COURSE SYLLABUS – ENERGY SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Master Course Section Syllabus & Assessment of Student Learning INSTRUCTOR NAME OFFICE LOCATION OFFICE HOURS PHONE NUMBER E-MAIL ADDRESS Michael Houdak WWCC – Technology Building, 1215A Monday – Friday 7:00 – 8:00am, other times by appointment (o) 509 527 – 4252 (c) 509 301-5915 COURSE INFORMATION IDENTIFIER EST 264 TITLE Heating Systems & Heat Pumps TEXTBOOK Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Technology, 7e. Textbook Bill Whitman; Bill Johnson; John Tomczyk; Eugene Silberstein. ISBN: 9781133804192 with CourseMart for HVACR Students Delmar Online Training Simulator – HVAC HVAC Code Reference: DeWalt® 1e, ISBN 9780977718382 Combustion Analysis & Fuel Efficiency, ESCO, ISBN 1930044259 National Electrical Code (NEC) book Amatrol: Steam Systems eBook Handouts: will be available through course in the resource folder. A Green Technical Course CREDITS HOURS PER WEEK FORMAT LOCATION DAY/TIME 8 QUARTER CLOCK HOURS 120 LECTURE 40 LAB 80 10 Lecture/Demonstration/Lab/Web Enhanced WWCC – Technology Building ‘F’ Room 1213 TTh, Rm 1214 MW LECTURE: Mon. Wed. 10:30 – 12:20 AM Web Enhanced LAB: Mon. & Wed. 1:30 – 3:20 PM 24/7 Tue. & Thu. 10:30 – 12:20 AM COURSE DESCRIPTION Students gain an operational understanding required to install, maintain and repair heating equipment in residential and light commercial systems to include operations and analysis of system electrical and mechanical components for: electric, gas, oil, solar heat, hydronic and steam boilers and air-to-air and geothermal heat pumps. Students acquire knowledge of line and control electrical schematics, operational sequence and troubleshooting, venting, gas piping and National Electrical Code (NEC®) and Mechanical Code requirements. Students will take National Certification employment ready exams in electric heat, gas heat, and heat pumps. Prerequisite: EST 120 or instructor permission. STUDENT LEARNING ASSESSMENTS Attendance & Participation 25% Attendance and participation is a crucial component to technical training as it is in a job. Attendance and participation is a crucial component to technical training just as it is in a job. Two excused absences are allowed in this course. An excused absence is 814010323_R20140919 COURSE SYLLABUS – ENERGY SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Master Course Section Syllabus & Assessment of Student Learning a text, email of phone call up to one hour before class starts. An excused absence receives no attendance/participation points, but will receive no grade penalty. An unexcused absence receives no attendance/participation points for the day, and will result in a 3% overall grade reduction penalty per occurrence. A tardy or leaving early (1-15 minutes) will receive a 25% attendance/participation point deduction of your daily participation points. A tardy or leaving early ( 16 minutes) will be counted as an absence resulting in no attendance/participation points for the day, and a 3% deduction of your overall grade for the course. Note: The instructor discretion to forgive and absence on a by case basis, and any missed labs must be made up within one week, a scheduled make-up time must be made with the instructor. Assignments 25% Throughout the quarter you will be assigned vocabulary, reading, and various chapter questions, and online assignments as homework that will be graded. These assignments will be online and have a due date. Late completion will be deducted as follows: 1 day past due, 75% of score, 2 days past due 50% of score, late work will not be accepted after 3 days from the due date and you will receive a score of 0% for the assignment. Full completion of these assignments accounts for 25% of your overall grade. Web assignments will be online at, and Labs 30% Hands on lab is a vital part of your learning process, therefore it has the highest percentage of your grade. You will be assessed on safety in the lab, proper use of tools and procedure, and clean-up. There will be additional questions on for you to answer that must be completed within 24 hours of completing a lab. These questions reinforce your lab component. You will be discounted in lab if not using the lab tools that are listed on your syllabus. Any missed labs must be made up within 1 week, and must schedule a make-up time with instructor. Assessments Tests & Quizzes 20% Through out the quarter, you will be assigned written quizzes and tests as well as lab equipment troubleshooting test to measure your competency in the material studied as deemed necessary by the instructor. Your final exam is replaced with three National employment ready (ER) Certification [ERC] exams; 1) Electric Heat, 2) Gas Heat, and 3) Heat Pumps. All assessments will be 20% of your final grade. GRADING POLICY GRADE A AB+ PERCENTAGE 100 to 94% <94 to 90% <90 to 87% 814010323_R20140919 COURSE SYLLABUS – ENERGY SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Master Course Section Syllabus & Assessment of Student Learning B C F W I <87 to 80% <80to 70% <70 Fail Withdraw Incomplete No Credit, goes against your GPA, course will need to be retaken No credit, does not affect your GPA Must have completed 70% if work and have special arrangement to complete work. PREREQUISITE REQUIRED: None is required, but a good