Analysis of Soil Impacts and Optimization of Mitigation Measures

Inventory, Monitoring, Research Catalog
1. Topic
Analysis of Soil Impacts and Optimization of Mitigation Measures
2. Background
Astronomy infrastructure and visitor/recreational use of the Mauna Kea summit will, by altering the
surface contours of the ground or mechanically altering the surface deposits, have impacts on both
wind and water erosion processes occurring at the summit. During OMKM’s management term,
efforts will be made to minimize the impacts of uses of the MK summit region and will be installing
and testing mitigation methods appropriate to the climate and surface morphology of the summit
region. In order to recognize those disturbances/processes that are significant and mitigation
measures that are optimal, controlled experiments will need to be performed to define the relative
significance of the disturbance processes and define the degree of success achieved by the
mitigation measures.
3. Purpose
Conduct case/control experiments to define the impact of individual disturbances (e.g. similar slopes
with and without trails; flats with and without structures; surfaces with and without invasive plants
or exclosures) to determine the significance of the soil redistribution processes occurring on each
and perform an analysis of the processes and effects that influence redistribution. Conduct similar
experiments where mitigation measures have been applied and determine their effectiveness.
4. Research Objectives
Define the most significant processes affecting soil redistribution, the anthropogenic (including nonnative introduction and use of the region) impacts on those processes, and the identification of
mitigation and ameliorative actions that can minimize the impacts of human related actions.
5. Management Applications
Potential uses of Analysis of Impacts and Optimization of Mitigation Measures could: help to identify
anthropogenic actions and alterations that are most significant to erosional processes on the
summit, identify actions that can be avoided entirely and develop successful mitigation measures
for those that cannot be avoided.
6. Comprehensive Management Plan (and Sub-Plans) Applicability
a. Priority –to be completed
b. NRMP Source – Section 4.1-29, 4.1-30
7. Desired Outcomes
 Provide a use, planning, and action guide that can provide future managers with guidance
on the likely impacts and mitigation measures associated with a variety of land-disturbing
 Provide a map of land- disturbing activity areas, and areas of special concern or interest.
Prepared by: D.Thomas
Technical report summarizing project purpose, methods, results, etc.
Provide a baseline data set suitably documented and formatted for use by other researchers
and management authority.
Prepared by: D.Thomas