Addition These steps represent a progression through a child’s understanding. At all times concrete apparatus MUST be used. Objects, Numicom, bundles of straws, Diennes, bead strings and 1 /10/ 100 counters should be familiar to the children. It is vital that children learn to estimate and round from the earliest stage. Stage A Pictures and Objects Stage B Counting on Stage C Bridging and Partitioning Stage D Add using most significant digit first – this stage does not have Stage E Column addition Year 3 to be written but must be demonstrated with practical apparatus - Diennes Use a variety of pictures and objects eg Numicon, multilink, compare bears. 3+2=5 Count on from largest number. Use fingers, Numicon, numberlines. Being able to partition numbers then use for addition. Eg 27 = 20 + 7 47 + 76 47 = 40 + 7 76 = 70 +6 15 + 7 = 22 Use for 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 34 + 27 = 34 + 20 + 7 47 +76 = 110 + 13 = 123 Move onto larger numbers and use + and = signs. Introduce bead strings as a numberline Children must know the inverse operation and have practical experience of it. 38 + 17 Moving to 34 34 44 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 44 54 60 61 Understand that you can split 7 into 6 +1 = plus, sum Addition, increase, inverse. Total, combine 38 17 1 34 27 50 11 61 Move onto larger nos. Vocabulary Add, altogether. And , makes, more, equal This must be introduced using Diennes and TU grid. 55 Move onto adding decimals. Decimal point is always lined up. Addition of fractions