Joe Packhem 10 GSF Dubai Script th Table of Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. What is brainstorming? Individual brainstorming activity #1- Sand Partner brainstorming activity #1- Sand Uses for sand Engineering education (EE) teaching methods Learning methods, 2nd brainstorming activity: individual Compatibility of learning and teaching methods. Partner and group discussion about learning methods. Challenge: “How to meet the needs of students” 8. Challenges to EE, 3rd brainstorming activity: individual, partner, group discussion a. Document the challenges in a google document for all students to access with a google documents tutorial 9. Tracks and group brainstorming 10. Themes for the next GSF, brainstorming activity #4: individual, partner, group discussion 11. Introduction to the Airbus competition a. Analyze existing system b. Brainstorm improvements c. Constructively chose the best idea 12. How to submit Airbus ideas to competition *Ideally this document will be made available to all students by collecting their emails and inviting them. This way those who do not speak or read in English can copy and paste to Google Translate to obtain comments in their native language. Breakdown 1. Ask students to raise their hands if they are mechanical engineers, electrical engineers, biomedical engineers, civil engineers. Brainstorming is the basis of innovation in engineering. In order to properly brainstorm it is necessary to have a goal or topic that ideas revolve around. Engineers utilize brainstorming to solve problems. Before books can be written about answers to problems brainstorming sessions must have taken place guided by the creativity of the writers. Take for example the Burj Khalifa that we will see later today. Brainstorming was used to determine the initial geometry of the structure based on the needs of the client, and the purpose of the building. The brainstorming preceded the analysis and design based on the geometry. Highway interchanges are designed with the same first step of brainstorming. With the inputs of the direction of the incoming highways simple lines are drawn on a piece of paper to connect incoming highways and outgoing highways. Many different concepts are brainstormed and then design moves into further refinement. What are some ways to brainstorm? -Venn diagrams -Bullet point lists -Creative writing (stream of consciousness: thoughts are written down without hesitation or judgement) -Pictures Fundamentals of brainstorming -Do not censor your ideas. Let them freely come out and do not second guess yourself based on others perceptions of your thoughts. -When sharing ideas respect the creativity of others by not shooting down ideas or judging others. Instead focus on your next idea. -Short spurts of time are idea for brainstorming. Think of your brain as a cloud and let your ideas be the lightning from the clouds. -Document your concepts and ideas for future reference. Include them in your final presentation. Distribute paper and pens 2. 1st activity: Let’s take something that is found in abundance in Dubai: sand. What can sand be used for? Please take 90 seconds to quietly brainstorm as many different concepts as you can for the use of sand. How many ideas did you get? Please take a second to count your ideas. Let’s not share now, but please raise your hand if you had five ideas. Keep your hand up if you had ten ideas, fifteen, twenty? Whose hand is still up? How many ideas were generated by the person with the most? 3. Partner brainstorm: Now take the brainstorming that you created individually and share your ideas with one person next to you. Please remember to be respectful of others. I suggest letting each person run through their ideas and then continuing the brainstorm in a conversation. Take 200 seconds to share ideas (3min and 20 seconds) and generate new ideas together. Ask audience what did you like better, partner brainstorming or individual brainstorming? Why? What are some of the uses for sand that you generated? How did you generate ideas in the partner brainstorm? 4. My favorite uses for sand. -Sand castles -Foundations -Sand bags to protect against floods -To make glass -Cleaning off paint or rust (sand blasting) -To make mortar and concrete -As fill for retaining walls -Substrate for putting greens -Sand traps -To make islands 5. What is engineering education (EE)? EE is the methods employed by professors to teach students in engineering. The traditional teaching method is something that I am sure you have all experienced. Lecture based courses with book reading followed by homework and tests all on the same concept. SPEED, in long form the Student Platform for Engineering Education Development, has been formed to give a voice to students to speak up if current methods are not the best for their learning, or they want to innovate in EE. Some more forward thinking methods are Project Based Learning, Community Service Learning, Entrepreneurship Focused Learning, MOOC’s, flipped classroom, research focused learning and many others. 6. The most important part of education is the student. The other half of the teaching method is the student’s learning method. Please take 90 seconds to brainstorm about the learning method that is best for you to understand and be graded. Are you strong with audio, visual, hands on, repetition based learning? 7. Now with a different partner discuss your learning method brainstorm and listen to the other person. Then try to develop a combined method that would work well for both of you. This activity will take 200 seconds. Take 30 seconds to talk to your partner about sharing your personal optimum learning methods and what you developed together. If you both agree then when time expires and I ask for your comments raise your hand to share your individual best methods and the conglomerate method. How many of you do well in the traditional teaching style? Please raise your hands. Now think about the partner brainstorm. Did you have the same optimum learning style? Please raise your hand if you and your partner had the same best learning method. In a classroom there are many students and rarely do all of them have the same learning method. This is a major challenge for engineering education. 8. Please take 90 seconds to individually brainstorm about challenges to engineering education. Then with a different partner share your ideas and continue brainstorming for 200 seconds. Would anyone like to share their most difficult challenge in engineering education? I would like to record some of these in a google document that we can make available for your use throughout the GSF. Let’s pause for a minute to discuss how to use google documents. First, it is ideal if you have a gmail account, but it is not necessary. Google documents are ideal for collaboration, especially internationally, because multiple people can be in the same document at the same time and everyone’s changes are immediately made known to all of the others in the document. Google documents, presentations, and other features are found in the google drive at the top right hand corner of your email inbox in the apps. Go to drive. If you have not used this before you will have to download it, but it should be very quick. The create button on the left that is red allows you to make new documents, presentations, etc. In the new document changes will automatically be saved, and the blue icon in the right hand top corner allows you to share the document with other people’s email addresses. 9. Now that we all have a firm grasp on brainstorming, let’s use the skills to help affect the GSF 2015 in Florence. During this GSF you will be separated into tracks that you have ranked prior to arriving. The tracks are all derived from the overall theme for this GSF, engineering education without borders. In your tracks you will be doing group brainstorming. During group brainstorming listen to others comments, and remember not to critique ideas. Use others ideas to build new ideas. Think of ways to incorporate perspectives from all group members. It is important to have a group secretary to track and record ideas. It is recommended to use Google documents. Remember that every idea is important. There are no bad ideas during brainstorming. Crazy ideas are encouraged and often lead to better ideas. It is your chance to raise your voice about future themes. 10. Take 90 seconds to brainstorm about themes for the 2015 GSF on a separate sheet of paper to turn in to Rohit for use planning the next GSF. Then take 200 seconds with a partner near you to share ideas and continue brainstorming. Would anyone like to share their theme? I will record some themes in the general google document from the discussion 11. Introduce Airbus competition 12. Allow students to put their brainstorming skills to the test.