TC 402: Introduction to Scientific and Technical Editing Instructor: Natasha N. Jones Contact Information: Email or in-person Sieg 429 Time and Location: Tuesday and Thursday 10:30am to 12:20pm in Loew 219 Textbooks: Carolyn D. Rude, Technical Editing, Needham Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon, 2006. (Fourth edition) Chicago Manual of Style, 15th ed., Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2003. Amy Einsohn, The Copyeditor’s Handbook, University of California Press, 2000 (First edition) It is also wise to invest in a good dictionary to use throughout the quarter for your editing projects and assignments. Objective: To prepare students for technical editing in the workplace, while providing practical experience and a theoretical framework for their practice. More specifically, after completing this course, students should be able to: Develop an understanding of editing and its role in document development, publication, and use Mark a document using the established symbols and conventions Learn how to use an editorial standard Know the function of style sheets for a document and know how to create and use a style sheet Increase mastery of grammar, mechanics, punctuation, and spelling Edit documents and illustrations for correctness, consistency, and accuracy Edit documents for style and organization GRADED ASSIGNMENTS Assignment Grammar Quiz Editing Assignment 1 Midterm Exam Editing Assignment 2 End of Qtr Quiz Editing Assignment 3 Participation Due Date April 6 April 15 April 27 May 11 May 27 June 8 Weekly Weight 10% 10% 15% 15% 20% 20% 10% Instructor: N. Jones TC 402 Spring 2010 Note: Assignments must be turned in at, or before the beginning of class (10:30 am on class days) on the day that they are due. Late assignments are absolutely not accepted. I do not grant “extensions,” nor do I offer “make ups.” PARTICIPATION Your attendance in this class is expected and necessary. It is also imperative to attend in order to participate in class activities and discussions. You will not be graded based on your attendance. However, participation (or the lack thereof) will affect your grade. Active participation in class discussions, in-class workshops, and GoPost discussions will also factor into your participation grade. GOPOST I will some of your assignments on GoPost. In addition, I will post additional readings and supplemental exercises to help you prepare for assignments and examinations. You will also be asked to use the GoPost discussion forum as an extension of classroom participation. You will need to make at least one INSIGHTFUL post per week. This can be questions or comments about class discussions, interesting ideas, or any other contributions related to technical editing. GoPost counts toward your participation grade and participation on GoPost is required! CLASS SCHEDULE Date Class topic March 30 Course introduction Key concepts and definitions Grammar introduction April 1 Introduction to standard copy markup and copyediting Grammar Review Today! Readings due Assignments due Rude: Chs. 4 & 7 CMOS 2.92-2.103 Lecture will include punctuation! Instructor: N. Jones TC 402 Spring 2010 April 6 Editing for consistency, style manuals, and style sheets Rude: Chs. 8 & 9 As necessary: Chs 10 & 11 Introduce Editing Assignment #1 (due on April 15th) Lecture using Einshohn Chpt on Style Sheets (pg47) April 8 Guest Lecturer: Anya Luke-Killam, Fred Hutchinson April 13 Editing quantitative references Visuals and Figures Editing Tables April 15 Einsohn Chpt 10 for Lecture Grammar Quiz Quiz includes punctuation Rude: Ch 12 CMOS: Ch 14 Rude: pp 205-211 CMOS: Ch 13 April 20 Proofreading and Final Checks Rude: Ch 13 CMOS: Ch 3 April 22 Relations with Authors Discuss Midterm Rude: Ch 3 April 27 Midterm Exam Editing Assignment #1 Due Today! Midterm Review Midterm Exam Instructor: N. Jones TC 402 Spring 2010 Marking Digital Copy / XML Guest Lecturer: Paul Foy, Microsoft April 29 Rude: Ch 5 Introduce Assignment #2 (due on May 11th) Meet in the computer lab On-Screen Editing May 4 Rude: Ch 6 Meet in the computer lab May 6 Class Canceled May 11 Developmental (Comprehensive) Editing May 13 Visual Design Editing Illustrations Rude: Chs 14, 15, 16, & 17 Editing Assignment #2 Due Today! Rude: Chs 18 & 19 CMOS: Ch 12 Legal and Ethical Issues in Editing May 18 Introduce Editing Assignment #3 (due on June 8th) Rude: Ch 22 CMOS: Ch 4 Instructor: N. Jones TC 402 Spring 2010 Language and Cultural Issues in Editing May 20 Editing and the Workplace Possible Guest Lecturer: TBA Rude: Ch 20 Meet in the computer lab May 25 Project Management May 27 End of Qtr Quiz Today! June 1 Rude: Ch 24 End of Qtr Quiz Review End of Qtr Quiz Work on Final Editing Assignment in HCDE Lab Meet in the computer lab Work on Final Editing Assignment in HCDE Lab June 3 Meet in the computer lab Course Evaluations June 8 Finals Week—No Class Editing Assignment #3 Due Today! (Catalyst Dropbox by 12:00pm) DEPARTMENT POLICIES Instructor: N. Jones TC 402 Spring 2010 Please read the following policies for students registered in TC courses regarding student rights, plagiarism, and the TC human subjects pool: Student rights: Plagiarism: TC Human Subjects Pool: Students registered in TC courses are part of the TC Human Subjects Pool, which means that they may be asked to participate in research studies. Because participation in research studies is voluntary, students who do not wish to participate will be offered an alternative assignment. Instructor: N. Jones TC 402 Spring 2010