A report on National Level Technical Symposium
ESTRADO 2K11-spark enough to ignite
The idea of conducting National level student technical symposium ESTRADO-2K11 on
23 rd
and 24 th
September was ignited by the department of E.C.E to encourage students to organize the event to improve their technical and managerial skills. The chairman of VIGNAN group of institutions Dr.L.Rathiah and the principal Dr.K.Alice Mary were very supportive and guided us in conducting the event.
Our H.O.D Mr.P.Sasi Kiran, and Senior Professors Dr.P.Ramesh,A.Sesha Rao along with other faculty members assigned Mr.R.Prasad, Mr.N.Anil Kumar and Mrs.M.Karuna as the faculty conveners for the event. The first step in conducting this event started with the assigning of individual work to different student groups under the guidance of faculty coordinators in order to accomplish various tasks.
The website, event poster and brouchers were artistically designed by the student teams which helped us gain an over-whelming response both from sponsors and students. Most of the public were charmed by the website and poster which talked about our college, Department and the event. Every information regarding the event was furnished in the website www.estrado2k11.com
Various student teams flocked the city in search of sponsors for the event. We got a huge response from the sponsors. Many companies sponsored the event. The RED magazine promoted the event and Radio Mirchi podcasted about the event. The Robotic workshop was envisioned to be held during the event and after analyzing a lot of organizations we signed the M.O.U. with
Robotic Wares Innovation, Bhubaneswar.
A bank account in the name of ESTRADO2K11 was opened having our H.O.D and a student member as operators. Every monetary transaction was carried through this account which held a great deal of transparency. We mobilized funds from the students of 2 nd ,3 rd and 4 th year
E.C.E . The college administration granted Rs.60,000 towards the event. The funds raised from the sponsors were also gathered. The entire fund was deposited in this account on a timely basis.
The canvassing teams covered the entire north coastal districts of Andhra Pradesh. Every college we visited, the response was fabulous. Many showed keen interest towards the workshop and on the ppt. The posters were also posted to most of the Engineering colleges in Andhra
Pradesh and also to the reputed Engineering institutions in South-India.
From the day we dispatched our event posters our cell phones were very busy with enquiries about the events. We received many phone calls from distant places seeking information regarding the event. We received nearly 2300 registrations online from participants from all over the South-India willing to participate in the events. The registrations were very elegantly handled by our student members by sending acknowledgements to the participants as soon as they registered in our event website. The senior most faculty in the department showed
deep interest in scrutinizing various papers received from the participants. Nearly 219 papers were selected out of 450 papers.
The souvenir was designed by our students and it exposed what the event stands for. It gives a glimpse of various events conducted by the department since its inception. It also includes the necessity of conducting such type of events in today’s world. The prominent persons at VIIT rendered their messages in the souvenir. The souvenir also includes abstracts of several research papers put forth by the participants. The souvenir also includes about the sponsors for our event.
Prior to the event all committee members along with faculty coordinators arranged a meeting to discuss about the progress of the event. Various requirements were to be fulfilled, and different works to be completed were assigned. The room allotment, help desk, accommodation, registrations, decorations etc. were discussed and fulfilled. All the arrangements were made prior to the start of event to facilitate each and every participant.
On 22 nd
evening we received participants from various distant places. We provided accommodation for both boys and girls. Nearly 40 boys from far off places were accommodated in our college. About 40 girls were accommodated in the ladies hostel which was at a stones throw from the college compound. Our students were available round the clock in service to the students from far off places in directing, receiving, and accommodating them. The students appraised our efforts in making them feel comfortable.
The much awaited day, 23 rd
September started with pomp and fervor. The inaugural function started at 10:00 A.M. in the seminar hall VIIT. The event started by litting lamp by our honourable chief guest Sri.
, Scientist-F, NSTL followed by our principal,
H.O.D’s of all the departments and senior faculty members. The prayer song sung by our students resembles a token of respect towards almighty. It was followed by addressing of the
honourable people on the stage. Atlast the chief guest was felicitated by our department with shawls and momentoes.
Registrations were started at 11:00 A.M . we received huge response from all the participants, with many registering to participate in technical events consisting of robotic workshop, papers, posters, hard ware expo, IMS challenge exam, Mock gate exam, Robo wars and also non technical events like short film making, LAN Gaming, Treasure Hunt and many on-spot events and Sports.
Around 2000 students participated in various events conducted under ESTRADO-2K11.
In paper presentation about 488 members presented 219 papers, 116 members attended the robotic workshop, 18 members presented posters,17 members competed in Robo Wars, 16 members displayed circuits in hardware expo, 5 teams displayed their movies in short film making,3 members played LAN gaming, 142 members appeared for IMS challenge exam, 17 members appeared for mock gate exam,20 members had kept stalls, nearly 200 members participated in on-spot events, and 350 members in various sports like cricket, throwball, football and volleyball.
The participants are from various places like Chennai, Madhurai Tirupati,
Hyderabad, Vijayawada, Guntur, Rajamundry, Chirala, Ongole etc & prestigious educational institutions like SRM UNIVERSITY, SASTHRA UNIVERSITY, GITAM,VIGNAN
UNIVERSITY, GIET, Gayatri vidya parisad, MVGR,GMRIT, Rajam, Kakinada Institute of
Engineering & Technology , DIET, Sankethika Vidya Parishad college of Engineering and many more colleges along with the in-house participants. The two days of the event went on with relishing energy both from the participants and from our college.
On the evening of 24 th
September the event was concluded with a validectory function attended by Sri.
O.Subhramanyam, Retired Scientist NSTL as the chief guest.
Prizes worth of Rs.43,600 along with gift vouchers worth Rs.90,000 sponsored by VLCC were distributed to all the winners and participation certificates were issued to all the participants. The night followed with cultural. The rock-band performed by Pyadh college students stood as central attraction. Many students from several engineering colleges have given their best in singing and dancing. Finally our event staff coordinators R.Prasad ,
M.Karuna, N.Anil Kumar thanked every participant, college administration, department and students for their support in making this event a grand success .
Mr.N.Anil Kumar :
Staff Co-Ordinators,