PT Faculty Orientation Syllabus ONLINE, Non-Credit

PT Faculty Orientation Syllabus
ONLINE, Non-Credit
This is an outline of your orientation experience.
Starts: When instructor is hired
Ends: 30 days after the instructor’s first day of class
Part-Time Faculty Coordinators
Phil Gasper
Jimmy Cheffen
Jeremy Kautza
Office: Center for Excellence in Teaching & Learning, Truax Room B2208
Main CETL Office Telephone: 608-246-6646
Class Information
Course Description:
This course aims to orient new faculty to the resources, policy & procedures, and
culture of Madison Area Technical College.
Course Format: One (2)-hour face-to-face (F2F) meeting with additional online activities (total 5 hours)
Class Schedule:
1. Upon hiring, your School office will direct you to the Part-Time Faculty Orientation Kick-starter registration
online (
2. Instructor will register and attend the Part-Time Faculty Orientation Kick-starter before their first day of
3. Within the first 30 days of your first day of class, you will complete the required activities within the online
orientation course.
4. Report your hours online to be compensated for your time (maximum 5 hours in total). Your supervisor’s
office will approve this time based on your completion status.
2 hour F2F Kick-starter experience will be located at a location determined by CETL (locations
listed at orientation registration page). For the online portion, participants will choose a location.
For syllabus support, contact the Center for
Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) at 608246-6646.
This syllabus was created from the Syllabus
Template, find it at A-Z resources ‘S’ for Syllabus
Last Updated 2/9/2016
1|P a g e
PT Faculty Orientation Syllabus
ONLINE, Non-Credit
Before attending this training, you are expected to have completed all pre-orientation activities including:
1. Contact the Human Resources department at 608-246-6900 (or contact your Supervisor’s Office) to
receive your Employee ID number
2. Activate your employee computer accounts online via myMadisonCollege
3. Apply for your One Card (Employee Identification Card) at your campus office or at Truax’s Student
Development Center
4. Apply for your college Parking Pass
CETL, Blackboard, Enrollment Services, Technology Services. (2013). Technology Orientation at Madison
College. Madison, WI: Madison Area Technical College.
CETL. (2013). CETL Professional Development Calendar 2013-14. Madison, WI: Madison Area Technical College.
CETL. (2013). Part-Time Faculty Orientation Handbook Madison, WI: Madison Area Technical College.
CETL. (2013). Syllabus Template (Credit). Madison, WI: Madison Area Technical College.
Stewart, D. (2004). Effective Teaching: A Guide for Community College Instructors. Washington DC: Community
College Press.
A computer at which you can spend at least 3 hours.
Course Competencies: You have the opportunity to learn the following skills in this course:
Section 1: Madison College Structure, Mission & Culture
 Define our vision, mission and values
 Locate the organizational structure & distinguish where you fit into our structure
 Define which administrative policies apply to your classroom
 Identify the counties in Wisconsin within our Wi Technical College District
 Give one fact regarding graduates & funding of Madison College
 Give an example of how you will apply the Learning College principals
 Locate one article in Matters that is of interest to you
Section 2: Identify resources available to you as a Madison College employee
 Utilize Outlook to send email & calendar appointments
 Recognize the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL)’s role
 Locate the Employee Handbook and understand its use
 Know where to make copies
 Enter your time for payment in Compensation Launch Pad
 Locate the Help Desk
 Access myMadisonCollege to find
o FacultyCenter
o Compensation Launchpad (Time & Labor)
For syllabus support, contact the Center for
Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) at 608246-6646.
This syllabus was created from the Syllabus
Template, find it at A-Z resources ‘S’ for Syllabus
Last Updated 2/9/2016
2|P a g e
PT Faculty Orientation Syllabus
ONLINE, Non-Credit
Section 3: Summarize teaching resources available to you as a Madison College Instructor
 Request your course shell in Blackboard
 Print a class roster from Faculty Center
 Customize the syllabus template for your course
 Identify classroom management techniques
 Register for Faculty Mentoring Program
 Prepare for your first day
 Understand the faculty observation process
Section 4: Identify your relationship with your supervisor, school office, and program director or department
 Name your supervisor, an administrative assistant in your school office, and your department leadership
 Generalize the utility of each
Section 5: Complete required trainings & activities
 Recognize the importance of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) in your classroom
 Identify sexual harassment and know the procedures to deal with it
 Demonstrate knowledge of workplace discrimination
 Identify copyrights and the applicable laws
 Understand how to keep your WTCS instructor certification
Core Abilities: Madison College's Core Abilities are Eight Key Life and Success Skills that are taught and
assessed in classes, labs, and field experiences at Madison College. You have the chance to improve the
following core abilities in this course:
Science and Technology
Social interaction
Responsibilities and Policies:
Student Responsibilities:
Students (who are instructors in this particular instance) are expected to be
familiar with Madison College policies and procedures. Many of the important policies and procedures are on
the Madison College website, located at
Academic Integrity is an expectation in all Madison College classes. Plagiarism, cheating and collusion are
prohibited at Madison College. Plagiarism is defined as passing of another person’s work as your own. Students
who fail to observe these standards are subject to disciplinary action. Madison College has a strong policy on
Academic Misconduct which is published on the Madison College website. Please refer to this page on the
Madison College Website to review all Academic Integrity and Misconduct policies located at
If you choose not to complete the activities within 30 days of your first day of class, you will not
be compensated for orientation.
The two hour F2F session is required. The activities online must be completed by the end of 30
days of your first day of class.
Madison College offers an email account for all students and employees. You are responsible for
monitoring your email account. A link to your email is found at the top of the Madison College homepage
For syllabus support, contact the Center for
Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) at 608246-6646.
This syllabus was created from the Syllabus
Template, find it at A-Z resources ‘S’ for Syllabus
Last Updated 2/9/2016
3|P a g e
PT Faculty Orientation Syllabus
ONLINE, Non-Credit
Use of Electronic Devices: Is encouraged.
Technical Assistance:
Instructor’s Computer Help Desk ( is located in Truax room 226A . Alternatively, the Employee’s help desk (AKA Service Desk) can be
contacted at (608) 246-6666 (x6666 on campus) until 10pm most days. [Students have their own Help Desk at
Disability Act Statement:
Madison College complies with all provisions of the Americans with Disabilities
Act and makes reasonable accommodations upon request. Please contact Disability Resources Services at
246-6716 (Students who are deaf via Relay 711), room 159 at Truax or email
If you have an accommodation card from their office indicating that you have a disability which requires
academic accommodations, please present it to me so we can discuss the accommodations that you might
need in this class. It is best to request these accommodations at the beginning if not before class so there is
ample time to make the accommodations.
Class Cancellation:
Besides local radio stations and the Madison Area Technical College website,
students can call the hotline to inquire about weather related school closings. (608) 246-6606. There is also a
cell phone text-based service called ‘WolfPack Alert’ which you can sign up for
( ).
Learner Responsibilities: As a student in this class and an instructor at Madison College, you are
expected to:
take responsibility for your classroom responsibilities
be prepared for class and be an enthusiastic participant during class
treat others, including students, with tolerance and respect
set high standards for your teaching and learning
Instructor Responsibilities:
As your orientation facilitator, I commit to being available to you when you
need it. I will maintain a professional, safe online learning environment adhering to the policies of the college. I
will do my best to make you feel welcome here at Madison College and hope that you leave with a
professional relationship with a coworker. You can expect a reply to communication, be it via e-mail,
voicemail or in person, within 24-48 business hours.
Blackboard: The bulk of this work will occur within a Blackboard course.
You can access this course by
logging in to the following page:
Madison College Instructor Support information:
Madison College Blackboard Student Support information:
Consult your instructor for support with Blackboard problems
Computer difficulties are not a long-term excuse for non-participation. If you experience problems with
your computer, call the computer help desk at (608) 246-6666. They can talk you through fixing many,
many problems.
Blackboard Outages: Madison College does its best to keep our Blackboard classroom up and running.
However, despite our best efforts, our virtual classroom may go down unexpectedly. If you cannot
access our classroom, here is what you should do:
o Phone the help desk. They can often resolve your problem over the phone.
o Use your Adventure Journal to guide your activities.
For syllabus support, contact the Center for
Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) at 608246-6646.
This syllabus was created from the Syllabus
Template, find it at A-Z resources ‘S’ for Syllabus
Last Updated 2/9/2016
4|P a g e
PT Faculty Orientation Syllabus
ONLINE, Non-Credit
Resources for Students:
Peer to Peer Tutoring Services at Madison College:
Counseling Services at Madison College: 608-246-6076, .
Career Resources at Madison College: (608) 246-640,
Student Writing Center Assistance: (608)243-4289,
Student Help Desk: (608) 243-4444 or toll-free (866) 277-4445, Truax Campus Library Room 230
Syllabus Changes:
As your instructor, I retain the right to make changes based on the timeline of the
class, feedback from learners and/or logistical issues and will inform you as soon as a change is made.
This table is a checklist to find all the expected activities of you for this orientation. When you have completed all the tasks
on this page (within 30 days of beginning your class), please claim an additional 3 hours towards orientation in the
Compensation Launchpad.
2 – hour face-to-face Orientation
Section 1: Madison College
1:Quiz- Student Demographics*
For you to record: Date Completed
Before class start date
1:Assignment- Madison College Scavenger Hunt*
Section 2: Employee Resources
2:Discuss- CETL & You*
2:Hands-on Activity- Email w/Roster*
2: Hands-on Activity-Meeting Request*
2:Quiz-Employee Resources*
Section 3: Teaching Resources
3:Hands-on Activity- Request Bb Shell
3:Hands-on Activity- Print Roster
3:Hands-on Activity- Customize Syllabus
3: Hands-on Activity- Faculty Mentor
3:Quiz- Teaching Resources*
3:Quiz- URLs for Teaching Resources*
Before class start date
Before class start date
3:Blog- First day of class*
Before class start date
Section 4: Your Leadership
4:Hands-on Activity- Complete your Key People table
4:Hands-on Activity- Meet your Supervisor ≠
Before class start date
Section 5: Required Training
5:Quiz- FERPA & Red Flags ≠
Before class start date
5:Preventing Sexual Harassment ≠
5:Preventing Employment Discrimination ≠
5:Quiz- Copyright Law for Education ≠ *
5:(Review Only) WTCS Certification≠
Indicates a condition of employment and does not count
* Indicates graded within Blackboard
towards 4 paid hours of orientation
For syllabus support, contact the Center for
Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) at 608246-6646.
This syllabus was created from the Syllabus
Template, find it at A-Z resources ‘S’ for Syllabus
Last Updated 2/9/2016
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