markets Author’s Name: Dr. Rajkumar Giridhari Singh Affiliation: Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Mizoram University, Tanhril, Aizawl-796004 (Mizoram) Email id: rkgiridhari@gmail.com Mobile number: 09862568266 An Empirical Investigation of Linkages between India and Major Asian Stock Markets Abstract The paper attempts to understand the inter-linkages and causal relationships between the stock exchanges. This study covers Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE), Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HSE), Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) and National Stock Exchanges (NSE). To establish the relationship, the daily closing data of the stock indices such as the Nikkei in Japan, Hangseng in Hong Kong with that of NSE Nifty and BSE Sensex in India during the period March 2007 to August 2014 are used. The Granger-causality and Co-integration test were used to check the causal relationship. The study found that there is uni-directional short-term causal influence from Indian stock markets to the Japanese and Hong-Kong stock market while no long-term relationships are found between the Indian and Japanese market as well as with the Hong Kong market over the study period. Keywords: Inter-linkages, Stock market, Granger’s causality test, Co-integration. Introduction: We are witnessing the widening and intensifying links between the countries. They are becoming more closely linked with the growing volume of cross-border transactions in terms of goods, services and capital flows. Over the years, the financial markets also have become increasingly global. The integration of the world’s economies has accelerated with the gradual lifting of restrictions on capital flows and relaxation of exchange controls in many countries. The study of inter linkages among economies hold relevance as this global integration has brought significant opportunities and challenges to the countries. The globalization of the world stock markets is one of the most significant developments that have occurred during the last two decades. The stock market has gained its importance because of its facility in raising capital and its movements. The advancement in information technology, telecommunication and the emergence of new international financial institutions offering financial services has expedited the flows. Today, the investment opportunities are no longer restricted to domestic markets. Investors can approach overseas market to seek profitable opportunities. The global markets have become more accessible. The knowledge of international stock market is significant for portfolio managers and investors. Due to this fact, the researchers world-wide have keen interest in the performances of the stock markets and its inter-linkages. Thus the present study is an analysis of the inter-linkages of the Indian stock markets with the stock markets of Japan and the Hong Kong. The Japan and Hong Kong are two most advance markets not only in Asia but also from the global context too. The paper attempts to examine the inter-linkages and causal relationship between the Nikkei 225 index of Japan Stock Exchange in Japan and the Hangseng index of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in Hongkong with that of NSE Nifty and BSE Sensex in India during the period of the period March 01, 2007 to August 31, 2014. Established in 1878, and based in Tokyo, Japan, the Tokyo stock exchange lists 2,292 companies as of 2012. It is the largest stock exchange in Asia, and the third largest in the world, having a market capitalization of $3.478 trillion. The Nikkei 225 is one of the main indices of Tokyo Stock Exchange. With a market capitalization of $2.831 trillion, Hong Kong Stock Exchange is the second largest stock exchange in Asia and the sixth largest in the world in terms of market capitalization. It was first established as “Association of Brokers, Hong Kong” in the year 1891, and was renamed in 1914. The Hong Kong Stock Exchange lists 1,470 companies from around the world. According to the theories of finance, the investors can achieve a better risk-return tradeoff by having a well diversified portfolio. According to the Portfolio theory of Markowitz (1952), the diversification of portfolio is beneficial when the correlation among the assets is negative. An