Annex A. Primary participants of the study Institution Name Position E-mail Ministry of Production Peru General Directorate of Extraction and Fishery Production for Direct Human Consumption Mr. Javier Coronado Ms. Yesenia Chumbe Director Extraction and Fishery Production for DHC Artisanal Fishery Artisanal Fishery Director Fishery and Aquaculture Economic Studies Fishery Statistics Director Control Technology Scientific Executive Director Specialist in Pelagic Resources President Technical Cooperation Director General of Technological Research for Fisheries Transformation Director of SANIPES (National Health Service for Fisheries) Biologist of SANIPES Senior Scientist National Coordinator/ Interim Deputy Executive Director Project Overseer Consultant General Directorate of Policy and Fisheries Development General Directorate of Surveillance and Control IMARPE - Peru Peruvian Marine Research Institute Ms. Gladys Chavez Mr. Frank Gomero Mr. Ernesto Peña Ms. Maria Paz Ramirez Mr. Jonatan Chaname Ms. Jesica Pino Mr. Ivan Malaver Mr. Andres Chipollini Mr. Miguel Ñiquen ITP - Peru Peruvian Institute of Fishery Mr. Rolando Yzazyga Mr. Melva Pazos Mr. Alberto Salas Mr. Ana María Coronado Mr. Gloria Fuertes RCFMC, MMAF - Indonesia Research Centre for Fisheries Mr. Swuarso Management and Conservation, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries NFRDI, BFAR - The Philippines National Fisheries Research Mr. Noel Barut and Development Institute, Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources APEC FWG 2010A Project Ministry of Production - APEC Mr. Jose Allemant Independent Ms. Daniela Lainez Annex B. Work Program – Visit of Representatives from Indonesia and the Philippines to Peru 1. Event: Visit of the representatives from Indonesia and the Philippines to Peru. Date – October 2012 Sunday 21 Institution Tasks Participants Vice-Ministry of Fisheries, Ministry of Production Arrival to Lima, Peru Retrieve form the airport and transport to accommodation - Ms. Daniela Laínez - Mr. Suwarso - Mr. Noel Barut Monday 22 Peruvian Technological Institute of Production- ITP - Visit to the Fish Market – Ventanilla - Mr. Suwarso - Mr. Noel Barut - Mr. Jose Allemant - Ms. Daniela Laínez Peruvian Marine Research Institute IMARPE - Visit to IMARPE Tuesday 23 - Visit to the Peruvian Institute of Fish Technology - Visit to large scale fish processing plant (TASA) - Mr. Suwarso - Mr. Noel Barut - Mr. Jose Allemant - Ms. Daniela Laínez TASA Processing Plant Wednesday 24 Vice-Ministry of Fisheries, Ministry of Production - One day meeting to exchange experience between Indonesia, the Philippines and Peru, with presentations from relevant stakeholders (ANNEX C). - Mr.Suwarso - Mr. Noel Barut - Mr. Jose Allemant - Ms. Daniela Laínez - PRODUCE - IMARPE - ITP - SANIPES Thursday 25 Vice-Ministry of Fisheries, Ministry of Production - Visit to supermarkets and market in Lima - Surquillo - Mr. Suwarso - Mr. Noel Barut - Mr. Jose Allemant - Ms. Daniela Laínez - Meeting to discuss, comment, and validate findings of the information retrieved during fieldwork in Indonesia and the Philippines. Friday 26 Vice-Ministry of Fisheries, Ministry of Production - One day visit to Paracas National Reserve - Visit to small scale and large scale processing plants (iPRisco) Saturday 27 Sunday 28 Vice-Ministry of Fisheries, Ministry of Production - Mr. Suwarso - Mr. Noel Barut - Mr. Jose Allemant - Ms. Daniela Laínez - Visit to small scale fishing port and market (Chorrillos) - Mr. Suwarso - Mr. Noel Barut - Mr. Jose Allemant - Ms. Daniela Laínez Departure - Mr. Suwarso - Mr. Noel Barut 2. Objectives of the visit: a) Share the research and management techniques for monitoring and regulating small pelagic fisheries in Peru, and identify new programs that could be applied in order to help manage and regulate these fisheries in Indonesia and the Philippines. b) Exchange experience and explore ways in which expertise can be transferred between Peru, Indonesia and the Philippines regarding: (i) technology in the production of value-added products from small pelagic fish for human consumption (e.g., smoked, salted, paste, and other forms); and (ii) marketing strategies for promoting the use of small pelagic fishes for human consumption. c) Comment, validate and analyze the information retrieved during fieldwork in Indonesia and the Philippines, and identify possible missing information. 3. Location: Lima, Peru 4. Dates: 21st-28th October 2012 5. Work Agenda: see above Annex C. Meeting Agenda - APEC Project FWG01 2010A ‘Potential Contribution of Small Pelagic Fish to Food Security within the Asia-Pacific Region’ Date: Wednesday 24th of October 2012 Place: Ministry of Production (PRODUCE) – Meeting Room Nº2 Address: Calle Uno OesteN0 60 Corpac-San Isidro Time / Session 9:00– 9:30am Presentation Title Registration 9:30- 9:35am Opening ceremony (Mr. Jose Allemant, APEC Project Overseer) 09:35-10:05am Project: ‘Potential Contribution of Small Pelagic Fish to Food Security within the Asia-Pacific Region’ Project presentation and preliminary results of the research conducted in Indonesia and the Philippines (Ms. Daniela Lainez, APEC Consultant) 10:05-10:10am Questions and discussion Session II Fisheries Profile and Management in Indonesia and The Philippines Introduction to fisheries management in Indonesia (Mr. Suwarso, RCFMC, MMAF, Senior Scientist) Introduction to fisheries management in The Philippines (Mr. Noel Barut, NFRDI, BFAR, Interim Deputy Director) Questions and discussion Coffee Break Session 1 10:10-10:40 am 10:40-11:10 am 11:10-11:20am 11:20-11:40 am Session III 11:40-11:55 am 11:55-12:10 pm 12:10-12:25 pm 12:25-12:40 pm Fisheries Management in Peru (Ministry of Production) Artisanal fishery in Peru (Mr. Frank Gomero, General Directorate ofExtraction and Fishery Production for Direct Human Consumption) Fishing activity in Peru for direct human consumption (Ms. Gladys Chávez, General Directorate of Extraction and Fishery Production for Direct Human Consumption) The pelagic contribution in food security (Ms. Maria Paz Ramírez, General Directorate of Policy and Fisheries Development ) Supervision and Control of Peruvian Fisheries (Mr.Iván Malaver, General Directorate of Surveillance and Control) 12:40-12:50pm Questions and discussion Session IV Fisheries Technology and Research in Peru 12:50-01:05 pm 01:20-01:35 pm 01:35-01:50 pm 01:50-02:05pm 02:05-02:10pm Resources and fisheries in the Peruvian upwelling ecosystem (Mr. Miguel Ñiquén, IMARPE, Biologist) Consumption of anchovy for food security and fisheries technology in Peru (Ms. Melva Pazos Hamm and Mr. Alberto Salas Maldonado, ITP) Health and handling seafood (Ms. Gloria Fuertes, SANIPES) Plenary synthesis session to discuss opportunities for the transfer of technology and knowledge regarding small pelagic fish and their value added products Closing ceremony