Strategic Plan Draft 7 - Whakatū Presbyterian Church of Nelson and

Whakatu Presbyterian – Strategic Plan
July 2015
This or any strategic plan should not be seen as set in concrete. It is rather
guidelines on our way ahead so that everyone can see where we think we are
heading and we can all pull in the same direction.
“Loving God, loving others and caring for God’s Creation”
We are a community of faith where:
Loving God is expressed in vibrant worship, prayer and lives yielded to Jesus Christ
Loving others is expressed in sharing the transforming life of Jesus Christ through
the power of the Holy Spirit
Caring for creation is expressed in a concern for justice and our environment.
Our Values are the expressions of life and character that we want to preserve and
encourage as we develop as a parish. We value:
Faith in Christ
Power of Prayer
God’s transforming love
Welcoming the Community Spiritual Growth
God’s Creation
These Values are expressed as:
Faith in Christ:
We strive to be a Christ centred, spirit led community of faith. We desire to be shaped
by the Word of God and will offer vibrant worship to our God whom we know loves us
Power of Prayer:
We strive to be a praying community acknowledging that we can do nothing in our own
strength and need God’s help to empower and guide us as we discern His will
God’s transforming love and Welcoming the Community:
We strive to be a loving, caring community which is outward-focussed, hospitable, joyful
and supportive in a non-judgemental way. We welcome all people and have a desire to
bring others to know Jesus Christ and His transforming love
Spiritual Growth:
We strive to be a journeying community, open to change and responsive to new
opportunities and directions presented to us by God to increase His kingdom.
We strive to be an authentic, all-encompassing community which is genuine, honest
and transparent to those whom we encounter as we try to create relationships in which
people feel and are safe and valued. We seek justice, equality and non-violence for all
God’s Creation:
We strive to be an environmentally aware community believing we are called by God to
enjoy and exercise care for His creation
PURPOSE (Vision)
We want to be a vibrant growing people of God who are active in our community, who
are reformed and reforming, experiencing a sense of God’s presence in our midst,
enjoying His nurturing and refreshing, with a high morale and visibility in the
SCOPE (Boundaries)
"Whakatu Presbyterian" is the Church of the Presbyterian Church of Aotea-roa for
the Nelson / Tasman area. The areas covered at present are from Tahunanui
through Stoke to Richmond and the Waimea Plains. The theology is inclusive from
conservative to liberal and all are welcome to join regardless of age, race, political
persuasion or sexual orientation.
This Plan is a living document and from time to time we may need to make
adjustments in response to changing circumstances.
Activities - Our activities will walk in the footsteps of Jesus as we nurture eachother and outreach into the community.
Finances - All capital moneys will remain as capital investments, mostly in
buildings and plant. Any capital loans will be repaid as soon as is practical.
Income will be organised to cover all ongoing expenses.
Capital may only be used, as special loans or special grants, when assisting with
the setting up of new outreach programmes.
Health and Safety – All activities of Whakatu Presbyterian will be in full
compliance with the Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992 and
GOALS (what programmes/activities will we be running, and
what will they look like in five years?)
1. There will be one united congregation providing worship opportunities, spiritual
growth, pastoral care and fellowship opportunities for the present members from
the three former congregations and for new comers. The main age group is over
60 and at present, total regular attendance at the three preaching places is about
100 people. It is one of our top priorities to start working towards bringing
the worshipers from our three preaching places together onto one site. We
hope to gain the strength and efficiency in numbers to go out and achieve the
remaining Goals.
2. Each of the activities of the three former congregations, that have a common aim,
will mostly be combined so that each activity may move forward with the strength
of the members from the three previous locations working together. Individual
activities which were not replicated in the other two former congregations will
continue and will welcome new participants from those other former
congregations. The combining of the various activities is another top
3. There will be a vibrant united programme for children and their parents, which
includes more casual worship, teaching, discussion and fellowship.
4. Existing land and buildings will have been disposed of to optimise return and
perhaps provide some benefit to new community users where appropriate. There
will be financial stability / security in new land and buildings which will provide
accommodation for all listed goals and other potential uses. Progressing this
process is our highest priority.
5. For operational activities, income will match expenditure except where we are
creating new community outreach programmes when loans or grants from capital
(if available) may be sought.
6. Whakatu Presbyterian will have a completed an operational Health and Safety
Management System in conformity with the H&S in E Act and amendments.
Opportunities for community outreach will be developing and be fed by the
strength of the larger congregation and may include some of the following:
7. Outreach to the baby boomers – what? Coffee and chat, movies, speakers,
discussion groups, etc?