international investor who is willing to make an international portfolio investment in different stock markets is interested to understand if diversification can give some gain or not. If the stock markets move together then investing in different national stock market would not generate any gain. Therefore, the analysis of the relationship between the stock markets will facilitate global investors in reaching a better decision. In the recent past, international portfolio diversification was recommended in the pretext of low correlation and integration among different stock markets. Over the time the economies are opening up, there is a growing international trade, investment flows, deregulation of financial systems and growth in the cross border capital flows. This path of liberalization has led to closely linked national economies. As the underlying economies become more closely integrated, stocks markets may become more correlated. This would reduce the benefits of international diversifications. The present study undertaken will benefit to have an understanding the intensity of stock market integration. A study of stock market movements and integration is significant as the knowledge of this area can equip investors and policy makers to take better decisions. Literature Review: The interest in studying the inter-linkages between stock exchanges is pervasive in all regions of the world. Various studies have undertaken in different parts of the world with regard to the stock market linkages. However the literature on the origin of market portfolio traces back to theoretical postulates of Markowitz (1952), Sharpe (1964), Lintner (1965), Ross (1976), Fama and French (1996), etc. The literature review shows that there is conflicting evidence on the issue of international stock market linkages. In attempting to understand the international transmission mechanism of stock market movements, Eun & Shim (1989) estimated a nine-market vector-autoregressive system using daily rates of return on the stock market indices from the period January 1980 through December 1985. The daily return data from the nine markets viz. Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Japan, Switzerland, United Kingdom, and United States were used. The study found that a substantial amount of interdependence exists among national stock markets. The U.S. stock market is found to be, by far, the most influential market in the world. No national stock market is nearly as influential as the U.S. in terms of its capability of accounting for the error variances of other markets. Taking the sample of the eight countries viz. Canada, Germany, France, Netherlands, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Japan and United States, Cochran & Mansur (1991) uses Pairwise Granger tests to investigate the effects of uni-directional causality, bi-directional causality, and contemporaneous adjustment in the determination of market rates of return. The first differences of weekly returns are used in the empirical analysis and the causality tests are performed on an annual basis over the 1980-89 time frame, as well as for the sub-periods 198089, 1980-85III, and 1985IV- 89 periods. The study found the existence of significant unidirectional and bi-directional effects which suggests that the international equity markets are not completely integrated. They conclude that international diversification can result in a reduction in portfolio risk, however, due to the apparent instability in the level of capital market integration, the ability to diversify internationally may vary over time. A paper by (Ahmad, Ashraf, & Ahmed, 2005) analyses the inter linkages and causal between the Nasdaq composite index of US, the Nikkei of Japan with that of NSE Nifty and BSE Sensex in India during the period January 1999 to August 2004 using daily closing data. The study using the Co-integration test and Granger causality test found out that there was no longterm relation (no co-integration) of the Indian equity market with that of US and Japanese however, the US and Japanese market had the short-term causal influence over Indian stock market for the study period. In an attempt to understand the volatility of market returns, Fayyad & Daly (2010) did a comparative study of United Arab Emirates (UAE) equity market , Kuwait Equity market with the