CIMA Global Learning FAQ

CIMA Learning FAQs
How do I apply to become a CIMA Global Learning tuition provider?
Use the CIMA Global Learning Matrix to benchmark your course provision against the global
standards. Then indicate the level of accreditation you feel is most appropriate for your provision on
the application form. If your courses are already up and running and producing good results, you
may become accredited as an Advanced Partner. However, the majority of new colleges are
accredited as Partners in the first instance and then should progress up to Advanced Partner within
about 12 months. As an established track record of exam success is an essential element of Premium
Partner recognition, a minimum of 12 months accreditation at Advanced Partner level is required
before an application for Premium Partner can be considered. Please note, the final decision of the
accreditation will be confirmed after the site visit.
Can we apply any time of the year?
Yes. We welcome applications throughout the year.
What kind of documents do I need to submit with the application form?
In addition to benchmarking against the CIMA Global Learning matrix and completing the application
form, you will need to email the following to
1) CIMA lecturers’ CVs (qualifications, detailed work experience);
2) Marketing strategy for attracting CIMA students (practical examples) and
3) Brief details of other courses and qualifications offered.
What sort of evidence will I need to supply to support my application?
We have provided examples of the sorts of evidence you may supply to support your application in
the “Examples of Evidence “ handout . Please download a copy here [insert link]. These examples are
not exhaustive; you may have other documents which you feel are more useful in supporting your
application. One piece of evidence eg a course handbook may fulfill the evidence requirements for a
number of criteria. Please note that whilst we do not expect you to submit evidence to support all
standards with your initial application, we may request to see evidence in support of any and all
standards either as part of the initial assessment and /or before or during site/monitoring visits.
Is the decision regarding the accreditation based on the submitted documentation? Or is a site
visit required?
Both. Our decision will be based on a site visit as well as the submitted documentation.
How long will the application process take?
You will receive a decision about your application within one week of the site visit. We try to
schedule site visits as soon as we have received all the required documents. However, this is subject
to the availability of our regional Learning Business Partners.
For how long is the initial accreditation valid?
At the CIMA Global Learning Partner level the initial accreditation is valid for six months after which
we expect your courses to be up and running; subsequent accreditation at this level will be for 12
months. If your courses are not set up within 6 months, we will withdraw accreditation. A new
application will not be considered until at least 12 months have passed. This is to ensure that
providers listed on our database are actually running courses and that students have the latest
information on tuition available to them. For Advanced Partners and Premium Partners,
accreditation is for 12 months.
How often do we have to renew our accreditation?
The CIMA Global Learning annual subscription runs from the beginning of January until the end
December. All CIMA tuition partners are required to renew their accreditation annually by the end of
Our application was unsuccessful – how quickly can we re-apply?
It depends on the reason for rejection. Your local Learning Business Partner will be able to discuss
this with you and suggest the best way forward.
How much does an annual accreditation cost?
CIMA Global Learning Partner - £200
CIMA Global Learning Advanced Partner - £450
CIMA Global Learning Premium Partner - £750
We are offering online tuition only – can we register with CIMA?
Yes. Online tuition providers are welcome to apply for the CIMA Global Learning Scheme
membership. We accredit by qualification rather than subject so you can achieve accreditation for
the Certificate in Business Accounting, the Diploma in Management Accounting, the Advanced
Diploma in Management Accounting or the full CIMA professional qualification.
We are planning to run Certificate in Business Accounting courses only – can we register on the
learning scheme?
Yes. Accreditation is available for stepped qualifications e.g. Certificate in Business Accounting,
Diploma in Management Accounting, Advance Diploma in Management Accounting or full
professional qualification.
We are a college new to CIMA but we are confident we meet the Premium Partner criteria - can
we apply for Premium Partner accreditation straight away?
If your college is new to teaching CIMA, you will need to join the scheme at Partner level. However,
if you already feel you meet Advanced Partner criteria, you will probably be able to move up to
Advanced Partner within 12 months and Premium Partner within a further 12 months, subject to
satisfactory exam performance. Whatever level you are accredited at, you will receive support from
your local Learning Business Partner and marketing materials from CIMA to help you promote your
courses and you will also be listed in our searchable online database.
What kind of support can we expect to receive from CIMA?
The support depends on your accreditation level. To view the full details of support, marketing and
promotional benefits available for each level, please refer to Partner (hyperlink), Advanced Partner
(hyperlink), and Premium Partner (hyperlink) information.
We have been awarded the CIMA Global Learning Partner level accreditation, how quickly we can
apply for the Advanced Partner level accreditation?
A move up to the Advanced Partner level can be expected within 12 months of courses starting. This
is subject to demonstrable student progression.
We have been awarded the CIMA Global Advanced Learning Partner level accreditation, how
quickly we can apply for the Premium Partner level accreditation?
A successful track record of exam success, student retention and satisfaction are essential features
of Premium Partner recognition so you will need to spend at least 12 months as an Advanced
Partner building up this track record before you can be considered for Premium Partner recognition.
What happens if we fall short of some of the standards when we are due for re-accreditation?
This depends upon what level your college is at. We expect tuition providers at Partner level to have
courses up and running within 6 months, failure to do so will result in accreditation being withdrawn
for at least 12 months. At all levels, though, we aim to work with you to identify why standards are
not being met and to put plans in place to rectify any weaknesses. For Advanced Partner and
Premium Partners, time will be allowed for remedial action but ultimately accreditation may be
withdrawn if standards do not improve or we believe there is a lack of commitment to
improvement. For Premium Partners, weaknesses in results in one subject or at one exam diet will
not result in immediate action. However, pass rate success is key at this level and so a move to
Advanced Partner level may be appropriate if there are consistent problems with pass rates. A
return to Premium Partner can be considered when pass rates improve/become consistent.
Are a minimum number of students required for accreditation at any or all levels?
There is no defined minimum number; however at Premium Partner level, CIMA will require
evidence of strong pass rates and robust recruitment and progression of students. Please liaise with
your local Learning Business Partner to discuss.
I am not happy with the accreditation decision made about my college, what can I do?
We use the standards matrix, supporting documentation and, where appropriate pass rate,
retention and satisfaction data, to decide which level of accreditation to award. This means that the
process is very transparent and the reasons for an award being given or not being given clear. If you
are not happy with your award, you need to discuss this with your Learning Business Partner in the
first instance. In the unlikely event this does not provide a satisfactory explanation, the Learning
Business Partner will take advice from the Director of Learning.