Summary TABLE S-2 SUMMARY OF IMPACTS OF PROPOSED PROJECT Level of Significance before Mitigation Impact Mitigation and Improvement Measures Level of Significance after Mitigation Environmental Topic Impact statement, including alpha-numeric code. Abbreviated level of significance before mitigation (“NI,” “LTS,” or “S”) Mitigation measure(s), improvement measure(s), or “None required.” Abbreviated level of significance after mitigation (“LTS,” “SU,” or “SUM”) or “NA.” Example: Cultural and Paleontological Resources CP-1: The proposed project would result in the demolition of an individual historic architectural resource, causing a substantial adverse change in the significance of a historical resource as defined in CEQA Guidelines Section 15064.5. S M-CP-1a: Documentation of a Historical Resource. To document the building more effectively, the project sponsor shall prepare Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS)-level photographs and an accompanying HABS Historical Report, which shall be maintained onsite, as well as in the appropriate repositories. The contents of the report shall include... SUM M-CP-1b: Oral Histories. The project sponsor shall undertake an oral history project that includes interviews of people such as residents, past owners, or former employees. The project shall be conducted... M-CP-1c: Interpretive Program. The project sponsor shall work with a Historic Preservation Technical Specialist or other qualified professional to institute an interpretive program on-site… CP-2: The proposed project would cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of an archeological resource as defined in CEQA Guidelines Section 15064.5. CP-3: The proposed project would not distirub any human remains, including those interred outside of formal cemeteries. C-CP-1: The proposed project, in combination with past, present, and reasonably foreseeable future projects in the vicinity, would not would cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of a historical resource as defined in CEQA Guidelines Section 15064.5. Revised 10/5/12 S NI S M-CP-2: Archeological Testing Plan. Based on a reasonable presumption that archeological resources may be present within the project site, the following measures shall be undertaken to avoid any potentially significant adverse effect from the proposed project on buried or submerged historical resources. The project sponsor shall… LTS None required. NA Implement M-CP-1a, Documentation of a Historical Resource; M-CP-1b, Oral Histories; M-CP-1c, Interpretive Program; and M-CP-2, Archeological Testing Plan. NA Summary Legend NI LTS S SU SUM No impact Less than significant or negligible impact; no mitigation required Significant Significant and unavoidable adverse impact, no feasible mitigation Significant and unavoidable adverse impact, after mitigation Revised 10/5/12