Elkhorn Valley View Middle School Boosters Minutes Call Meeting to Order Agenda & approval previous meeting minutes date, time, meeting place Robin Heller Angela Erland motioned to accept minutes and Sarah Lewis 2 the motion; carried and approved by all. Submitted by Holly Schilmoeller Elkhorn Valley View Middle School Oct 8, 2013 12:00 nd Agenda Topics 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Approval of Minutes From September Meeting Approval of Financials Financial Update New Business Old Business Principal’s News Teacher News Committees Financials Review The Treasurer’s Report was presented by Linda Lembree. Sarah Lewis motioned to approve, Angela Erland 2 the motion. Motion was carried and approved by all. nd General Updates Linda Lembree provided detailed Treasurer’s Report showing all income/expenses for month of September. New Business Womenade Celebration on Giving Robin Heller spoke of upcoming (Nov. 6th) Celebration of Giving Kick-Off. Letters will be going out to Principals and counselors of Elkhorn public schools in October asking for them to identify those families who might be needing help this holiday season. Mr. Swanda’s Issues Mr. Swanda submitted a list of issues to Robin Heller to discuss at meeting. Following is a list of his concerns. 1. There is still the need for a dog waste removal sign in the track area outside. There is still large amount of dog waste on the field area where the kids have outdoor gym classes and football practice. Robin Heller volunteered to speak to Mr. Soupir to make a suggestion of “No Dogs Allowed” signs to be made and installed around track area of school grounds. Motion was made to use $150 of Booster funds to cover this expense. Approved by all. 1. There is a need for a cover for the sand in long-jump area of track and field area kids are playing in the sand. It was also brought up that homeless or wandering cats and might be using sand area as a litter box and this would be unhealthy for kids to use. Popcorn Machine The popcorn machine broke down during use at concessions at the last home volleyball game. Robin Heller will contact Kelly Sutter to see about having the machine repaired. Depending on the cost we will decide whether we repair existing machine or purchase a new one. Evening Booster Meetings The topic of having evening meetings was again brought up. It was discussed and was thought that a Survey Monkey should be created to try to get a better idea of how many people would be interested in attending an evenin g PTO Boosters meeting if there was one. The survey will be put on the schedule for April/May. On-Line Directory Sarah Lewis brought up the thought of possibly doing an on-line directory next year. Initially this had been discussed at EVVMS but the cost was thought to be too high. Sarah knew of a company that could do this for around $300. She will forward the name of this company on to Robin Heller to look into for a possibility for next year. Old Business 501c3 Update Linda Lembree reported that the forms for EVVMS’s 501c3 filing had been mailed. Also our check of $900 had been cashed indicating receipt. Once the 501c3 office receives our filing they have 90 days to respond. Hall of Fame Reception No one in attendance had attended the reception. No news was reported. Principal’s News No news to report. Mr. Soupir was not present. Teacher News No news to report. No teachers were present. Committee News Apparel Robin Heller Box Tops Linda Lembree Concessions Theresa Johnson Directory Theresa Johnson Health Screening No update. No update. Looking for a chair person for this committee. Proofing is completed and directory is currently in production. All volunteer slots have been filled for upcoming health screening Theresa Johnson Plant Fund Raiser Need a chairperson Teacher Appreciation Week (May) Theresa Johnson Teacher Conferences Fall/Spring Lori Hock, Becky Bazata, Lori Gorton Teacher Wednesday Treat Day Heather Zeger Volunteer Coordinator Theresa Johnson Website Linda Lembree No update. No update. Chairperson(s) have been found. At time of meeting there were still a few volunteer slots needing to be filled towards the end of the year. No update. No update. Co-chairs have been found. First meeting is coming up next Wednesday, October 16th @ noon at EVVMS with Mr. Soupir and volunteers to try to decide on a date and theme. 8 Grade Celebration Angela Erland, Sarah Lewis th Adjourn Next Meeting Crystal Jeffreys 1 , Sarah Lewis 2 to motion and adjourned at 1:15. November 12, 2013 12:00 PM EVVMS Conference Room st nd