Rubric for Grading Castle Blueprints

SIP Castle Blueprints
Name_________________________ Due Date_______ In on time?_____ Penalty Points?____
1 pt. each
1 pt. each
1 pt. each
1 pt. each
1 square of graph
paper = 10 square
Castle drawn is a polygon
of at least 5 sides.
The outer walls of the castle have a
perimeter of 2000 feet.
The outer walls of the castle have a
perimeter of 2000 feet. (Counts
Floor plan includes stairs, 4
towers, inner bailey,
garderobe, bedrooms.
Perimeter of outer walls is labeled.
Purpose of each room is written.
Additional castle parts
added to required ones.
Evidence of ruler being used –lines
are very straight.
Extra: noted here
Floor plan includes
kitchen, chapel,
great hall, master
4 pages of graph
paper used
Total Points__________
Saves important information
Exercises the intellect
1-3 points-L
4-6 points-P
7-8 points-M (worth 1 Merit)
9-12 points-E (worth 1 additional Merit)
SIP Castle Blueprints
Name_________________________ Due Date_______ In on time?_____ Penalty Points?____
1 pt. each
1 pt. each
1 pt. each
1 pt. each
1 square of graph
paper = 10 square
Castle drawn is a polygon
of at least 5 sides.
The outer walls of the castle have a
perimeter of 2000 feet.
The outer walls of the castle have a
perimeter of 2000 feet. (Counts
Floor plan includes stairs, 4
towers, inner bailey,
garderobe, bedrooms.
Perimeter of outer walls is labeled.
Purpose of each room is written.
Additional castle parts
added to required ones.
Evidence of ruler being used –lines
are very straight.
Extra: noted here
Floor plan includes
kitchen, chapel,
great hall, master
4 pages of graph
paper used
Total Points__________
Saves important information
Exercises the intellect
1-3 points-L
4-6 points-P
7-8 points-M (worth 1 Merit)
9-12 points-E (worth 1 additional Merit)