equity markets of United States of America (USA), United Kingdom (UK). Taking the data from the period between 5th October, 2005 through 5th October, 2009, MGARCH model was used in the modeling. The study found the volatility for the emerging markets of Kuwait and UAE are more volatile than the advanced markets of USA and UK over the study period. The study also found that UAE market is relatively highly correlated with the advanced markets return of UK and USA comparing to Kuwait market which is highly bidirectional correlated to the regional markets in the Gulf area. Singh & Singh (2010) analyses of the linkages of stock markets of U.S., U.K., Japan, Hong Kong with Chinese and Indian markets by using the correlation test, Granger causality and the co-integration test applying Error Correction Model. The study found both Chinese and Indian markets are correlated with all four developed markets under study namely U.S., U.K., Japan and Hong Kong. Subhani, Hasan, Mehar, & Osman (2011) studied the daily co-movement of the four Indices comprising of KSE-100 from Karachi Stock Exchange (Pakistan), BSE Sensex (India), DSE Composite Index (Bangladesh), and NSE Index (Nepal) was examined by using the Johansen co-integration analysis for the period of May-1995 to May-2011. The study found that there is linkage of stock prices between Karachi Stock Exchange and the stock prices of Dhaka Stock Exchange, while KSE is not co-integrated with the neither India nor Nepal. In a paper by Singh & Sharma (2012) studying the linkages between the Stock exchanges of Brazil, Russia, India and China found that the Russian, Indian and Brazilian stock exchanges affects each other and get affected by their own return but none of these affect Chinese stock exchange. The Granger’s causality model, Vector Auto Regression (VAR) model and Variance Decomposition Analysis were performed by using the data of 60 months from 1st April, 2005 through 31st March, 2010. Tripathi & Sethi (2012) found positive and significant correlation of Indian market with the Brazil, Hungary, Taiwan, Mexico, Poland and South Africa. The study uses the daily closing index value of the leading indices of the above countries for the period from January 1, 1992 to December 31, 2009. The study uses the co-integration framework to examine the long-run relationships while the Granger causality tests were used to test the short term causality. The stock markets integration has been analysed by researchers ( (Vanitha, Srinivasan, & Karpagam, 2011); (Lamba, 2008); (Agmon, 1972); (Hilliard, 1968); (Tripathi, Seth, & Kumar, 2013); (Roca, Selvanathan, & William, 1998); (Daly, 2003); (Yang, Khan, & Pointer, 2003); (Dhal, 2009), etc. The interlinkages has been checked with equity markets of both developed and the emerging markets. The results have been found mixed evidence in the study above mentioned Objective: The following are the objectives of the study undertaken: (i) To find whether Indian stock market is inter-linked with the leading Asian markets in the long-run. (ii) To determine the short-term relationship between the Indian stock market and the stock market of the two leading major Asian markets Methodology: Sample: The present study is based on a time-series of daily data for the period March 01, 2007 to August 31, 2014. The Table 1 shows the sampled stock exchanges and their respective details. TABLE 1 Stock Exchange and Stock Indices Sl. No Country Stock exchanges Index Symbol 1 India Bombay Stock Exchange Sensex Sensex 2 India National Stock Exchange S&P CNX Nifty Nifty 3 Japan Japan Stock Exchange Nikkei 225 Nikkei 4 Hong Kong Hong Kong Stock Exchange Hang Seng Hangseng Data: The daily closing prices for Nifty and Sensex are collected from nseindia.com and bseindia.com respectively. The data for Nikkei and Hangseng index are taken from Investing.com. The daily returns in the sample stock markets are matched by the calendar date. The holidays and days with no trading have been omitted from the paired series. Thus, if there is a holiday in any of the country the data have been removed for both the countries – the Hong Kong and India and similarly Japan and India. To make the paired series comparable and the observation equal, the equity price changes has therefore been calculated from the last day when both the markets are open. The period is divided into two sets of years i.e. 2007-2010 and 2011-2014 in order the capture the effect and movement of stock exchanges with each other during different sub periods. The first sub-period 2007-2010 represents the global economic crisis period while the period 2011-2014 represents the recovery of the global economic crisis. Tools used: In order to achieve the objective of the paper, the following tests were undertaken: 1) Testing for stationarity of the data is done by using the Augmented Dickey-Fuller method (ADF) and Philips-Perron (PP) tests. 