8. Work with teenagers and tertiary students– what? Programmes in schools and
after school, use of the skills of tertiary students, etc?
9. Work with singles?
10. Providing community facilities (buildings and catering) for hire / use by other
11. What/who else? Work with poorer people in some of our areas?
12. Programmes to reach the sick / elderly / shut-ins?
OBJECTIVES FOR EACH GOAL (achievement dates in brackets)
Appointed Champions are responsible for gathering helpers from the three
previous congregations where relevant and working together to make their
objective happen. Dates are suggested for completion of most objectives to
ensure we maintain progress towards the goals. However, in some cases there
may be good reasons why we cannot quite meet these planned dates.
Objectives for Goal 1
1. Bring worshipers from Tahunanui to worship at either Stoke or Richmond by
about July 2015. Champion: Elaine Henry
2. Assist the minister in being present at two (morning) services, one at Stoke and
one at Richmond each of three Sundays of each month. The second service of
the month is to be a combined service for the whole parish and is to be
alternately at Stoke or Richmond. On the fifth service of a month (when there is
one) Stoke and Richmond shall separately work with their local Methodist friends
for shared services. Champion: Elaine Henry
3. Appoint and Administration Officer to work 9 to 12 each working week day
4. At a date no later than 18 September 2016 there is to be one single congregation
worshiping in the parish at a central location such as a school hall, but NOT at
one of the present worship locations.
4.1. By then all properties will need to be sold or on the market. It also means we
are all on the journey to our new home.
4.2. Leaving the final amalgamation till on or before September 2016 firstly gives
us time to organise and amalgamate all our other activities and to get working
on buying land and designing and starting building our new home.
4.3. This delay keeps faith with the people of our present congregations who were
advised of the timeline in late November 2014. The timeline showed, “Aim to
have two worship centres by September 2015 or earlier if the people of one
centre agree” and “ 2016 September Aim to have one worship centre - or
earlier if the people of both centres agree”
Champion: Elaine Henry
5. Ensure that all combined worship services are accessible to all existing
members. Transport and assistance with steps at churches will be needed by
July 2015. Service recordings will be needed. Champion: ??????????????
6. Services shall include a balance of good music, visual aids and participation by
congregational members and children and shall relate to a range of people and
ages while still expressing the Gospel in terms of 21st century knowledge,
understanding and experience (July 2015). Champion: Jon Parkes
7. Establish pastoral care programmes which ensure that members and associate
members are contacted regularly through visits (say 3 or 4 times a year) and
phone calls when it is noticed that they are not attending. Visitors will be trained
and encouraged and their feedback will ensure extra pastoral care is provided
where needed (October 2015). Champion: Wendy Tolland
8. Provide fellowship opportunities for our members throughout the coming year
with a particular emphasis on members from the three former congregations
getting together and getting to know each other.
8.1. Set up a programme for the coming year (July 2015)
8.2. Roll out programme (over 2015 to July 2016)
Champion: Jeannie van der Veldt
9. Coordinate our Prayer Groups and Prayer Chains to provide a united opportunity
for prayer and reflection by September 2015 Champion: Ron Peterson?
10. Strengthen established spiritual growth programmes and where appropriate
establish new ones for both seekers and for those already committed to the faith.
Objectives for Goal 2
1. Bring our three Local Mission Teams together as a single parish group to carry
out the coordinating roles they do now but for the united Whakatu Presbyterian
by August 2015 Champion: Jon Parkes
2. List all present activities of the three former congregations and identify the key
people in each. The three key people for each activity will get together and plan
how their activities will come together (July 2015). Champion: Jeannie van der
Veldt and Eileen Gordon
3. These teams of three in each will bring their respective groups together to form
the “new” activities of Whakatu Presbyterian and to appoint new leaders for each
activity group (December 2015). Champion: Jeannie van der Veldt
Objectives for Goal 3
1. Establish a team of people to design/develop potential programmes for children
and their parents. (July 2015) Champion: Kim Wootton
2. Team to identify resources required for these programmes – accommodation,
paid staff, helpers, physical resources and consumables needed, develop a
budget (including salaries) and present all this for approval at Council
(September 2015). Champion: Kim Wootton
3. Team to recommend appointment of paid staff for 2016 to Council and be
involved in appointments as directed by Council (November 2015) Champion:
Kim Wootton
4. Team to oversee the initiation / implementation of these programmes and report
to Council on any additional resources needed (March 2016). Champion: Kim
Objectives for Goal 4
To move towards acquiring new 'fit for purpose' land and buildings, existing land and
buildings will need to be sold. The following objectives deal with these sales and
1. Prepare a map marking the present regular attenders’ home locations and
analyse these to find the “Centre of Gravity” of Whakatu Presbyterian by July
2015 Champion: Wendy Tolland
2. Property team will prepare a Capital Budget including valuations of all present
assets and proposed costs of new land and buildings and present this to the
Finance Team by July 2015. A suggested estimate for new buildings is, Church
400 sqm, Hall 400 sqm, Offices, Meeting Rooms, Kitchen, Toilets 400sqm giving
1200 sqm at about $2500/sqm = $3,000,000 + land
Champion: Danny McKeown
3. Property Team to commence the process of purchasing a suitable area of land as
close to the “Centre of Gravity” as possible by August 2015
2.1 It is essential that land for our home is purchased promptly so that people
may see our journey has a finish and they can visit the location and imagine
our final home.
