Proposal for exemption from validated study and what alternatives

Proposal for exemption from validated study and what
alternatives will be put in place (CA).
The Formation and Ministry Team will offer the option of validated exemption if:
1. The curate is presently engaged in a MA or PhD related study in theology
Their supervisor or tutor will supply a letter detailing the theological engagement of the
The student will attend and participate in all KIME lectures;
The student will produce component 2 of the ‘summative assessment’ per module as
- The student will present ‘formative assessment’ per module at and to their local seminar
group and present the presentation notes as required;
Once the other academic work is complete, the student will produce ‘evidence of
learning’ (see portfolio assessment alternatives) for component 1
2. The curate has already achieved a MA or PhD related to study in theology or similar
The student will attend and participate in all KIME lectures;
The student will produce component 2 of the ‘summative assessment’ per module as
The student will present ‘formative assessment’ per module at and to their local seminar
group and present the presentation notes as required;
The student will produce ‘evidence of learning’ (see portfolio assessment alternatives)
for component 1
The Formation and Ministry Team will grant exemption to a curate request for
withdrawal during the curacy process from the validated KIME process only if:
3. The training incumbent validates such a request due to health or personal reasons*
The student will attend and participate in all KIME lectures;
The student will produce component 2 of the ‘summative assessment’ per module as
The student will present ‘formative assessment’ per module at and to their local seminar
group and present the presentation notes as required;
The student will produce ‘evidence of learning’ (see portfolio assessment alternatives)
for component 1;
4. The student has gathered enough credit to exit with a BA (level 6 only and only if
relevant to exemption reason 3);
The student will attend and participate in all KIME lectures;
The student will produce component 2 of the ‘summative assessment’ per module as
The student will produce component 2 of the ‘summative assessment’ per module as
The student will produce ‘evidence of learning’ (see portfolio assessment alternatives)
for component 1;
5. The Bishop confirms reasons 3-4
*Health reasons may include for example: severe depression, severe life threatening illness, stress that may lead
to burn-out or break-down
Personal reasons may include for example: stress resulting from bankruptcy, divorce or tragic death of a family
IME Phase 2 Theological Assessment Alternatives (evidence of learning)
Appropriate for:
Academic withdrawal at Level 6 or 7 during curacy Or the level 7 option for those engaged
in MA/PhD study during curacy Or those who are starting curacy having already attained a
MA or PhD (associate academic)
This route of learning evidence is only for those for whom this has been approved (see
exemption document). It is not an easier option to the academic assessment and will
therefore imply the same amount of effort and time involved as you audit the course as an
‘associate academic curate’. The aim of this assessment alternative is to provide evidence of
learning. Those engaged with a Masters or PhD will only be required to submit/participate in
Formative Assessment and component (2) of the Summative Assessment as appropriate per
module and only submit for component (1) of the Summative Assessment once their other
study is complete. Those withdrawn from the validated academic pathway at level 6 & 7 will
be given more creative options for the Summative Assessment component (1) appropriate to
the module as indicated below (2500-3000 words) negotiated with the programme director:
(all 4 options are related to the module concerned)
A Portfolio of:
- a sermon (notes) or order of service (with reflection) or some other formal church
document (with reflection)
- a newspaper, web (media) or magazine article with reflection
- a visual pastoral cycle poster (see example)
- a research method with reflection
1 Book review and a sermon/Bible study on that (topic of that) book (written) with a
Ministerial Resources
Producing policy, a course, talks and/or presentations.
Academic Journal or Book Publication
Examples of such journals:
Journal of Contemporary Religion, Theology, Journal of Adult Theological Education
Each module will have a word equivalent that can be combined with 1 or 2 other modules to
create a journal article.
Examples book publications:
SCM Press, Grove Books
Therefore each module will have a word equivalent that can be combined to form chapters
of a book.
The component 1 essay
This ‘Theological learning evidence’ forms part of the curacy evidence towards the
assessment at the end of curacy. Assessment therefore is still rigid and if unsatisfactory,
the student will be required to re-submit. Those at MA or PhD level will be assessed with the
expectation of meeting level 7 marking criteria. The feedback form below must be
completed by your TI (or someone else) before being returned to the programme director.
Topic/theme title:
Portfolio Route Chosen:
Short summary of feedback received (fill in questions below):
1. Questions discussed by TI on work produced:
2. New learning discovered by curate (200 words)