DEPARTMENT OF MODERN LANGUAGES LANGUAGE PLACEMENT INFORMATION: Placement tests must be taken no later than the first week of the semester, to allow for class changes as needed. Please include your 901 number, an explanation of your language background, and contact the appropriate representative below to discuss language placement: French: German: Japanese: Dr. Eric Migierner ( or Dr. Nancy Stump ( Dr. Christopher Dolmetsch ( Dr. Nacky Anderson ( Spanish Placement Test Information: Dr. Christina Huhn ( Please register by going to: Fall 2009 Spanish placement exams will be given (In the Language Lab, 429B Smith Hall): * Thursday, August 20, 2009, 1:30 pm * * Monday August 24, 2009, 6:00 pm * * Tuesday August 25, 2009, 4:00 pm * * Wednesday August 26, 2009, 6:00 pm. * If you miss these dates, you will need to wait to take the placement tests until registration time in November, 2009 – updates will be posted on the webpage above. The exam takes approximately an hour – please know your Marshall computer log on and 901 number, bring ID and your own headphones. You will receive the recommended placement within a couple of days of the exam. Note that the Department of Modern Languages does not give credit for courses not taken. For further information, please consult the department webpage: