Formative Task ANNOTATED TEXT Brainstorm FORMATIVE TASK BRAINSTORM Time Frame: 1-3 Hours Common Core Standards Assessed: Varies by performance task and content Teacher Notes Description What ideas can we generate? Students often struggle with collaboration, as they may not Work together to brainstorm, focusing on generating as many ideas have the tools they need to as possible while avoiding ruling any out at this stage. communicate with one another or resolve disagreements productively. I Can Statements I can brainstorm ideas that: Not every idea generated in a and Quality Address the task or are otherwise relevant brainstorming session is going to Criteria Include sufficient detail meet the quality criteria. It is Are non-obvious, creative, or innovative important that students understand that they may have I will know if my brainstorming is of high quality if it: to generate lots of so-so ideas Addresses the task or is otherwise relevant before they find a few really Includes sufficient detail good ones. However, being Includes non-obvious, creative, or innovative ideas upfront with students about the expectations for brainstorming 1 Formative Task ANNOTATED TEXT Brainstorm FORMATIVE TASK Suggestions for Assessing Student Readiness to Move Forward: can help groups stay on track Confer with students, asking probing questions about their and focused on uncovering and brainstormed ideas to gauge how well they meet the quality discovering their best ideas. criteria. Ask students to describe their brainstorming process and the ideas they generated, and to explain (orally or in writing) how the quality criteria for high quality brainstorming are met. Ask students to self-evaluate their work after completing one of the activities below. Possible Activities Have students “draw-storm,” using large pieces of paper to When brainstorming, students brainstorm nonverbally. don’t all have to do the same Have students complete the ABC Brainstorming Activity: activity. They can choose, with your help if necessary, the one or two approaches that will unleash their best ideas. Students can Use de Bono’s Six Thinking Hats approach to help students also be challenged to use a new, explore ideas: unfamiliar approach as a means of seeing a topic, problem, or Use the ideation process described in the’s “Ideation Mix Tape”: situation differently. One idea is to set up 2 Formative Task ANNOTATED TEXT Brainstorm FORMATIVE TASK content/uploads/2012/02/ideate-mixtape-v8.pdf Have students generate and respond to randomly generated or “forced” questions: brainstorming stations, asking students to rotate through a series of different brainstorming activities. This would allow students to try different activities Allow students to use storyboarding to capture ideas: and could be followed up with a reflective discussion about a-great-storyboard metacognition. Engage the whole class in brainwriting, a technique for generating ideas: Resources Steve Jobs and his team brainstorm as they design the NeXT computer: (starts at the 6-minute mark) Decision-Making Matrix Analysis: 3