HARTNELL COLLEGE CURRICULUM COMMITTEE October 16, 2014, 2:00-4:30 PM Library Information Competency Room Agenda MEMBERS: Carol Kimbrough, (Chair), Larry Adams, James Beck, Theresa Carbajal, LaVerne Cook, Mary Cousineau, Mary Dominguez, Jeanne Hori-Garcia, Jason Hough, Debra Kaczmar, Stephanie Low, Jeff McGrath, Daniel Ortega, Mercedes Quintero, Deborah Stephens, Joe Welch, Ann Wright SUPPORT STAFF: Ruby Garcia, Belen Gonzales I. ADOPTION OF AGENDA: (Note: the order of the agenda is modified as needed to accommodate presentation schedules or other circumstances related to the logical flow or efficiency of committee actions). II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES, 10/2/2014 MOTION: __________ III. CONSENT ITEMS a. COURSE INACTIVATIONS 1. CSS-121, Routing Protocols and LAN Switching (implementation date= F-2015) 2. INS-99, Occupational Work Experience 3. INS-199, Contemporary Issues in Ed b. NEW COURSES, JAJ/JFS 1. JAJ-153, Traffic Collision Investigations Intermediate, 2 units 2. JAJ-164, Crime Scene Investigation, 1 unit 3. JFS-214, Wildland Fire Chain Saws, 0.5 units MOTION: (items a, b) __________ IV. TWO READING ITEMS – SECOND READING, NO ACTION a. NEW COURSE, BUSINESS EDUCATION 1. BUS-43, Business Information Systems and Information Literacy, 4 units (Note: this is a revision of CSS-43 and will align with C-ID BUS-140): Modifications: prereq (ENG/ESL 101), advisory, description, objectives, content, MOE, materials, [SLOs], DE/Hybrid; new TOP code (change from 0701.00 to 0514.00), new designator (CSS > BUS); committee to determine status (new course or revision) MOTION: _________ PCA: _________ DE/HYBRID: _________ b. NEW COURSE, COMUPTER SCIENCE AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS 1. CSS-44, Computer Science & Information Systems, 4 units [prereq: ENG-101] (Note: this is also a revision of CSS-43; will align with C-ID ITIS-120; the descriptor for C-ID ITIS-140 is identical to C-ID BUS-140). Committee to determine if this represents a new course or a revision and if a new number is appropriate; course impacts several degree/certificate programs. MOTION: _________ PCA: _________ DE/HYBRID: _________ c. NEW COURSE, THEATRE ARTS 1. THA-41, Fundamentals of Costume Design, 3 units [C-ID 174], eligible for audit MOTION: _________ d. NEW PROGRAM, ASSOCIATE IN ARTS IN SPANISH FOR TRANSFER DEGREE MOTION: _________ CURRICULUM COMMITTEE Agenda 10/16/2014 V. TWO READING ITEMS – FIRST READING, NO ACTION a. NEW COURSES: CSS 1. CSS-120B, Routing and Switching Essentials, 4 units [prereq: CSS-120A] 2. CSS-120C, Scaling Networks, 4 units b. NEW COURSE, THA 1. THA-2, Script Analysis, 3 units [C-ID THTR-114] VI. ONE READING ITEMS – ACTION a. COURSE REVISIONS 1. BIO-1, Fundamental Biological Concepts, 5 units Modifications: content, materials, [SLOs] MOTION: _________ PCA _________ 2. BIO-6, Introductory Physiology, 3 units Modifications: one content item (integumentary system) to align with C-ID BIOL120 [last reviewed 3/27/2014] MOTION: _________ 3. BIO-47, Ecology, 4 units Modifications: objectives, content, MOI, materials, assignments (add DE/hybrid) MOTION: _________ DE/HYBRID _________ 4. CSS-120A, , Introduction to Networks, 4 units [formerly CSS-121A) Modifications: Title, number, description, objectives, content, materials, assignments MOTION: ________ DE/HYBRID _________ 5. CSS-120D, Connecting Networks, 4 units [formerly CSS-121C] Modifications: Title, prereq, description, objectives, content, MOE, materials, assignments MOTION: _________ PCA: _________ DE/HYBRID_________ 6. MUS-23.1, Hartnell Chorale – Renaissance/Baroque Emphasis, 1 unit Modifications: contact hours (3 hours lab) MOTION: _________ Advisory: _________ 7. MUS-23.2,Hartnell Chorale – Classic/Romantic Emphasis, 1 unit Modifications: contact hours (3 hours lab) MOTION: _________ Advisory: _________ 8. MUS-23.3, Hartnell Chorale – 20th Century Emphasis, 1 unit Modifications: contact hours (3 hours lab) MOTION: _________ Advisory: _________ 9. MUS-23.4, Hartnell Chorale – 20th Century Pops Emphasis, 1 unit Modifications: add lab content, assignments MOTION: _________ Advisory: _________ 10. MUS-23.5 Hartnell Chorale, 21st Century Emphasis, 1 unit Modifications: contact hours (3 hours lab) MOTION: _________ Advisory: _________ 2 *MOI, Methods of Instruction; MOE, Methods of Evaluation; tch, total contact hours; wch, weekly contact hours CURRICULUM COMMITTEE Agenda 10/16/2014 11. MUS 34.1, Symphony Orchestra – 18th Century Emphasis, 1 unit Modifications: description, content, materials, assignments, eligible for audit MOTION: _________ Advisory: _________ 12. MUS-34.2, Symphony Orchestra – 19th Century Emphasis, 1 unit Modifications: description, (lab) content, materials, assignments, eligible for audit MOTION: _________ Advisory: _________ 13. MUS-34.3, Symphony Orchestra – 20th Century Emphasis, 1 unit Modifications: description, materials, assignments [SLOs] MOTION: _________ Advisory: _________ 14. MUS-34.4, Symphony Orchestra – 20th Century “Pops” Emphasis, 1 unit Modifications: Title, description, (lab) content, assignments MOTION: _________ Advisory: _________ 15. MUS-34.5, Symphony Orchestra, 21st Century Emphasis, 1 unit Modifications: description, (lab) content, assignments; MOTION: _________ Advisory: _________ 16. POL-2, Contemporary Governments Abroad, 3 units Modifications: materials, advisory MOTION: _________ Advisory: _________ 17. POL-3, Introduction to International Relations, 3 units Modifications: description, objectives, content, materials, assignments MOTION: _________ Advisory: _________ 18. THA-30, Fundamentals of Theatre Design, 3 units [formerly THA-27] Modifications: number, title, contact hours, grading, description, objectives, content, MOI, MOE, materials, assignments; [align with C-ID 172] MOTION: _________ 19. THA-31, Stagecraft Practicum, 3 units [formerly THA-172] Modifications: number, title, units, contact hours, description, objectives, content, MOI, MOE MOTION: _________ 20. THA-42, Fundamentals of Stage Make-up, 3 units [formerly THA-186] Modifications: number, title, units, contact hours, grading, description, objectives, content, MOI, MOE, materials, [needs] assignments, [SLOs] Motion: _________ VII. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER a. Open VIII. ADJOURNMENT AND NEXT MEETING DATE a. Next meeting date: 10/30/2014 if needed 3 *MOI, Methods of Instruction; MOE, Methods of Evaluation; tch, total contact hours; wch, weekly contact hours