Green Community Project Rubrics Completeness 4 3 Annotated bibliography complete with around 20 sources, at least 2 non-web and each source well addressed. Notes from both town meetings are thorough and specific to the person's topic. Ann. bibliography complete with 15-20 sources- about1 nonweb- and something written about application of info from each source Some notes available from both town meetings with some connection to the person's topic. Overall work Assignments and conducted at good classwork completed pace with preparation at appropriate pace. done before and class Ideas are welltime used well. Ideas developed and are self-generated teacher suggestions and student requires are developed few teacher independently. suggestions. 2 1 Ann. bibliography has < 15 sources, all from web and little info from each source (OR several sources w/o any annotation) Notes from one meeting only, with some connection to the person's topic. Ann. bibliography has <10 sources that are only lightly annotated OR all sources (no matter how many) are just source and no notes Notes are not from the student, but are borrowed and generic to the class project. Several assignments were late; few ideas were studentgenerated. Most work is completed at appropriate pace. Ideas are partially self-generated, and teacher suggestions are incorporated but not developed further. Grade/ comments /12 Model & Description 4 3 2 1 Model is clear and well-designed with detailed features taking into account land use around the facilities as well as the facilities themselves. Description is easy to read and provides clear and thorough explanation of the important features of the model, both those that are visible and those that are not. Model is clear and has many details that take into account the land and the facilities themselves. Model is easy to understand, but not terribly detailed. Model lacks detail and important features are not clear. Description is easy to read and provides clear explanation of important features of model. Description provides explanation of model, but is lacking depth OR is not clear. Description provides vague explanation of model with few details about the design. Grade/ Comments X2 X2 Building materials come from recycled, renewable or sustainable sources. Water waste mitigation is strongly addressed in terms of more than one of the following: watersaving devices, water recycling, runoff mitigation, etc. Heating- Several different technologies or processes are employed to reduce energy waste AND incorporate renewable energy sources in the design and model. Electricity- Several different technologies or processes are employed to reduce energy waste AND incorporate renewable energy sources in the design and model. Little-to no attempt is X2 made to use recycled, renewable or sustainable building materials Water waste is barely X3 addressed Water waste mitigation is strongly addressed in at least one of the following: water-saving devices, water recycling, runoff mitigation, etc. Several different technologies or processes are employed to reduce energy waste OR incorporate renewable energy sources in the design and model. Water waste is addressed specifically, if not in detail, in at least two of the mentioned areas. Some energy improvement is addressed, but not thoroughly or not correctly. Energy efficiency or renewable energy sources are barely addressed. X2 Several different technologies or processes are employed to reduce energy waste OR incorporate renewable energy sources in the design and model. Some energy improvement is addressed, but not thoroughly or not correctly. Energy efficiency or renewable energy sources are barely addressed. X2 Pollution mitigation is addressed specifically in terms of the facilities in the model (water pollution, air pollution, etc.). Pollution mitigation X2 not address with respect to the specific facilities in the model. /52 Advertisement 4 3 2 1 Grade/ comments Overall appearance is Overall appearance is Appearance is fine, Poor appearance, text X2 clear and uses good clear and legible. but wording or and images convey combination of text Images are used to images are not little information and image to convey enhance text. Few optimal to convey the about the facilities. information. No grammar or spelling important spelling or grammar errors. information. OR errors. several spelling and grammar errors. Information Information One of the three Information X2 presented highlights presented discusses categories is weak or presented is vague, important technology each of the 3 not addressed, while lacking specific or features for each categories in some the other 2 are strong details in multiple of the 3 categories way, though may OR all 3 are weakly arenas. (heating energy, lack some detail or addressed. electrical energy and examples of most water conservation). important feature. /16 Presentation 4 Presentation highlights important technology or features for each of the 3 categories (heating energy, electrical energy and water conservation). 3 2 1 Student demonstrates good presenting skills: eye contact, clear voice, good posture and not reading directly from slides or ad. Presentation addresses each of the 3 categories in some way, though may lack some detail or examples of most important feature. Student demonstrates acceptable presenting skills, only occasionally not doing a few of the mentioned elements. Student often refers to slides or ad, loses eye contact, lacks posture or is hard to hear clearly. One of the three categories is weak or not addressed, while the other 2 are strong OR all 3 are weakly addressed. Presentation information is vague, lacking specific details in multiple arenas. Grade/ Comments X2 /11 Total: _______/ 91 _______%