Review Sheet Ch. 33 Invertebrates 1) Invertebrates include all animals except for Subphylum Vertebrata. Vertebrates are of special interest because they are large and dominate the terrestrial environment. Invertebrates are a “catch all” grouping for all animals that are not vertebrates. It is not a monophyletic group. Monophyletic means that all species in a group share a common ancestor not shared by species outside the group. 2) Animal phyla are distinguished primarily by difference in body plan. Variations in body plan include differences in cephalization, segmentation, coelom, and body symmetry. Most phyla have unique cells and or structures not found in any other phyla (e.g. the mantle of molluscs). Some defining characteristics may only be present at certain times during an individual’s lifespan (e.g. Echinoderms have bilateral symmetry, but only as larvae). 3) The animal phyla that exist today vary in complexity. Some resemble their ancestors more than others. Sponges (Phylum Porifora) probably look similar to their ancestors of 250 million years ago. In contrast, dogs look very different from their ancestors of 250 million years ago (a synapsid reptile). However, each phylum has been evolving along their own pathway for about the same amount of time, and each has adapted to its own body plan and way of life in their own way. 4) Phylum Porifora (sponges) are more similar to their colonial choanoflagellate ancestors than any other animal phylum. Body plan Sac perforated with holes; no body symmetry Tissues specialized cells but none of the tissues or organs that are found in other animal phyla. Locomotion Sessile as adult Reproduction Hermaphroditic; sperm fertilizes egg within a sponge, larva swims to a new location and settles on substratum to develop into an adult Gas exchange Diffusion through body wall Nutrition Filter feeder: flagellated choanocytes create a water current that draws water through sac-like body, strains out particle for food 5) Phylum Cnidaria (jellies, hydras, corals, sea anemone): Body Plan Sac with a central digestive cavity. Radial symmetry. Mouth ringed with tentacles. Has oral and aboral ends. Polyp attaches to substratum at the aboral end, mouth and tentacles point upwards. Medusa is free swimming and oral surface faces downward. Tissues Diploblastic (ectoderm and endoderm). Ectoderm produces not just epidermis and nerve net, but also contractile fibers that function like muscles (in other phyla, muscles form from mesoderm) Locomotion Polyp normally sessile; Medusa drifts or propels itself by contracting and expelling water from its bell-like body Gas exchange Diffusion through body wall Nutrition Incomplete digestive tract; Predator; use cnidocytes (“nettle” cells) and nematocysts (stinging cells) in tentacles to capture prey 6) Phylum Platyhelminthes (flatworms) are acoelomate and have a flat body. They are triploblastic and have endoderm, ectoderm, and mesoderm. Because of their bodies are small and flat, they can exchange gases with specialized organs. They have an incomplete digestive tract consisting of a gastrovascular cavity. The gastrovascular cavity has a network of vessels projecting from it that distribut nutrients to the tissues of the body. Platyhelminthes classes Turbellaria (planarians) Free-living, mostly marine but some freshwater Monogenea (flukes) Parasites of fish Trematoda (flukes) Parasites, usually have intermediate hosts Cestoda (tapeworms) Parasites, made of proglottids 7) Turbellarians are free-living (non-parasitic) and usually marine. A few species, such as the group called planarians, live in freshwater. Turbellarians have some cephalization, including eyespots that can detect light and dark. 8) Flukes are found in two different classes. Both kinds are internal parasites. Trematodes usually have two hosts. 9) Tapeworms are internal parasites that attach to the inside of their host’s digestive tract by the scolex at their head. A tapeworm is made up of independent segments called proglottids. Proglottids are mostly full of reproductive organs. The proglottids at the posterior end of the tapeworm are released in the host’s feces. In some species that infect humans, the feces contaminates the food of livestock. Tapeworm larva encyst in livestock muscles. When the muscles are eaten as meat a larva infects a new host, and develops into a new adult tapeworm. Tapeworms lack a digestive tract and simply absorb nutrients through their skin. 10) Phylum Rotifera are multicellular, and have organs and systems, but are also very small. The largest are 0.2 mm and the smallest are microscopic. The have a complete digestive tract with mouth and anus. They have pseudocoelom that is filled with fluid. This fluid filled cavity provides them with support and is called a hydrostatic skeleton. The cavity also circulates nutrients. A rotifer has a wheel organ. This organ is a ring of cilia that create a vortex that sucks water into the rotifer’s mouth. 