2) For Causality Test, the Co-integration test and Granger test is used to identify whether one series has a significant explanatory power for the other series or not. 3) The daily return of the index are calculated by taking the natural logarithm of the daily closing price relatives as follows r = ln(Pt/Pt-1) x 100 where, ln is the natural log, Pt is the closing price of today and Pt-1 is the closing price of the previous trading day. Hypotheses: (a) H01: Nikkei does not Granger-cause Nifty or Sensex, and Hangseng does not Grangercause Nifty or Sensex. (b) H02: There is no co-integration between Japanese and Indian equity markets or between the Hong Kong and Indian equity markets. Empirical Analysis: Unit Root Test Results: Table 2 and 3 summarises the results of the unit root tests for the indices series and the return of the indices respectively. The ADF and PP tests for stationarity are applied in three forms: without drift and time trend; with drift and no time trend and with drift and time trend. All the three forms to test the series for stationarity have estimated and found that the results are invariant to the model specification except minor differences in the ADF and PP values. Therefore, only the results of ADF and PP tests based on drift and without time trend are reported in the Table 2 and 3. It can be concluded that the index series are non-stationary in the total time periods as well as sub-periods 2007-2010 and sub-period 2011-2014. Whereas the unit root test results for the return series show that the stock markets are stationary. The same results are obtained by both the ADF and PP tests indicating the robustness of the findings. TABLE 2 Unit Root Test Results for the Indices ADF Test Statistics PP Test Statistics 2007-2014 2007-2010 2011-2014 2007-2014 2007-2010 2011-2014 Nifty -1.0883 -1.1865 0.2091 -0.7768 -1.1713 0.3003 Sensex -0.9755 -1.1518 0.6122 -0.6600 -1.1276 0.4478 Nikkei -1.8008 -1.5654 -0.3634 -1.7542 -1.6756 -0.3960 Hangseng -2.2777 -1.5698 -1.8916 -2.2849 -1.6066 -1.8901 Note: MacKinnon critical values for the rejection of unit root test at 1% are -3.4340,-3.4377 and -3.4382 for the respective sample sizes Variables TABLE 3 Unit Root Test Results for the Returns ADF Test Statistics PP Test Statistics 2007-2014 2007-2010 2011-2014 2007-2014 2007-2010 2011-2014 RNifty -8.7568 -10.5117 -26.6556 -39.7386 -28.8232 -26.6356 RSensex -8.5946 -10.5185 -10.4074 -39.2903 -28.4828 -26.3200 RNikkei -30.7096 -6.8488 -29.4918 -41.5737 -29.5630 -29.4914 RHangseng -7.5511 -6.2869 -28.5677 -41.7216 -30.2906 -28.5677 Note: MacKinnon critical values for the rejection of unit root test at 1% are -3.4340,-3.4377 and -3.4382 for the respective sample sizes ADF-Augmented Dickey Fuller Test statistics, PP-Philip Perron Test statistic Null Hypothesis: the series in non-stationary Variables Co integration Test Results To check the long-term relationship, the Johansen co-integration test between the indices for the total time periods as well as the two sub-periods was conducted. Two variables will be cointegrated if they have a long-term, or equilibrium relationship between them (Gujarati, Porter, & Gunasekar, 2009). The Johansen method is applied in the present study. The method can be illustrated by suing the following general autoregressive representation for the vector Y. ππ‘ = π΄1 ππ‘−1 + … . . +π΄2 ππ‘−2 + . … + . . . . π΄π ππ‘−π + ππ‘ … . . (1) Where, Yt is a (n x 1) vector on non-stationary I(1) variables, p is the number of lags, Ιt is an independently and identically distributed n-dimentional vector with zero mean and variance matrix The above equation can be reparametrized and turned into a vector correction model as: π−1 βππ‘ = πππ‘−1 + ∑ ππ βππ‘−π + ππ‘ … … … … … . (2) π=1 Where, π π = −(πΌ − ∑ π΄π ) … … .. (3) π=1 And, π