understanding of OTHER SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS & INFORMATION: HAND TOOLS and INSTRUMENTS: Course requires PPE-Safety glasses, light gloves, Digital Multimeter (DMM), Ammeter (clamp-on), Digital Thermometer, Psychrometer (measure wet-bulb temperature), and Manometer with accessories, Gauge Manifold Set, set of 2 jumper wires with alligator clips, and appropriate hand tools [hex wrenches (minimum 3/16”), 8” & 12” adjustable open end wrench, screwdriver (Phillips, flat blade, or 11-in-1, and miniature set), combination (minimum 3/8” & 7/16”) wrenches, pipe wrench (minimum 10”) level (6” or line level), battery drill set (or driver), drill bits set (or step bit). CLASSROOM INSTRUMENTS: Besides your textbook, a notebook, clear 12” plastic ruler, calculator (Texas Instruments TI-30xa), colored pencil set, pen and pencil, and a three-ring binder. NOTE: Computer access is required for this class. A Laptop computer or notebook is required. We will be looking up items together online. Lab computers are available for use on campus for web assignments. ETIQUETTE: Student is expected to show respect to others, and follow the student hand book code of conduct.. CELL PHONES, Smart phones, are to be turned to silent, or OFF during scheduled class times. It is disruptive to the instruction when phones go off. You MAY use your cell phone during scheduled breaks, within allotted break time. The EXCEPTION: If you are expecting an emergency call (wife is pregnant, and due anytime, a close family member is on their death bed, etc.) and this must be PRE-APPROVED by your instructor. In this case you may have your cell phone on “VIBRATE” only. In which case you receive a call, step out of the classroom or lab, into the hallway, or outside to take the call. NO texting, or surfing during scheduled class time (save it for breaks). LAB: Cell phones need to be on silent, NO calling during the lab time. You MAY use your smart phone to access information on systems in the lab, as compressor or equipment data, manufacture schematic, etc. You are NOT to receive calls during lab (see exception above) WORK, FIELDTRIPS, SEMINARS: See the above rules, you may check messages, or make calls, and text during scheduled breaks (NOTE: It is rude and interruptive to all when you receive calls during working in business, around customers, or when being instructed). Cell phones can be used for technical support, contacting the office, or vendors. Cell phones need to be turned to silent or vibrate during classroom and lab. Texting during class period will result in point reduction. Lap top computers used during class are to be used only for instruction related materials (email, or surfing the web will result in the computer being off during class period). Fieldtrips PPE required, and show professionalism, these are potential employers. EXTRA CREDIT: Variable point extra credit projects are available but total points cannot exceed more than 10% of your grade points. DISABILITIES: To request accommodations related to a disability, contact Claudia Angus, Ph.D., Coordinator of Disability Support Services, at 527-4262 or email A short video explaining Disability Support Services at WWCC can be viewed by clicking OTHER: Electrical Trainee Card: Reminder, students working in Washington state and working toward degree are required to have current WA-LNI Electrical Trainee Card on file with us. 814010323_R20140919 COURSE SYLLABUS – ENERGY SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Master Course Section Syllabus & Assessment of Student Learning INTENDED COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES: Draw Electrical Schematic Diagram of Forced Warm Air Electric Furnace Troubleshoot and state corrections of an electric furnace. Describe the operation of an air-to-air heat pump Analyze and adjust a water to air heat pump Trace the electrical circuits of a variety of heating systems. Troubleshoot, analyze, and discuss corrective measure for a variety of heating systems. Adjust the manifold pressure on a gas furnace. Explain proper venting for fossil fuel systems. Discuss oil fired system components and adjustments. Describe a hydronic system operation and maintenance procedure. Describe types of alternative heating systems. Identify types of air filtration means and explain both positive and negative aspects. List types of humidifiers and explain their necessity. Take a combustion test on fossil fuels heating system. Calculate and measure air flow in a heating system. COURSE DETAILED OUTLINE MODULE 1 TOPIC Electric Heat * o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 2 HANDOUTS & OTHER 30 Delmar 3D Online Training Simulator: Electric Heat Introduction Portable Heating Devices Radiant Heating Panels Electric Baseboard Heating Unit and Wall Heaters Electric Hydronic Boilers Central Forced-Air Electric Furnaces Automatic Controls for Forced-Air Electric Furnaces The Low-Voltage Thermostat Control Circuits for Forced-Air Electric Furnaces Blower Motor Circuits Contactors for Controlling Electric Furnaces Airflow for Electric Furnaces Technician Electric Heat Service Calls Electric Heat and the Code** Gas Heat * o o o o o o o o o TEXT UNIT Introduction to Gas-Fired Forced-Hot-Air Furnaces Types of Furnaces Gas Fuels Gas Combustion Gas Regulators Gas Valve Solenoid