11) Rotifers are usually parthenogenic. This means that females produce diploid eggs that develop without needing to be fertilized by sperm. Some rotifers reproduce sexually during stressful conditions (for example, if the pond dries up). In these cases, degenerate males are produced which at maturity are incapable of feeding themselves and only survive long enough to fertilize a female’s eggs. The zygotes produced are resistant to adverse conditions and begin developing when conditions improve. 12) Phylum Mollusca have 1) a muscular foot for movement; 2) a visceral mass that contains vital organs; 3) a mantle, which is a fold of protective tissue that usually secretes a shell; 4) often also have a radula, a hard, rasping tooth or beak-like appendage. Most are marine and have gills for gas exchange. Most have significant cephalization. Characteristics Molluscan class Oval-shaped, moves along substratum scraping of algae Chitons Terrestrial (no gills, use mantle as a lung); torsion (during development, visceral Gastropods (snails and slugs) mass twists 180o so that body has a more upright, less worm-like shape); most use radula to eat plants, but some are carnivorous No radula; no head; shell divided in two halves with the hinge on the dorsal surface; Bivalves (clams have an adductor muscle that opens and closes shells; foot may be used for digging and oysters) or anchoring; gills are used for gas exchange and for collecting food particles; some are sessile, some are just sedentary Fast predators with highly developed brains and nervous systems; radula is a beak for Cephalopods tearing prey; shell is reduced or absent; squids open their mantle cavities suck in (squids, octopi, water, then expel water out their siphon for jet propulsion nautili) 13) Phylum Annelida is coelomate. The coelom is divided into segments separated by septa. Like rotifers, annelids are supported by a hydrostatic skeleton from the fluid-filled segments. Characteristics Annelid class Terrestrial; eat and extract nutrients from soil Oligochaeta (earthworms) Polychaeta (polychaetes) Marine; have pairs of paddle-like appendages on each segment called parapodia (used for movement and gas exchange); some burrow into the seafloor, some live in tubes Usually freshwater; some prey on invertebrates, some drink blood Leaches 14) Phylum Nematoda are roundworms. They are unsegmented, usually dioecious, and have a complete digestive tract. Their muscles are all longitudinal, so when they move they flail about. Like arthropods, they secrete a cuticle, which is periodically shed are new cuticle secreted. Some are freeliving and others are parasitic (at least 50 human parasites, cause of trichinosis). 15) Phylum Arthropoda have 1) segmentation; 2) a secreted exoskeleton that is periodically shed and replaced; 3) jointed appendages; 4) high degree of cephalization (good sight, olfaction, touch). Characteristics Arthropod class Arachnida (spiders, scorpions, Mostly terrestrial; Two segments (cephalothorax and abdomen); ticks, mites), also horseshoe crabs chelicerae (fang-like mouth appendages) Merostomata (horseshoe crabs) chelicerae, aquatic Diplopoda (millipedes) Millipedes Many segments; 2 pairs of legs per segment; eat dead plant matter Chilopoda (centipedes) Centipedes Many segments; 1 pair of legs per segment; carnivorous; venomous fanged appendages Insects (flies, beetles, crickets, Mostly terrestrial, rarely marine; have head, thorax, and abdomen butterflies, etc.) segments; have 3 pairs of legs (emerge from thorax); usually have two pairs of wings (insects are the only flying invertebrates); have tracheal system for gas exchange which consists of tubes that perforate the insect’s body and allow ventilation of body tissues Mostly marine (except pill bug); larger species have gills; many Classes of Subphylun Crustacea (crabs, lobsters, shrimp, copepods, appendages with extensive specialization; smaller species like barnacles, pill bugs or rolly-polies) copepod make up bulk of plankton 16) Along with vertebrates, insects are one of the dominant animal groups on land. There are more known species of insects than all other known species combined. Insects are of great ecological significance: 1) very important for pollination in flowering plants, which are the dominant autotroph on land; 2) important link in most food webs (as predator and prey); 3) important to the life cycle of many parasites and pathogens (as a vector of transmission). 16) Plankton are marine organisms that cannot swim faster than the current (e.g. copepods, unicellular algae). Nekton are larger animals that can swim against the current (minnows, sharks, turtles, etc.). 17) Phylum Echinodermata are one of the two major deuterostome phyla. The other is Phylum Chordata. Include sea stars, sea cucumbers, sea lilies, sand dollars, etc. All are slow-moving or sessile. Adults have adapted to radial symmetry. Covered by a thin skin, with a spiny endoskeleton underneath. 18) Echinoderms have a unique water vascular system that services a system of tube feet. A tube foot is structurally like an eye dropper, with a muscular bulb and a tube extending out with a suction cup at the end. When the bulb contracts, water is pumped into the tube extending the tube foot. When the bulb relaxes the tube foot retracts. The tube feet are used for 1) movement; 2) feeding (can pull open a bivalve shell); 3) gas exchange (feet function as gills).