ππ = − ∑ π΄π … … … . (4) π=π+1 The π can be interpreted as a long-run coefficient matrix, since in equilibrium, all the ΔYt-p will be zero, and setting the error terms, Ιt, to their expected value of zero will leave π ΔYt-p = 0. The key feature in (2) is the rank of the matrix π, the rank of π is equal to the number of independent cointegrating vectors. The Johansen test centres on the examination of the π matrix via eigen values. If the rank π = 0, the matrix is null and (2) becomes the usual VAR model in first difference. If the rank π = 1, there is a single cointegrating vector and the expression πY t-1 is the error correction term. For other cases in which 1<rank(π)<n, there are multiple cointegrating vectors. We can obtain the estimates of π and its characteristics roots. To test for the number of characteristics roots that are significantly different from unity can be conducted using the Trace test and Maximum Eigenvalue statistics (Enders, 2010). TABLE 4 Johansen Co-integration Test between India and Japan (Nifty -Nikkei) Period 2007-2014 2007-2010 2011-2014 Hypothesized No. of CE(s) Trace Statistics Critical Value Prob value Maximum Eigenvalue Statistics Critical Value Prob value None At most 1 None At most 1 None At most 1 7.512064 0.435645 4.937078 1.467575 3.375622 0.067123 15.49471 3.841466 15.49471 3.841466 15.49471 3.841466 0.5189 0.5092 0.8155 0.2257 0.9473 0.7956 7.076419 0.435645 3.469504 1.467575 3.308499 0.067123 14.2646 3.841466 14.2646 3.841466 14.2646 3.841466 0.4801 0.5092 0.9106 0.2257 0.9241 0.7956 * significant at 5% TABLE 5 Johansen Co-integration Test between India and Japan (Sensex -Nikkei) Period Hypothesized No. of CE(s) Trace Statistics Critical Value Prob value Maximum Eigenvalue Statistics Critical Value Prob value None At most 1 None At most 1 None At most 1 7.189243 0.393258 4.630512 1.326443 4.341733 0.186825 15.49471 3.841466 15.49471 3.841466 15.49471 3.841466 0.556 0.531 0.847 0.249 0.874 0.666 6.795985 0.393258 3.304069 1.326443 4.154908 0.186825 14.2646 3.84147 14.2646 3.84147 14.2646 3.84147 0.5136 0.5306 0.9245 0.2494 0.8427 0.6656 20072014 20072010 20112014 * significant at 5% TABLE 6 Johansen Co-integration Test between India and Hong Kong (Nifty-Hangseng) Period Hypothesized No. of CE(s) None At most 1 None 2007-2010 At most 1 None 2011-2014 At most 1 * significant at 5% 2007-2014 Trace Statistics Critical Value Prob value Maximum Eigenvalue Statistics Critical Value Prob value 6.669873 0.397283 5.983724 2.022611 8.572013 0.005283 15.49471 3.841466 15.49471 3.841466 15.49471 3.841466 0.616 0.529 0.698 0.155 0.406 0.941 6.27259 0.397283 3.961113 2.022611 8.56673 0.005283 14.2646 3.84147 14.2646 3.84147 14.2646 3.84147 0.579 0.529 0.863 0.155 0.324 0.941 TABLE 7 Johansen Co-integration Test between India and Hong Kong (Sensex-Hangseng) Period Hypothesized No. of CE(s) None At most 1 None 2007-2010 At most 1 None 2011-2014 At most 1 * significant at 5% 2007-2014 Trace Statistics Critical Value Prob value Maximum Eigenvalue Statistics Critical Value Prob value 6.703192 0.265222 5.668937 1.731326 10.2732 0.000189 15.49471 3.841466 15.49471 3.841466 15.49471 3.841466 0.612 0.607 0.734 0.188 0.26 0.991 6.437969 0.265222 3.937611 1.731326 10.27301 0.000189 14.2646 3.84147 14.2646 3.84147 14.2646 3.84147 0.5577 0.6066 0.8659 0.1882 0.1946 0.9908 Co integration Test Results: Relationship between Japanese Market and Indian market: To check the long-term relationship between India and Japanese Equity markets the Johansen co-integration test between Nifty and Nikkei was first tested as shown in the Table 4. The test is applied on the non-stationary indices series. There is no evidence of co-integration at 5 percent levels as indicated by trace statistics test in all the three periods. Similar results are obtained from the Maximum Eigenvalue test in all the three periods among the two markets. A similar test was conducted between Sensex and Nikkei. The results remain the same (Table 5) as indicated both by trace statistics as well as Maximum Eigenvalue test for all the three periods. Relationship between Hong Kong Market and Indian market: As shown in the Table 6, to check the long-term relationship between India and Hong Kong Equity markets, the Johansen co-integration test between Nifty and Hangseng was first tested. The test is applied on the