Planning and Preparation: ACCOMPLISHED (While “ACCOMPLISHED” is the goal, teachers may demonstrate evidence at all performance levels.) 1B - Demonstrating 1C - Setting Instructional 1D - Demonstrating 1E - Designing Coherent 1F - Designing Student Knowledge of Students Outcomes Knowledge of Resources Instruction Assessments Knowledge of Child and Value, Sequence, and Resources for Learning Activities Congruence with Adolescent Development Alignment Classroom Use Instructional Outcomes Instructional Materials and Resources Knowledge of the Learning Clarity Resources to Extend Criteria and Standards Process Content Knowledge and Balance Instructional Groups Design of Formative Pedagogy Knowledge of Students’ Assessments Suitability for Diverse Lesson and Unit Skills, Knowledge, and Resources for Students Learners Structure Use for Planning Language Proficiency Teacher displays awareness Most outcomes represent Teacher coordinates Teacher's plan for student Knowledge of Students’ Teacher displays solid of resources – not only Interests and Cultural rigorous and important knowledge of content, of assessment is aligned with knowledge of the important through the school and district Heritage learning in the discipline. students, and of resources, the instructional outcomes; concepts in the discipline and but also through sources to design a series of learning assessment methodologies Knowledge of Students’ the ways they relate to one external to the school and on All the instructional outcomes experiences aligned to may have been adapted for Special Needs another. the Internet – available for are clear, are written in the instructional outcomes and groups of students. classroom use, for the form of student learning, and suitable to groups of Teacher understands the active Teacher’s plans and practice expansion of his or her own suggest viable methods of students. Assessment criteria and nature of student learning and reflect accurate understanding of attains information about levels knowledge, and for students. assessment. standards are clear. Teacher The learning activities have prerequisite relationships among has a well-developed of development for groups of reasonable time allocations; topics and concepts. Outcomes reflect several strategy for using formative students. they represent significant different types of learning and assessment and has cognitive challenge, with The teacher also purposefully Teacher’s plans and practice opportunities for coordination. designed particular some differentiation for seeks knowledge from several reflect familiarity with a wide approaches to be used. different groups of students. sources of students’ range of effective pedagogical Outcomes take into account backgrounds, cultures, skills, approaches to the discipline. the varying needs of groups The lesson or unit has a Teacher intends to use language proficiency, interests, of students. clear structure, with assessment results to plan and special needs and attains appropriate and varied use of for future instruction for this knowledge about groups of groups of students. instructional groups. students. Sampling of Evidence for Domain 1 – Can include artifacts such as, but not limited to: 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F Lesson Plans Lesson Plans and Unit Plans Lesson Plans and Unit Plans Lesson/Unit plans identify Lesson Plans and Unit Plans Lesson Plans and Unit Plans materials & resources and Identify common core Plan differentiates Identify what students Includes coherent Includes formative and their sources. standard instruction to support all will learn and not just elements where summative students what they will do outcomes, activities, assessments for Identify prerequisite Provides a wide variety of materials, methods, and lessons and the unit knowledge Identifies how students will Outcomes include a mix materials gathered for groupings work together overall be grouped and the of different types (e.g., Identify how teacher will students’ learning needs reasons for the groups factual and procedural Includes coherent Assessments directly assess students knowledge, conceptual sequence of activities aligned with learning Identifies how needs of How plan fits with overall Records of guest speakers understanding, thinking that progress from outcomes students requiring unit plan and goals for year and/or field trips and reasoning skills, simple to complex additional support or Opportunities for Is pedagogical approach collaborative & enrichment will be met. Learning activities have students to design and appropriate to discipline? Integrates lessons/units found communication skills) reasonable time use assessments to Plan integrates student beyond the textbook and Outcomes aligned to allocations measure their own interests/cultural Unit Plans aligned with learning needs KCAS learning backgrounds Identifies level of Focus upon key standard or Outcomes important for cognitive demand that Evidence that lessons Plan includes support for set of standards Notes from workshops or grade level and subject activities place on are informed by ELL students or ECE Identify a series of lessons other professional learning students previous assessment students Outcomes reflect that build upon each other data several types of learning offered outside the school Includes student Includes both formative and Records of Student Needs grouping where Outcomes are summative assessments Websites or blogs created by Student Work appropriate and Teacher’s records track measurable Includes integration with teacher or used by teacher to identifies how and why Reveals information specific needs and Identifies how teacher other subjects enhance learning students are grouped about the success of interests of individual will assess students Identify prerequisite skills the lesson students How plan fits with Identifies connections to Includes strategy for overall and goals for the Teacher identifies how Teacher ensures records other subject areas addressing common year student work will inform are updated and accurate Outcomes differentiated misconceptions next lesson Allows for student by groups of students or choice individuals. Danielson Framework Domain 1: 1A - Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy Knowledge of Content and the Structure of the Discipline Knowledge of Prerequisite Relationships Knowledge of ContentRelated Pedagogy Danielson Framework Domain 4: 4A - Reflecting on Teaching Accuracy Use in Future Teaching Teacher makes an accurate assessment of a lesson’s effectiveness and the extent to which it achieved its instructional outcomes and can cite general references to support the judgment. Teacher makes a few specific suggestions of what could be tried another time the lesson is taught. Professional Responsibilities: ACCOMPLISHED (While “ACCOMPLISHED” is the goal, teachers may demonstrate evidence at all performance levels.) 