Vacations That Give Trip Application 2015-16 Location and Date of Trip for which you are applying _________________ Name of Trip __________________________________ Date of Trip Name______________________________ Address_______________________________________________________ Street City State Zip Home Phone_______________________ Cell Phone__________________ Date of birth____________ email address________________________________ Do you have medical insurance? _____ Do you have health concerns of which we should be informed in case of accident or hospitalization?______ If yes, please specify__________________________________________________________________________________________________ Do you have any special skills for the trip for which you are applying?_____ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (specialized skills are not necessary, it’s just helpful for organizers to be aware for assigning jobs) Would you allow us to use pictures of you on this trip on the Vacations That Give website?_______________________________ Signature___________________________________ Date____________________ (T-Shirt size _______________) HOLD-HARMLESS AND RELEASE AGREEMENT This agreement entered into on day ____ of ____________, 20__ is between volunteer participant __________________________ and “Vacations That Give,” A Ministry of the Sisters of Saint Anne. This agreement states that neither “Vacations That Give” nor the Sisters of Saint Anne will be held liable in case of any injury incurred from usage of manual and/or power tools. This agreement states that the above mentioned volunteer comes willingly to participate in “Vacations That Give” volunteer activities and work projects with prior knowledge of the nature of its work and activities. The above mentioned volunteer/participant will hold harmless and release from any and all claims or any liability: Sisters Yvette Dargy and Pauline Laurence, Director Regina O’Connor, the Community of the Sisters of Saint Anne, and any/all employees from any and all injury or liability that may occur while participating in this volunteer trip and activity or any liability or injury associated with the repair work of an individuals’ home. The above mentioned volunteer also understands that “Vacations That Give,” and the Sisters of Saint Anne do NOT provide medical insurance or coverage to its volunteer participants during their volunteer work and that it is the above mentioned volunteer's responsibility for coverage should any medical situation arise either during or after their volunteer activities. This agreement is entered into by: Participant’s Signature (over 18) ______________________________________ Date:___/___/___ Parent/Guardian Signature if under 18 Date:___/___/___ Name (print) __________________________ Permanent Address_____________________________ Town/State/Zip__________________________ Witnessed by:(please print)__________________________ Witness Signature:_________________________________ Date:___/____/____ VOLUNTEERS HEALTH INSURANCE / MEDICAL RELEASE FORM PLEASE PRINT ______________________________________________ ___/___/ ___ _______________ _________________ M Name of Participant Birth Date Home Phone Cell Phone ______________________________________________________________ _________________________ Home Address Street Parish Town Zip _______________________________ ______________________ Emergency Contact Person (____)___________ (____)_______ Relationship to You Day Phone Evening Phone _____________________________________________________ _____________________________ Complete Name of Insurance Company Policy Number/Group Number ___________________________________ Employer’s Name Name on Insurance Card ****Must Enclose a Copy of both sides of the Insurance Card**** Are there any limitations to the activities in which the volunteer can participate? Yes_____No_____ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ If yes, please explain Is there anything about the volunteer’s health that we should be aware of such as: _____Diabetes _____Fainting Trouble _____Epilepsy _____Migraines _____Bleeding Disorders _____Asthma _____Heart Problems _____Severe Allergic Reactions (Bee Sting/Food/other) Will you have an Epi Pen? ____Yes ____No _____Other health issues we should be made aware of____________________________________________________ If any of the above is checked, please submit a statement of how the person has been treated and with what medication(s) _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Current Medications: (Name, Dosage, frequency and reason for medications)________________________________________ All medication must be in the original containers Blood Type:______ If known Date of TETANUS BOOSTER:___/___/___ Most Recent Most recent physical exam:___/___/___ Should be within the last 12 mos. Emotional/Psychological condition(s) and/or concerns:__________________________________________ F Circle One