Cranial Nerve Table

Major Branches
Distribution +/or Fxn
CN I (Olfactory)
Nasal cavity -> cribiform plate of
ethmoid bone -> brain
Nasal mucous membrane
CN II (Optic)
Retina -> optic foramen -> optic canal
-> optic chiasm -> optic tract -> brain
Retina of eye
CN III (Oculomotor)
Lateral wall of cavernous sinus ->
superior orbital fissure -> orbit
1. Levator palpebrae superioris (upper eyelid)
2. Superior, medial + inferior rectus
3. Inferior oblique
Synapse in ciliary ganglion! Postsynaptic
parasympathetics jump from here to CN V1! (short
ciliary nerves -> iris + lens [ciliary body])
CN IV (Trochlear)
Lateral wall of cavernous sinus ->
superior orbital fissure -> orbit
Superior oblique m.
CN V (Trigeminal)
Pons -> dura mater (trigeminal
ganglion w/ psuedounipolar cell
(Mostly general somatic afferent!)
V1: Ophthalmic
Lateral wall of cavernous sinus ->
superior orbital fissure -> orbit
V2: Maxillary
Cavernous sinus -> foramen
rotundum ->
o Pterygopalatine fossa
1. Frontal
 Supratrochlear n. (goes along
medial aspect of orbit)
 Supraorbital n. (goes through
supraorbital notch/foramen)
Skin of face + scalp
2. Lacrimal
(Innervated by CN VII!)
3. Nasociliary
 Posterior ethmoidal
 Anterior ethmoidal
 Infratrochlear
 Long ciliary
Mucosa of nasal cavity, globe of eye (sclera, cornea)
Pterygopalatine ganglion!
1. Greater palatine (anterior)
2. Lesser palatine (posterior)
Mucosal lining of hard palate
Mucosal lining of soft palate
3. Zygomatic
o Zygomaticotemporal
o Zygomaticofacial
V3: Mandibular
Inferior orbital fissure ->
infraorbital foramen -> face
Sphenopalatine (goes through
sphenopalatine foramen)
CN VI (Abducens)
Lateral wall of cavernous sinus ->
superior orbital fissure -> orbit
CN VII (Facial)
Internal auditory meatus -> facial
canal in petrous part of temporal
Nasal septum, lateral aspect of nasal cavity (septal
branch + lateral nasal branch)
5. Superior alveolar
Gums + teeth of upper jaw
6. Infraorbital (goes through
infraorbital foramen)
Skin of face (lower eyelid, nose, upper lip)
Foramen ovale -> infratemporal fossa 1. Auriculotemporal
While we're here, the middle
meningeal artery (MMA) + dural
branch of mandibular n. travel
through foramen spinosum
Skin over temple + bony part of cheek
o Innervates lacrimal gland
Auricle, external acoustic meatus, superficial skin in
temporal region
2. Buccal branch (of V)
3. Meningeal
4. Motor
Tensor tympani, tensor veli palatini, muscles of
mastication (masseter, temporalis, medial + lateral
5. Lingual
Mucosa of oral cavity + ant. 2/3 tongue (general
sensory), parasymp fibers from chorda tympani branch
of CN VII to submandibular ganglion (postganglionic
innervate submandibular + sublingual glands)
6. Nerve to the mylohyoid
Mylohyoid, anterior belly of digastric (comes from 1st
pharyngeal arch => V3!)
7. Inferior alveolar
 Mental n.
Gums + teeth of lower jaw
 Skin of face over chin
Lateral rectus m.
1. Parasymp to lacrimal gland
Preganglionic parasymp to pterygopalatine ganglion
(postganglionic => CN V1+V2 to reach lacrimal gland)
bone -> stylomastoid foramen -> face
From geniculate ganglion through
pterygoid canal
CN X (Vagus)
2. Chorda tympani
Through middle ear cavity to exit infratemporal fossa;
joins lingual branch of CN V3; preganglionic parasymp
fibers end in submandibular ganglion
3. Terminal branches (Temporal,
Zygomatic, Buccal, Mandibular,
Muscles of facial expression
"Two Zebras Bit My Coccyx"
4. Greater petrosal
Postsynaptic parasymps to lacrimal gland, palate, nasal
cavity, maxillary sinus
Internal auditory meatus -> inner ear 1. Vestibular
Jugular foramen -> neck
Special sensory structures in the ear
2. Cochlear
Hearing + equilibrium
1. Carotid
Carotid sinus + body
2. Parasympathetic
Preganglionic parasymp to otic ganglion (-> parotid
gland via branch of CN V3)
o Lesser petrosal nerve
3. Motor
4. Terminal branches
Mucosa of pharynx + posterior 1/3 of tongue (general
sensory + taste)
Jugular foramen -> neck -> thorax ->
All pharyngeal muscles except stylopharyngeus (CN IX)
1. Pharyngeal
All palatine muscles except tensor veli palatini (CN V3)
2. Superior laryngeal
 Internal laryngeal
 External laryngeal
Mucosa of larynx from inlet to vocal cords
Cricothyroid m.
3. Cardiac
Ends in ganglia of cardiac plexus; postganglionic fibers
supply parasymp innervation to heart
CN XI (Accessory)
 Cranial
 Spinal
4. Recurrent laryngeal
Mucosa of larynx below vocal cords; all laryngeal m.
except cricothyroid (external laryngeal n.)
1. Distributed through pharyngeal +
recurrent laryngeal branches to…
Muscles of pharynx, palate + larynx
Jugular foramen to join CN X
Foramen magnum -> jugular foramen
-> posterior triangle of neck
2. Motor
CN XII (Hypoglossal) Hypoglossal canal -> neck
Sternocleidomastoid m., trapezius m.
All extrinsic + intrinsic muscles of tongue, except
palatoglossus (CN X)
Remember way back in the day when we were learning "PEMDAS" (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction) in math?
o Ventral
o Efferent
o Motor