The study of heavy metal pollution in the surface fauna and

The study of heavy metal pollution in the surface fauna and hyporheic
Presenting Author: Samira Sabri, Co-Authors:Belaidi Nouria
UNIVERSITY Abu Bakr BELKAID-TLEMCEN. Department of Ecology and Environment Laboratory of
Ecology and Natural Ecosystems Management.
, Tlemcen, Algeria.
The stydy of upstream and downstream evolution of hyporeic fauna compared to here of surface
environment ,it is realised in average and low Tafna on downstream dam .
Listed fauna includes understands 28 tax,dominated by the larvae of insects “in particular Chironomidae
“ and the Oligochetes “Tubificidae”( the indicator fauna of pollution).
the diversity of fauna is particular influence by the environment conditions(heavy metal pollution).
The results are indicating diminution of fauna in hyporeic and surface environment ,it is cither due to the
extinction or the migration of the fauna to deeper layers.
The composition of fauna in three stations is show to the station T6 called receptive of dam water is
more affected by pollution of heavy metals with low diversity.
Keys words:
North-west of Algeria-hyporeic fauna-surface fauna-pollution- heavy metals-Tafna wadi
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[1] Authors, Journal, Issue (Year) page.