Reception long term planning TERM Themes Our commitment to positive relationships and recognition that every child is a unique child means that we will be sensitive and responsive to the child’s needs, feelings and interests. Autumn 1 Settling in/Baseline Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2 Autumn/ Weather/ Festivals Winter/ Weather/ Festivals Spring/ Living and Growing/ Festivals Summer/ Mini-beasts Summer/ Transition Communication and language. Wellcomm. Talking with new adults and children, answering register etc. Introduce RWI. Key Texts: The Gingerbread Man The Little Red Hen, Room on the Broom, Pumpkin Soup Nativity, Diwali, Eid stories. Embed RWI. Key Texts: Mrs Mopple’s washing line. When the Wind Blows. Jack Frost. Lost and Found. Embed RWI Key Texts: The Enormous Turnip, Billy’s sunflower, Secret in the Mist, Oliver’s Fruit/Vegetables, Titch Non-fiction: The Bean Diary Embed RWI Key Texts: The very Hungry caterpillar. The very angry ladybird Non-fiction Growing frogs Embed RWI Key Texts: Mr Gumpy’s Outing. Mr Gumpy’s Motor Car. Oi, Get off my Train Rhymes and songs with counting. Numicon as exploratory play. Recognising numbers of significance. Reciting numbers in order. Recognising simple 2D shapes. Understanding Numicon tiles. Counting 1-1. Recognising numbers to 10 and beyond. One more. Recognising simple 3D shapes. Using Numicon. Practical addition by counting all. One more/one less. Properties of 2D shapes Using Numicon. Practical addition by counting on from the largest number. One more/one less. Measures – height, length, weight. Using Numicon. Practical addition using Numicon tiles. Practical subtraction using Numicon tiles. One more/one less. Properties of 3D shapes Using Numicon. Practical addition. Practical subtraction. One more/one less. Everyday language of time. Using money. Material investigations – magnets, Leaves, acorns, conkers. Health and safety Week. Hand washing. Taking care project – body awareness. Changes of state through cooking: bread/soup/pumpkins Cooking utensils. Light and Dark. Seasonal Change. Changes of state through cooking: pancakes/chappatis Cooking utensils Seasonal change: Freezing, melting and thawing. Growing plants conditions for life. Visit to allotments. Changes of state through cooking: vegetables, fruit, salad. Healthy eating. Animals - minibeasts and their habitats. Lifecycles – caterpillars to butterflies, tadpoles to frogs Motion – friction slopes. Sun safety. Commonly used technology e.g. mobile phones, tills, CD player Laminator. Photocopier. Light Box. Bread-maker. Use of IWB. Microwave. Food Mixer. Camera, I Pad. Scales. Bee-bots – simple programming. Using Computer suite – Select and use technology for particular Reception long term planning etc. Introduce simple programmes on IWB. completing simple programs. purposes. Daily routines, birthdays Language of time: Now/next/later, today, days of the week Festivals. Language of time: day and night, months of the year, Language of time: New Year. Seasons. Yesterday, tomorrow, before and after Measuring growth over time. Language of time: longer, shorter, earlier, later Changes of state over time Language of time: hours e.g. 1 o’clock, 2 o’clock Looking back, looking forward Language of time: hours minutes, past, future. Becoming familiar with classroom layout, areas of the unit, finding the toilets and the office. Knowing the name of the school. Seasonal Changes Visiting another school – the journey, differences in environments. Seasonal Changes – decay and changes over time Seasonal Changes growth, and changes over time observations of living things. Care and concern – living things/environment Seasonal Changes Visiting Ryton Pools – the journey, the environment. Animal habitats. Observe/ care for living things Seasonal Changes Growth and changes over time – what/why they happen? Using and exploring paint, mark making and malleable materials Using and exploring clay. PVA glue. Salad Spinners Introduce paint mixing. Introduce clay tools 3D modelling Art work in the style of: using techniques used by different artists. Experiment with colour, design, texture, form and function Using and exploring malleable and construction materials. Understanding that tools and equipment need to be used safely. Pumpkin cutting/ hammering pegs Cutting up vegetables for soup Handle tools, objects, construction and malleable materials safely and with increasing control. Gardening equipment. 3D life cycles, litter bug, Incy Wincy – weaving, spinning, mandala patterns. Safely use and explore a variety of materials, tools and techniques to shape, assemble and join materials. Music – joining in with ring games, rhymes and songs, using and exploring how sounds can be changed, clapping beats and rhythms. Music – begin to move rhythmically and imitate movement in response to music. Learn dances and songs for Harvest /Diwali/Christmas Music – explore the different sounds of instruments, relate sounds to different circumstances e.g. winter sounds Music – build a repertoire of songs and dances, links to Spring, Easter etc. Music – create movements in response to music,– link to Minibeasts. Make own music and dances and experiment with ways of changing them Early year’s expectations – learning Health and Safety Week – road safety, Taking Developing selfconfidence with new Becoming aware of the boundaries set, and of Working as part of a group or class, Adjusting behaviour to Reception long term planning and following. Interacting with others and making new relationships. Care Project – body awareness. social situations and with unfamiliar people behavioural expectations in the setting. Beginning to be able to negotiate and solve problems without aggression, confident to speak in a familiar group, and talk about their ideas, different situations, taking changes of routine in their stride. Festivals & celebrationsdifferent faiths. Show interest in the lives of people who are familiar to them. Festivals & celebrations - different faiths. Remembers and talks about significant events in their own experience. Festivals & celebrations - different faiths. Recognises and describes special times or events for family or friends. Festivals & celebrations - different faiths Shows interest in different occupations and ways of life. Festivals & celebrations different faiths. Knows some of the things that make them unique, and can talk about some of the similarities and differences in relation to friends or family. Festivals & celebrations different faiths. Enjoys joining in with family customs and routines. Literacy Numeracy Science Computing Outings Special events and activities form part of our enabling environments Induction Baseline and wellcomm Bonfire night Diwali Harvest Eid Christmas History Geography Art D.T PSED R.E Road Safety visit Book Week Chinese new year Pancake day Mother’s day Easter Ryton Pools visit Father’s Day Sports Day Summer Concert Transition to Year 1 Learning and Development – Children develop and learn in different ways. Practitioners teach children by ensuring challenging, playful opportunities are provided across the prime and specific areas of learning and development, and by fostering the characteristics of effective learning. Reception long term planning Characteristics of Effective Learning (Ongoing) Playing and Exploring Finding out and exploring Playing with what they know Being willing to “have a go” Active Learning Being involved and concentrating Keeping trying Enjoying achieving what they set out to do Creating and Thinking Critically Having their own ideas Making links Choosing ways to do things Prime areas (Ongoing) Personal, social and Emotional Development Making relationships Self-confidence and self-awareness Managing feelings and behaviour Physical development Moving and handling Health and self-care Communication and Language Listening and attention Understanding Speaking Specific areas (Ongoing with some areas of focus as noted) Literacy Reading Writing Mathematics Numbers Shape space and measures (Spring/Summer) Understanding the world People and communities (Autumn) The World (Spring/Summer) Technology (Summer) Expressive Arts and Design Exploring and using media and materials Being imaginative