non-stationary indices series. There is no evidence of cointegration at 5 percent levels as indicated by trace statistics test in all the three periods. Similar results are obtained from the Maximum Eigenvalue test in all the three periods among the two markets. A similar test was conducted between Sensex and Hangseng. The results remain the same (Table 7) as indicated both by trace statistics as well as Maximum Eigenvalue test for all the three periods. Therefore it can be concluded that there is no long-term relationship between Indian and Japanese markets as well as with the Hong Kong Market over the study periods. Granger Causality Test Result: Granger causality test shows the short-term relationship of precedence among variables. It is applied on the stationary series. Hence, it is applied on the daily return series. Thus, Granger causality test is conducted to further analyse the significance and direction of causality between Japanese and Indian markets and Hong Kong and Indian markets. According to Granger (1969), this test will answer the question of whether X causes Y. Y is said to be Granger-caused by X if X helps in the prediction of Y, or equivalently if the coefficient on the lagged X are statistically significant. To show that X Granger cause Y, first step is to consider an autoregression for Y. Next, lagged values of X are added as the extra independent variables. Granger Causality test results are very sensitive to the number of lags used in the analysis. There are different criteria for specifying the lag length. This study adopts Schwartz information criterion (SIC) in which lag 2 is found to be the optimal lag for the total time periods; for sub-periods 2007-2010 and 2011-2014, the optimal lags are found to be lag 1.The equation for the pair-wise Granger causality tests are as follow: π π ππ‘ = ∑ πΌπ ππ‘−π + ∑ π½π ππ‘−π + π1π‘ π=1 π=1 π π ππ‘ = ∑ ππ ππ‘−π + ∑ πΏπ ππ‘−π + π2π‘ π=1 … … … … … . (5) … … … … . . . (6) π=1 where, Xt and Yt = daily stock market index return for country X and Y respectively; μ1t and μ2t are uncorrelated error term at time t with zero means and finite variance, i and j are number of lags and n is the suitable maximum number of lagged observation included in the model which is a positive integer. The F test is used to test the hypotheses of the Granger Causality as follow: H0a: βj = 0; the null hypothesis that Yt does not Granger-cause Xt is rejected if βj’s, j > 0 in (5) are jointly different from zero using the F test. Similarly, H0b: δj = 0; the null hypothesis that Xt does not Granger-cause Yt is rejected if δj’s, j > 0 in (6) are jointly significantly different from zero using the F test. As such, the null hypothesis is rejected if the computed F-value exceeds the critical F value at the chosen level of significance (0.05). This implies that X does Granger cause Y. The test is performed in pair-form between Japan and India as well as between Hong Kong and India. TABLE 8 Pair-wise Granger Causality Tests Total period (2007-2014) Null Hypothesis: RSENSEX does not Granger Cause RNIFTY RNIFTY does not Granger Cause RSENSEX RNIKKEI does not Granger Cause RNIFTY RNIFTY does not Granger Cause RNIKKEI RHANGSENG does not Granger Cause RNIFTY RNIFTY does not Granger Cause RHANGSENG RNIKKEI does not Granger Cause RSENSEX RSENSEX does not Granger Cause RNIKKEI RHANGSENG does not Granger Cause RSENSEX RSENSEX does not Granger Cause RHANGSENG RHANGSENG does not Granger Cause RNIKKEI RNIKKEI does not Granger Cause RHANGSENG Observation 1674 1674 1674 1674 1674 1674 F-Statistic 52.1791 2.79517 0.34619 27.8623 0.02573 18.4098 0.40572 31.1843 0.07695 24.0267 16.3598 0.30818 Prob. 1.00E-22* 0.0614 0.7074 1.00E-12* 0.9746 1.00E-08* 0.6666 5.00E-14* 0.9259 5.00E-11* 9.00E-08* 0.7348 Granger causality in the total time period (2007-2014): The results of the granger causality test of the total time periods are summarized in the Table 8 and it indicates whether there exists significant Granger Causality and if it exists, then in which direction such causality exists among the various stock markets. The Table elucidates that significant unidirectional causality are found between six pairs. The sensex has influenced all the stock market indices viz. the Nifty, Nikkei and Hangseng. The Nifty has also influenced both the Japanese and Hong Kong markets. However Nifty does