BDFA Equality Policy

BDFA Equality Policy
1. Policy Objectives
1.1 BDFA is committed to the principles of equality of opportunity and is
responsible for ensuring that no job applicants, employees, volunteers, staff,
referees, coaches, office holders and participants (collectively known as
Stakeholders) are unlawfully discriminated against because of age, disability,
gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and
maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation (“Protected
1.2 In addition BDFA recognises that we live in a diverse society and will
endeavour wherever practical
to hold events eg training weekends,
competitions in a variety of venues so as not to disadvantage through socio
economic backgrounds
1.3 BDFA will encourage partner organisations, clubs etc to take equality issues
2. Purpose of the policy
2.1 This policy has been produced to try to prevent and address any unlawful
discrimination or other unfair treatment, whether intentional or unintentional,
direct or indirect, against Stakeholders that may preclude them from participating
fully in sports related activities
3. Legal Requirements
3.1 BDFA is required by law not to unlawfully discriminate against its
stakeholders and recognises its legal obligations under, and will abide by the
requirements of the Equality Act 2010, and seek to keep updated regarding
amendments to legislation.
3.2 This policy will be reviewed annually and advice sought to make sure it
reflects current legislation
4.1 BDFA recognises that the following are unacceptable;
4. Discrimination, harassment, bullying and victimisation
Direct Discrimination (treating someone less favourably than you would
treat others because of a protected characteristic
Indirect Discrimination (applying a provision, criterion or practice which, on
the face of it, applies equality to all but which, in practice can disadvantage
individuals with a particular characteristic). Such requirements or
conditions are lawful only if they can be objectively justified.
Harassment (engaging in unwanted conduct relating to a relevant
Protected Characteristic or unwanted conduct of a sexual nature where
the conduct had the purpose or effect of violating the recipient’s dignity or
creating an intimidating hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive
environment for the recipient, or any other individual affected by such
conduct). BDFA is committed to ensure that its stakeholders are able to
conduct their activities free from harassment.
Bullying (the misuse of power or position to criticise persistently or to
humiliate and undermine an individual’s confidence)
Victimisation (subjecting someone to a detriment because he or she has in
good faith taken action under the Equality Act 2010 by bringing
proceedings, giving evidence or information that
a person has
contravened the Equality Act 2010
BDFA regards discrimination, harassment, bullying or victimisation as described as
above, as serious misconduct. All complaints will be taken seriously and appropriate
measures including disciplinary action may be brought against any stakeholder who
unlawfully discriminates against, harasses, bullies or victimises any other person
5. Reasonable Adjustments
5.1 When any decision is made about an individual, the only personal characteristics
that may be taken into account are those that are consistent with any relevant
legislation and are relevant to the substance of the decision made
5.2 BDFA has at its primary focus disabled fencers, so has a duty of care to make
reasonable adjustments for training and events run by BDFA so that disabled
persons are able to access venues/accommodation. It is also committed to sharing
information regarding accessible clubs with those enquiring about local clubs
6. Transgender Fencers
6.1 BDFA considers that Wheelchair Fencing is a gender affected sport under the
Equality Act 2010. No policy in relation to participation by transgender fencers
looking to participate in Wheelchair Fencing is currently in place. Any transgender
fencers wishing to participate are requested to contact the Chairman or Equality
Champion to assist in formulating a policy. Any such request will be treated in the
strictest confidence.
7. Responsibility, implementation and communication
7.1 The Executive Committee of BDFA is responsible for ensuring that this policy is
implemented, followed and reviewed. The BDFA is responsible for ensuring that this
policy is enforced and breaches are dealt with.
7.2 The Executive will appoint a Equality Champion, have equality on all committee
meetings and evidence that equality issues are considered in their decision making.
7.3 The Chairman has the overall responsibility for the implementation of this policy
7.4 All stakeholders have the responsibility to respect, follow and promote the spirit
and intentions of this policy. Employees will have equality included into their
appraisal process
7.5 No applicant for any post will be placed at a disadvantage by requirements or
conditions which are not necessary to the effective performance of the job which
constitute unlawful discrimination
7.6 The policy will be given to all staff, committee members and volunteers and be
available on the website.
7.7 BDFA will promote continuing professional development for all staff and
volunteers with regard to equality issues
8. Actions
8.1 BDFA will produce and review an Equality Action Plan
8.2 BDFA recognises that in some cases to further the principle of equality, an
unequal distribution of resources may be required. If appropriate BDFA will consider
positive action or may introduce special measures to address a Protected
Characteristic which is underrepresented. (e.g Work with Women’s Sport and
Fitness Foundation, WSFF, to address low representation of female fencers)
9. Monitoring and Evaluation
9.1 The Equality Policy will be reviewed annually and remain in force until amended
or replaced.
9.2 The Equality Action Plan will be created and reviewed annually
9.3 Annually , where appropriate statistical information will be presented to the
Executive Committee to evidence progress made with equality and form part of the
Action Plan
10. Complaints
10.1 Any individual who believes that they have suffered inequitable treatment within
the scope of this Equality Policy may raise the matter to the Chairman or E quality
10.2 Appropriate action will be taken against any stakeholder who violates this policy
10.3 Any individual raising an issue will not be penalised for doing so unless it is
untrue and not made in good faith
10.4 The final point of appeal relating to this policy is with the relevant Appeals Panel
Author Shuna Body
May 2012