Valve Diaphragm Valve Heat Motor – Controlled Valve Cengage Coursemate Interactive Training Lab Worksheets NEC 31 Delmar 3D Online Training Simulator: Gas Furnace Cengage Coursemate Interactive Training 814010323_R20140919 COURSE SYLLABUS – ENERGY SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Master Course Section Syllabus & Assessment of Student Learning o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 3 Automatic Combination Gas Valve Manifold Orifice Burners Heat Exchangers Fan Switch Limit Switch Pilots Safety Devices at the Standing Pilot Ignition Systems Flame Rectification High-Efficiency Gas Furnaces Electronic Ignition Modules and Integrated Furnace Controllers Two-Stage Gas Furnaces Modulating Gas Furnaces Venting Gas Piping Gas Furnace Wiring Diagrams and Troubleshooting Flow Charts Troubleshooting the Pilot-Proving Device – The Thermocouple Troubleshooting Spark Ignition and Intermittent Pilot Systems Technician Gas Heat Service Calls Gas Heat and the Code** Combustion Analysis and Fuel Efficiency * Oil Heat o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Introduction to Oil-Fired, Forced-Warm-Air Furnaces Physical Characteristics Fuel Oils Oil Storage Fuel Oil Supply Systems Combustion Preparation of Fuel Oil for Combustion By-Products of Combustion Gun-Type Oil Burners Oil Furnace Wiring Diagrams Wiring Diagrams for Stack Switch Safety Control Wiring Diagrams for Cad Cell Safety Control Combustion Chamber Heat Exchanger Condensing Oil Furnace Service Procedures Combustion Efficiency Technician Oil Furnace Service Calls Oil Heat and the Code** Combustion Analysis & Fuel Efficiency Lab Worksheets NEC 32 Delmar 3D Online Training Simulator: Oil Furnace Cengage Coursemate Interactive Training Lab Worksheets NEC 814010323_R20140919 COURSE SYLLABUS – ENERGY SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Master Course Section Syllabus & Assessment of Student Learning 4 Hydronic Heat – Solar Heat o o o o o o o o o o o 5 Steam Boilers o o o o o o o Lab Skills Steam Trap Types Steam Trap Testing and Maintenance Air Vents Air Vent Installation Pressure Regulator Valve Operation Pressure Regulator Installation and Maintenance Heat Exchangers Temperature Regulation Condensate Pump Operation Condensate Pump Maintenance Globe Valves Check Valves Steam System Performance o o o 6 Safety Devices Water Column Blowdown Chemical Treatment Amatrol eBook EB528-XD00UEN-E1 Thermal and Process Control Steam Systems Condensate Recovery System o o o o A Boilers Types Boiler Subsystems Boiler Operation Boiler Pressure Temperature Control o o NEC Pressure Control o o Lab Worksheets Air and Condensate Control o Delmar 3D Online Training Simulator: Gas Boiler Cengage Coursemate Interactive Training Boiler Components o o o o 33 Introduction to Hydronic Heating The Heat Source The Basic Hydronic System The Point of No Pressure Change Other Hydronic System Components High-Temperature Hydronic Piping Systems Radiant, Low-Temperature Hydronic Piping Systems Combination (High and Low Temp) Piping Systems Tankless Domestic Hot Water Heaters Solar Heating as a Supplemental Heat Source Technician Hydronic Heat Service Calls Performance Measurement Effects of Air Troubleshooting Heat Pumps – Air Source * o o o o o o Reverse-Cycle Refrigeration Heat Sources for Winter The Four-Way Reversing Valve The Air-to-Air Heat Pump Refrigerant Line Identification Metering Devices Thermostatic Expansion Valve The Capillary Tube Combinations of Metering Devices Electronic Expansion Valves 43 Delmar 3D Online Training Simulator: Heat Pump Cengage Coursemate Interactive Training Lab Worksheets 814010323_R20140919 COURSE SYLLABUS – ENERGY SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Master Course Section Syllabus & Assessment of Student Learning o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 7 Orifice Metering Devices Liquid Line Accessories Application of the Air-to-Air Heat Pump Auxiliary Heat Balance Point Coefficient of Performance Split-System Air-to-Air Heat Pump The Indoor Unit Air-Temperature of Conditioned Air The Outdoor Unit Installation Package Air-to-Air Heat Pump Controls for the Air-to-Air Heat Pump The Defrost Cycle Indoor Fan Motor Control Servicing the Air-to-Air Heat Pump Troubleshooting Air-to-Air Heat Pumps Electrical System Mechanical Problems The Four-Way Valve The Compressor Checking the Charge Special Applications for Heat Pumps Heat Pumps Using Scroll Compressors Heat Pumps with Variable-Speed Motors Technician Heat Pump Service Calls Air-Source Heat Pumps and the Code** Geothermal Heat Pumps o o o o o o o o o o o o o Reverse-Cycle Refrigeration Geothermal Heat Pump Classifications Open-Loop Systems Water Quality Closed-Loop Systems Ground-Loop Configurations and Flows System Materials and Heat Exchange Fluids Geothermal Wells and Water Sources for Open-Loop Systems Water-to-Water Heat Pumps Troubleshooting Geothermal Heat Pumps Direct Geothermal Heat Pump Systems Technician Geothermal Service Calls Geothermal Heat Pumps and the Code** NEC 44 Cengage Coursemate Interactive Training Lab Worksheets NEC * These sections have National Certification Exams in the related area. ** These will reference the National Electrical Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, International Mechanical Code, and the . 814010323_R20140919