Gainesville Campus Application

UNG Student Alumni Board Application
Gainesville Campus
Applications are due Friday, September 11, 2015 by email to
Questions? Contact Sarah Dunlap, SAA Advisor or 706-864-1547.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is the Student Alumni Board?
A group of selected student leaders, chosen and led by the Office of Alumni Relations, to organize
special events for the student body – including the Alumni Networking, Student Appreciation Events,
Grad Events, and Student Giving.
What is the Process of Selection for Student Alumni Board (SAB)?
Selections will be based upon the applicant's knowledge of the UNG Alumni Association, poise,
demeanor, leadership experience/potential and ability to represent the UNG Alumni Association with
excellence to the many diverse constituents of the University of North Georgia.
The advisor and members of the board will conduct interviews and determine to whom an invitation to
join the Student Alumni Board shall be extended.
Does it cost money?
Nope. There is no cost to be on the SAB. The SAB budget comes from SGA and the UNG Foundation.
What is the time commitment?
Including but not limited to:
SAB Orientation (October, date TBD) – learn about what Alumni Relations is, what the Office of
Alumni Relations does, and how it relates to you!
SAB Weekly Officer Meetings (Day/Time TBD), Regular Committee Meetings (Day/Time TBD)
Student Appreciation Events (two times per year) – Host a tent or table on campus giving out
appreciation snack or item.
Graduation Events (two times per year) – Host an event just for graduating students leading up
to May / December graduations.
Professor Appreciation Events (one to two times per year) – Host a tent or table on campus
collecting notes to professors. SAB will distribute notes to professors.
What do I get out of it?
Interaction with Alumni and the Young Alumni Board, connect students to alumni, resume builder, meet
new people, and gain skills in public speaking, event planning, and customer service!
How long is the term?
This first term will run October 2015 – April 2016. Future terms will run May-April.
Student Alumni Board Application
First Name ________________________________ Last Name ________________________________
Local Address _________________________________________________________________________
Cell Phone _______________________________________________
Email Address
Class Year: (___FR, ___SOPH, ___JR, ___SEN)
Major: ________________________________
Current Campus Involvement/Leadership Roles:
Can you meet the time commitment (see page 1)?
___ YES ___ NO
Comments: ____________________________________________________________________
Why are interested in being on the SAB and getting involved with Alumni?
What types of skills and experience can you bring to this organization?
Is there a position you are interested in?
___ Vice President (Oversee committees, fill-in for President as needed)
___ MARKETING COMMITTEE (Marketing for ALL Events/Programs/Board Recruitment)
___ PROGRAMS/EVENTS COMMITTEE (Alumni Networking, Student/Professor
Appreciation/Graduation Events)
Applications are due Friday, September 11, 2015 to
Questions? Contact Sarah Dunlap, SAA Advisor or 706-864-1547.