Hello! I’m Jo Riley and I’m looking for casual field or lab work in the biological sciences. I’m available immediately for any time period, even if it’s just a day and it’s all data wrangling! I am currently working at the School of Forestry as a casual field assistant with Dr. Laura Young.
Previous projects:
Great Victoria Desert, WA - targeted fauna surveys for ecological consultancies.
WWF - microchip tagging of critically listed black-flanked rock wallabies.
University of Bristol - lesser horseshoe bat radio telemetry survey on the effect of LED street lighting on commuting routes to preferred foraging sites.
The Kimberley, WA - remote fauna surveys and microchip tagging of terrestrial mammals including golden-backed tree rats, northern quolls and scaly-tailed possums.
University of Western Australia - cardiac RA on ischemia / reperfusion injury.
University of Cambridge - 5 years as RA in insect biomechanics, behaviour and genetics.
Field - terrestrial fauna surveys, mist netting, veg transects, DNA collection, wildlife photography, GPS triangulation, heterodyne bat detection, radio telemetry
Lab - high-speed video, fluorescence microscopy, SEM, TEM, figures, data & stats, bioassays, Langendorffs, ELISA, DNA / PCR / gels, Westerns, histology, cell culturing
Confident in adverse climates; physically fit with own transport; 4WD & First Aid