4B - Maintaining Accurate 4C - Communicating with 4D - Participating in a 4E - Growing and 4F - Showing Records Families Professional Community Developing Professionally Professionalism Student Completion of Information About the Relationships with Enhancement of Integrity and Ethical Assignments Instructional Program Colleagues Content Knowledge and Conduct Pedagogical Skill Student Progress in Information About Involvement in a Culture Service to Students Learning Individual Students of Professional Inquiry Receptivity to Feedback Advocacy from Colleagues Non-Instructional Records Engagement of Families Service to the School Decision Making in the Instructional Service to the Participation in School Compliance with Teacher’s system for Program Profession and District Projects School and District maintaining information on Regulations student completion of Teacher communicates Teacher seeks out Teacher’s relationships with assignments, student progress frequently with families about opportunities for professional Teacher displays high colleagues are characterized in learning, and non-instructional the instructional program and development to enhance standards of honesty, by mutual support and records is fully effective. conveys information about content knowledge and integrity, and confidentiality cooperation; teacher actively individual student progress. pedagogical skill. in interactions with participates in a culture of colleagues, students and the professional inquiry. Teacher makes some Teacher welcomes feedback public. attempts to engage families from colleagues—either Teacher volunteers to Teacher is active in serving in the instructional program. when made by supervisors or participate in school events students, working to ensure when opportunities arise and in school and district that all students receive a Information to families is through professional projects, making a substantial fair opportunity to succeed. conveyed in a culturally collaboration. contribution. appropriate manner. Teacher maintains an open Teacher participates actively mind in team or in assisting other educators. departmental decisionmaking. Teacher complies fully with school and dist. regulation. Sampling of Evidence for Domain 4 – Can include artifacts such as, but not limited to: 4A 4B 4C Reflection considerations: Instructional Records Can include parent letters, handouts, emails, phone Does teacher regularly Has system for recording logs, blogs, newsletters and reflect on lessons and formal assessment results any other written units? of student learning and communication to parents less formal evaluations Reflections document that (quizzes and other teacher works to improve Considerations when formative assessments) lessons based on what reviewing written records: worked and didn’t work Keeps notes on student Frequency of teacher participation in class Reflections address communications with thinking about individual Can provide records to parents regarding the learners or groups of support claims about instructional program learners and how to better student progress and student progress meet their needs Provides adequate records Engagement of families to students/parents to Teacher cites examples in the instructional from lesson support student program grades/reports Teacher includes Opportunities for parent suggestions for Students involved in participation improvement creating and maintaining Clarity of teacher own records communication style Non-instructional Records Communications System for filing and appropriate to cultural recording permission slips backgrounds of families Tracking of student attendance Submits forms, money, and receipts on time and without error 4D Can include any written documentation (notes, agendas, logs, data analyzed in a community, project results, etc.) of teacher participation in professional communities, school events, and district projects Considerations when reviewing written records: Teacher willingness to participate in professional communities Impact of professional communities Level of leadership taken by the teacher Demand of the role played by the teacher Breadth and depth of teacher’s participation 4E Sample documentation: Professional development logs (includes an opportunity for teacher to comment on relevance of activity to their practice) Professional growth plans Notes from workshops and classes Agendas from meetings and study groups Action plans from committees Action research projects and plans Lists of periodicals, newsletters, and books read Articles and newsletters written by teacher Notes from lesson study groups Notes from peer coaching or teaching rounds 4F Rather than written artifacts, evidence from this component derives from observations of the teacher interacting with students, colleagues, and the public. Considerations when reviewing teacher professionalism: Interactions with colleagues, students, and the public Follow-through with commitments Implementation of methods to maintain confidentiality Compliance with school and district regulations Advocates on behalf of students Challenges negative attitudes Provides support or leadership to others in terms of advocacy of students