2.2 There may well be enough money for this already from the Tahunanui
bequest money and the Richmond Manse money
2.3 It may well be that this takes longer than expected because of hold-ups of
permission from Presbytry or Head Office to purchase or to release the
Champion: Danny McKeown
Property Team (already appointed) will talk with all other Champions in
developing a proposed specification for buildings which will be suitable for our
Purpose and Goals 1 to 10 and report back to Council with recommendations. A
somewhat traditional centre for worship, which our present members from
throughout the parish may access easily, should be the first priority. Along with
the worship centre, other buildings necessary to run our various planned
programmes (see goals 1 to 11) will need to be included in the proposal (July
2015). Champion: Danny McKeown
Following approval of the draft specifications the team will develop plans. Cost
estimates to be obtained (September 2015). Champion: Danny McKeown
Property Team to proceed with the optimum disposal of all existing land and
building report back to Council with recommendations. Expected receipts for
sales to be reported (September 2015) Champion: Danny McKeown
Property Team to seek necessary approvals (PCANZ Wellington, Alpine
Presbytery, Local Authorities, etc) to proceed with disposals starting with
Tahunanui Church and Manse Stoke Manse(October 2015). Champion: Danny
Following approval from Congregation, Council and other authorities, Property
Team to proceed with disposals (November 2015) Champion: Danny McKeown
Property Team to develop detailed working plans and specifications and contract
papers and select building contractors by June 2016 Champion: Danny
Objectives for Goal 5
1. Finance Team to develop financial rules and procedures and to bring together
and manage all Whakatu Presbyterian financial matters by July 2015 Champion:
Anji Bruijl
2. Finance Team will review all estimated income and estimated expenditure for
programmes under Goals 1 to 4, (including administration and children and
parents helper) and present a budget to the Council for presentation to the
congregation (June 2015). Champion: Anji Bruijl
3. Finance Team will prepare a programme for implementation in our congregation
where members are asked to review their giving (August 2015). Champion: Anji
4. Finance Team will make recommendations to Council in relation to any shortfalls
in income and possible solutions (June 2015). Champion: Anji Bruijl
5. Finance Team will analyse valuations for land and buildings (sale and purchase)
from the Property Team and advise Council of the financial viability of the
proposals. Champion: Anji Bruijl
6. Finance Team will identify whether any programmes under Goals 1 to 4 require a
special financial boost which may come from our capital expenditure budget
(September 2015). Champion: Anji Bruijl
Objectives for Goal 6
1. A small Health and Safety team will be appointed with at least one who is familiar
with HASE Act and 2015 HASE Bill (July 2015). Champion: Max Robertson
2. The team will, start with Goals 1 to 4, will begin to systematically identify potential
hazards (items or activities which could cause harm to anyone whether they are
staff, congregational members, members of the public or suppliers providing
services (August 2015). Champion: Max Robertson
3. The team will then list all potential harms that the identified hazards may cause,
noting that harm may be immediate or may develop over the longer term. Harm
may be physical or psychological. Each item of potential harm (may be more than
one item of harm for each hazard identified) will be rated in terms of severity and
likelihood of occurring (September 2015). Champion: Max Robertson
4. All items of harm identified as serious and those identified as very likely to occur
will be listed and for each a management strategy (eliminate or isolate or protect)
will be developed and implemented. There may be either or both expenditure
items or capital items and a budget will need to be approved by Council
(November 2015). Champion: Max Robertson
Goals 7 to 10 will be on hold for the first year and therefore there are no
Objectives for these at present – watch this space!
Action Plans
For each Objective one or more Champions will be appointed. The task of each
Champion will be to develop an action plan, establish time lines and identify
resources needed including paid staff, accommodation, plant and equipment
and ongoing expenses. Following any necessary approvals by Council, each
Champion will then implement their Action Plan and report back to the six
monthly Strategic Plan review and to the next Strategic Planning session in
about one year’s time.