not influenced the Sensex. The Table also depicts that Hangseng influenced the Nikkei. Hence in the total time periods under study, it is found that there is a significant unidirectional influenced from the Indian Stock Markets to the two major major Asian markets. TABLE 9 Pair-wise Granger Causality Tests (2007-2010) Null Hypothesis: RSENSEX does not Granger Cause RNIFTY RNIFTY does not Granger Cause RSENSEX RNIKKEI does not Granger Cause RNIFTY RNIFTY does not Granger Cause RNIKKEI RHANGSENG does not Granger Cause RNIFTY RNIFTY does not Granger Cause RHANGSENG Observation 865 865 865 F-Statistic 6.72026 6.09985 0.13985 37.5966 0.01616 18.961 Prob. 0.0097* 0.0137* 0.7085 1.00E-09* 0.8989 1.00E-05* RNIKKEI does not Granger Cause RSENSEX RSENSEX does not Granger Cause RNIKKEI RHANGSENG does not Granger Cause RSENSEX RSENSEX does not Granger Cause RHANGSENG RHANGSENG does not Granger Cause RNIKKEI RNIKKEI does not Granger Cause RHANGSENG 865 865 865 0.02302 41.6837 0.03132 20.224 30.8786 0.01433 0.8794 2.00E-10* 0.8596 8.00E-06* 4.00E-08* 0.9048 Granger causality in the sub-period (2007-2010): The results of the granger causality test of the sub-period (2007-2010) are summarized in the Table 9. The Table elucidates that null hypothesis of no granger causality is rejected in case of Nifty and Sensex. It means that both ways causality exists in these two stock markets in the sub-period. As shown in the Table, the result reveals that there is a significant unidirectional influenced from Indian stock market (both Sensex as well as Nifty) to the Japanese and Hong Kong Markets. In this sub-period, Hangseng influenced the Nikkei. TABLE 10 Pair-wise Granger Causality Tests (2011-2014) Null Hypothesis: RSENSEX does not Granger Cause RNIFTY RNIFTY does not Granger Cause RSENSEX RNIKKEI does not Granger Cause RNIFTY RNIFTY does not Granger Cause RNIKKEI RHANGSENG does not Granger Cause RNIFTY RNIFTY does not Granger Cause RHANGSENG RNIKKEI does not Granger Cause RSENSEX RSENSEX does not Granger Cause RNIKKEI RHANGSENG does not Granger Cause RSENSEX RSENSEX does not Granger Cause RHANGSENG RHANGSENG does not Granger Cause RNIKKEI RNIKKEI does not Granger Cause RHANGSENG Observation 810 810 810 810 810 810 F-Statistic 261.207 2.83477 0.00123 12.2582 0.06158 19.4152 0.2585 14.6832 0.3862 41.507 0.69436 1.70709 Prob. 4.00E-51* 0.0926 0.972 0.0005* 0.8041 1.00E-05* 0.6113 0.0001* 0.5345 2.00E-10* 0.4049 0.1917 Granger causality in the sub-period (2011-2014): The results of the Granger causality test of the sub-period (2011-2014) are summarized in the Table 10. As shown in the Table, the result reveals that there is a significant unidirectional influenced from Indian stock market (both Sensex as well as Nifty) to the Japanese and Hong Kong Markets. The sensex has influenced all the stock market indices viz. the Nifty, Nikkei and Hangseng. The Nifty has also influenced both the Japanese and Hong Kong markets. However Nifty does not influenced the Sensex. Hence in the sub-period (2011-2014), it is found that there is a significant unidirectional influenced from the Indian Stock Markets to the two major Asian markets. Conclusion: This paper examined the long-term and short-term inter-linkages of the Indian stock market with the two major Asian markets viz. Nikkei of Tokyo Stock Exchange in Japan and Hangseng of Hong Kong Stock Exchange in Hong Kong over the period of March 2007 through August 2014 using daily data. The time period was divided into two sub periods 2007-2010 and 2011-2014 so as to check the changes in the inter-linkages if any, over the period of study. The study found that there is no long-term relation (no co-integration) of the Indian equity market with that of the Japanese and Hong Kong equity markets. Further, Sensex and Nifty have a shortterm causal influence over the Nikkei and Hangseng for the total time period 2007-2014. Taking the sub-periods also the causal relationship remains unidirectional from Indian equity market to the Japanese and Hong Kong equity market. The study therefore concludes that both short-term and long run inter-linkages of Indian Stock market with the advanced Asian stock market under the study period fail to show any increase over the period despite the pace of globalization and various efforts undertaken. 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