Dog Foster - waikato SPCA

Canine Unit Foster Parent Application
Name: __________________________________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________________________
Suburb: ________________________________________ Town: ___________________________________
Phone: Home: ______________________Moblie:________________________Work:___________________
Email: ____________________________ Alternate contact: _______________________________________
Please briefly tell us why you would like to be a Waikato SPCA foster parent?
Which animals are you interested in fostering?
Adult Dogs
Dogs with puppies
Injured Dogs or Puppies (Crate rest required)
Sick Dogs or Puppies*
Senior dogs (7 years and up)
*Ideally this option should be chosen only if no other animals are housed on your property or you are
prepared to keep your foster animal separate at all times
What pets do you have at home?
Dogs: Males: __________ Females: __________ Ages: __________ Vaccinated: Y / N Desexed: Y / N
Cats: Males: __________ Females: __________ Ages: __________ Vaccinated: Y / N
Desexed: Y / N
Other pets: ___________________________________________________________________________
* Please note that if you have ticked the box for injured dogs or puppies, the Waikato SPCA will loan you a
crate for the duration of your foster
Do you rent or own your property? (please circle one) Rent / Own
If yes to renting, do you have your landlord’s permission to keep foster animals there?
Landlord’s name: _______________________ Phone number: __________________________________
Do you give us consent to call your landlord (please note we do need confirmation from Landlord) Y / N
Can you provide us with a letter from your landlord agreeing for you to foster Y / N
Do ALL household members agree to you fostering animals? Y / N
Do you consent to the Waikato SPCA doing a property inspection? Y / N
(please note this must be done before you can foster)
Please list any special facilities for your foster animals? (E.g. a crate for confinement or a separate area in the
house such as a laundry or spare room) _______________________________________________________
Where will your foster animals be kept when you are at home? _____________________________________
Where will your foster animals be kept when you are NOT at home?__________________________________
How many hours each day are you away from home? ____________________________________________
Do you have any children? Y / N
If yes, what ages are they? ______________________
Have you ever had an animal at your house with a contagious disease? E.g. Parvo, Mange, ringworm? Y / N
If yes please give details ___________________________________________________________________
Are you able to bring your foster animal /animals in if requested? Y / N
Are you able to medicate your foster animal if needed? Y / N
Basic Information for dog and puppy fostering:
How long are you able to foster for?
Short term (1 week – 3 weeks)
Long Term (4-6 weeks)
Do you have a fenced or secure area where foster dog or puppies can be confined? Y / N
How many puppies can you accommodate? ____________________________________________________
Do you have any previous experience in the care of dogs or puppies? Y / N
Do you have any experience with difficult dogs / training requirements Y / N
Have you owned dogs before? If yes what became of them? _______________________________________
Do you have a local vet clinic? If yes what vet? __________________________________________________
I declare that all the above information on this form is correct to the best of my knowledge
Signed: __________________________________
Date: ______________________________
The Waikato SPCA is grateful for your willingness to participate in the canine foster programme. All
information pertaining to this application is treated in strict confidence.
For Waikato SPCA canine unit staff only:
Landlord check completed:
Landlord called / letter provided:
Property inspection completed:
Date of property check: