CH 6 PROTIST/SPONGE/BRYOZOAN/ROTIFER REVIEW SHEET 1. Describe the difference between phytoplankton and zooplankton. List examples. 2. Describe the difference between temporary and permanent zooplankton. List examples. 3. How can we classify protozoans? List the 3 phyla and 3 classes. 4. Define benthicplanktonFilter feedingunicellular5. Describe sexual and asexual reproduction in protists with a diagram. 6. Function paramecium Respiration Locomotion Sensitivity Excretion Ingestion Digestion Reproduction Transport vorticella euglena 7. Why are phytoplankton and zooplankton so vital for marine life? 8. Draw and label the life cycle of a sponge ameba 9. Define blastulaEmbryologyZygote 10. Classify the sponge and describe its habitat. morulalarvasessile- 11. Sponge life function Respiration reproduction Locomotion excretion Sensitivity digestion Defense ingestion 12. Describe sponge reproduction. Describe external development and external fertilization. 13. Why is the sponge considered a simple, multicellular animal? 14. Make chart comparing bryozoans and rotifers. Include reproduction, respiration, ingestion, digestion, locomotion, excretion and habitat. 15. Draw a collar cell and describe how it pulls a current of water into the ostia(pores). 16. Define endoderm- ectoderm- substrate-