December 2015 - Milton Primary School

Milton Primary School
Our School Vision: To work actively in partnership to ensure every child
achieves their full potential in an inclusive, supportive, safe, stimulating
and motivating environment.
December Newsletter
Session 2015/2016
Tel:-01555 894282
I have thoroughly enjoyed my first couple of
weeks in Milton Primary as I get to know all the
pupils, staff and many parents/carers. Everyone
has been very welcoming and already I feel part of
the Milton Primary School family – thank you.
There is certainly a change in the weather as we
start the countdown to the festive season. Advice
regarding school closures due to severe weather
can be accessed via the council website at and twitter
@SouthLanCouncil. I will also update the school
website (address above) as soon as any information
is given regarding any weather/closure advice.
Classes are busy rehearsing for our Christmas
show, ‘The McTivity’ which I’m sure will be a great
success. You will have received a letter via ‘pupil
post’ to outline when performances will take place Tuesday 15th (1.30-2.30) and Wednesday 16th
(10.30-11.30). Tickets are available in limited
amounts from the school office, we hope to see
you there!
Lorna James
Head Teacher
Our Aims and Values
* To ensure all pupils are nurtured, safe, active,
healthy, achieving, included, respected and
* To promote rights and responsibility and through
this, aim for every member of the school community
to be treated with equality, fairness and respect.
* To provide a wide range of opportunities which
give the children the capacity to become successful
learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens
and effective contributors.
* To improve the achievement and attainment by
providing high quality education.
At the Heart of Milton is…
At the heart
of Milton is…
Team Work
Fun, Fit Friday
Class Assemblies
Well done to both P5/6 and P2/3 on their recent
class assemblies. Unfortunately I was unable to
attend P5/6 assembly as I was at the opening of
Coalburn Primary School but I was privileged to
have another performance the following week and
thoroughly enjoyed the facts about Mary Queen of
Scots. P2/3 were equally entertaining with their
performance of Mrs Skellybones. I really enjoyed
the skeleton dance at the end. Well done to all
involved including Mrs Bunten and Mrs Taylor.
The pupils and staff enjoyed our recent Fun, Fit
Friday where cross stage groups took part in a
wide range of activities led by staff members.
Activities included; massage in schools, active
songs, team games, healthy brain activities,
aerobics, bowling, large floor games, circle time
and dance.
A big thank you also to the Primary 7 pupils who
helped support the younger pupils in each group,
Well Done! Tesco also helped support our
healthy day by donating fruit which allowed us
to run our fruity tuck-shop.
Artsnet Performance
Primary 6 have been working on dance and drama
based scenarios in order to perform an informative
show themed around gender stereotyping and
online safety. The pupils clearly highlighted the
importance of knowing how to keep ourselves safe
online and also who to talk to and where to go to
find support. A number of pupils will be chosen by
the Artsnet team to perform this at Hamilton
Townhouse in January. Well done P6!
The P.T.A have helped to raise an amazing sum of
£6000 to help support Milton Primary pupils.
Discussion is ongoing about how this money could
be used to benefit the teaching, learning and
outdoor experiences for all pupils. Without the
ongoing hard work and fundraising from the P.T.A
we could not provide many of the additional
resources/activities we have now. A huge thanks to
all who support and volunteer within the P.T.A. We
are always looking for new ideas and would welcome
new members at our next meeting in the new year.
Even if you are unable to attend meetings,
volunteering at events even for a short time would
be greatly appreciated and ensure they continue to
run in the future.
Our Primary 7’s have been working very hard with
their PreSTEM project. The launch day saw the
children working on group tasks to help with team
building skills and communication. The icebreaker
task resulted in each group designing and making an
armchair made out of balloons. The children then
established team names and began their first
challenge. This week the children presented their
finished projects to a team of PreSTEM staff and
their efforts were rewarded with medals and a
certificate. Well done P7, great team work too.
Christmas Parties
‘Tis the season..….dates for Christmas parties are
outlined below and who knows there may even be a
special visitor popping in too if he’s not too busy!
Monday 7th Pantomime
Wednesday 9th Christmas Lunch
Thursday 10th P6 Fit Bitz
Tuesday 15th Christmas Show (1.30-2.30)
Wednesday 16th Christmas Show (10.30 – 11.30)
Education City
We have recently purchased a site license for
Education City which will allow pupils to access
modules in Literacy, Numeracy and French at
early, first and second level. This is an
excellent resource which is innovative and
interactive and I’m sure will provide an
excellent use of technology within the school.
Car Parking
It has come to our attention that the parking
situation outside the school is becoming
increasingly dangerous with cars parked in the
bus bay and also cars mounted on the
pavements. As I’m sure you are all aware this is
extremely dangerous and some children have
had to go onto the road to get round parked
cars. I would ask you to please park sensibly
and with consideration for other road users
and pedestrians.
P.E Kit
As part of our school improvement priorities
this session, we will be discussing our
PE/Health and Wellbeing programme over the
next few months and how we can maximise the
teaching time within the gym hall. A number of
pupils are forgetting to bring the correct kit
which means they are not always able to take
part. House and Vice Captains, along with Pupil
Council will discuss ways in which we could
monitor that kit is brought on the correct day
and how we can ensure teaching time is not lost
due to planning alternative health and wellbeing
tasks for pupils who do not have the correct
kit. More information will be sent in the new
year via pupil post.
Once a Week, Take a Peek!
We would like to remind all families to regularly
check their child’s hair for head lice. It is a
continuous problem amongst nurseries and
schools however local pharmacies are always
ready to help with regards to the most suitable
treatment and prevention advice.
for your Diary
Thursday 17th P3/4 Christmas Party (pm)
Friday 18th P1/2 Christmas Party (pm)
Monday 21st P5/6/7 Christmas Party (pm)
Wednesday 23rd Close 2.30 (return Tuesday 5th Jan)