Genetics Review Sheet - Northwestern Local Schools

Genetics Quiz Study Guide
1.) What is the genetic material that controls your traits called and where is it found (what part of
the cell)?
2.) Explain the pattern Gregor Mendel observed in his experiments with pea plants between the
parent, F1, and F2 generations.
3.) What are genes and alleles?
4.) How can Gregor Mendel’s experiments act as evidence supporting the idea that every gene has
two or more alleles?
5.) What is the difference between dominant and recessive alleles and how are these represented
in a Punnett Square?
6.) What is the difference between homozygous and heterozygous alleles?
7.) What is codominance? Provide an example.
8.) In dogs, big noses (B) are dominant to small noses (b). Draw a Punnett square to show the cross
between two heterozygous big nosed dogs. List the possible genotypes and phenotype percent
which could occur.
9.) Normal eyes (C) are dominant to cross eyes(c). Draw a punnett square to show the possible
offspring produced when a homozygous normal eyed person has a baby with a cross eyed
person. List the possible genotypes and phenotype percent which could occur.
10.) Why are Punnett squares not exact predictions of offspring that will be born?
11.) What is a pedigree and how does a pedigree show phenotype?
12.) What is the difference between a dominant pedigree and a recessive pedigree?
13.) Draw a simple recessive pedigree and label the males, females, and people affected by the trait.
Does the image above show a dominant or recessive pedigree? Why?
The image above shows the recessive phenotype (b) for red hair. The dominant phenotype (B) of brown
hair is not shaded. Label the genotypes for all individuals.
16.) Describe asexual reproduction and explain an advantages it provides.
17.) Describe sexual reproduction and explain an advantage it provides.
18.) Why is mitosis related to asexual reproduction but not the same?
19.) Why is meiosis necessary in sexual reproduction?
20.) How can an organism have cells going through mitosis and meiosis?
21.) Draw the daughter cells created with the proper number of chromosomes if the cell below goes
through mitosis.
22.) Draw the daughter cells created with the proper number of chromosomes if the cell below goes
through meiosis.