Sharp Social Studies Economics SS-E-U

Sharp Social Studies
6th Grade
7th Grade
8th Grade
Standard - SS-6-E-U-1
Standard - SS-7-E-U-1
Students will understand that
the basic economic problem
confronting individuals,
societies and governments
in world civilizations prior to
1500 A.D. was scarcity: as a
result of scarcity, economic
choices and decisions had to
be made.
Standard - SS-8-E-U-1
Students will understand that
the basic economic problem
confronting individuals,
societies and government in
the development of the United
States prior to Reconstruction
was scarcity; as a result of
scarcity, economic choices
and decisions were made.
Teacher Target
Students will understand
the problem of scarcity and
its effects in world
civilization prior to 1500
Student Target
1. I can explain why scarcity
was the basic economic
problem in world
civilizations prior to 1500
2. I can explain how scarcity
impacted in economic
choices and decisions.
Teacher Target
Students will understand
scarcity and its effects in the
development of the United
States prior to
Student Target
1. I can explain how and why
scarcity influences economic
I can explain how scarcity
requires various groups to
make decisions about
productive resources..
Standard Demonstrator
Standard Demonstrator
Standard Demonstrator
6th Grade
7th Grade
8th Grade
Standard - SS-6-E-U-2
Students will understand
that economic systems
Standard - SS-7-E-U-2
Students will understand that
the study of economics
Standard - SS-8-E-U-2
Students will understand that
the development of the
Students will understand
that the basic economic
problem confronting
individuals, societies and
governments across
present day geographic
regions is scarcity: as a
result of scarcity, economic
choices and decisions must
be made.
Teacher Target
Students will understand
scarcity and its effects.
Student Target
I can define scarcity and
explain how it creates
problems for individuals,
societies and
I can demonstrate an
understanding of scarcity
and limited resources by
utilizing a variety of
(e.g., traditional, command,
market, mixed) and a
variety of fundamental
economic concepts (e.g.,
supply and demand,
opportunity cost) affect
individuals, societies and
governments of the present
includes a variety of
fundamental economic
concepts (e.g., supply and
demand, opportunity cost)
that apply to individuals,
societies and governments
in world civilizations prior to
1500 A.D.
American economic system,
institutions and markets prior
to Reconstruction helped
individuals, groups and
governments achieve their
goals and impacted life in the
United States.
Teacher Target
Students will understand
how economic systems
impact people, societies
and governments.
Teacher Target
Students will understand
how fundamental economic
concepts influenced world
civilizations prior to 1500
Student Target
I can define and identify
traditional, command,
market, and mixed
economic systems.
Student Target
1. I can explain how supply
and demand influenced
world civilizations prior to
1500 A.D.
2. I can explain how
opportunity cost influenced
world civilizations prior to
1500 A.D.
Teacher Target
Students will understand how
the development of the
American economic system
impacted life in the United
States prior to
Student Target
1. I can explain the American
economic system.
2. I can explain how the
American economic system
impacted life prior to
I can demonstrate an
understanding of scarcity
and limited resources by
utilizing a variety of
I can explain how the
prices of goods and
services are determined by
supply and demand.
I can explain opportunity
cost and how it affects
different groups.
Standard Demonstrator
Standard Demonstrator
Standard Demonstrator
6th Grade
7th Grade
8th Grade
Standard - SS-6-E-U-3
Standard - SS-7-E-U-3
Students will understand that
individuals, groups and
governments in world
civilizations prior to 1500
A.D. made economic
Standard - SS-8-E-U-3
Students will understand that
the United States government
and its policies played a major
role in determining how the
U.S. economy functioned
Students will understand
that individuals, businesses
and governments must
make economic decisions
about the use of resources
in the production,
distribution and
consumption of goods and
Teacher Target
Students will understand
how groups must make
economic decisions
regarding goods and
Student Target
I can explain how decisions
are made by various
groups regarding the
production, distribution
and consumption of
decisions about the use of
resources in the production,
distribution and consumption
of goods and services.
prior to Reconstruction.
Teacher Target
Student will understand how
the United States policies
played a major role in the
economy prior to
Student Target
1. I can explain how United
States government policies
influenced the U.S economy
prior to Reconstruction.
Standard Demonstrator
Teacher Target
Students will understand
the impact economic
decisions had in world
civilizations prior to 1500
Student Target
In world civilization prior to
1500 A.D…..
1. I can explain how groups
made economic decisions
about the use of resources
in production.
2. I can explain how groups
made economic decisions
about the use of resources
in distribution.
3. I can explain how groups
made economic decisions
about the use of resources
in consumption of goods.
Standard Demonstrator
6th Grade
7th Grade
8th Grade
Standard - SS-6-E-U-4
Students will understand
that markets are
institutional arrangements
that enable buyers and
sellers to exchange goods
and services.
Standard -
Standard - SS-8-E-U-4
Students will understand that
individuals, businesses and
the government of the U.S.
prior to Reconstruction made
economic decisions about the
use of resources in the
production, distribution and
consumption of goods and
Teacher Target
Students will understand
how markets enable the
exchange of goods and
Student Target
I can define market and
Teacher Target
Teacher Target
Students will understand the
impact economic decisions
had in the United States prior
to Reconstruction.
Student Target
In the United States prior to
I can explain the impact of
competition on the price
of goods.
Student Target
Standard Demonstrator
explain how goods and
services are exchanged.
1. I can explain how
capitalism influences the
decisions of the distribution
and consumption of goods
and resources within the
United States.
I can explain how money is
used to express the value
of goods and services.
I can identify connections
between current events
and world economies.
Standard Demonstrator
Standard Demonstrator
Standard Demonstrator
6th Grade
7th Grade
8th Grade
Standard - SS-6-E-U-5
Standard -
Standard -
Teacher Target
Teacher Target
Student Target
Student Target
I can analyze examples of
interdependence within
the world market.
Standard Demonstrator
Standard Demonstrator
Standard Demonstrator
6th Grade
7th Grade
8th Grade
Standard - SS-6-E-S-1
Students will demonstrate
an understanding of the
nature of limited resources
and scarcity, using a variety
of print and non-print
sources (e.g., news media,
news magazines, textbook,
Standard - SS-7-E-S-1
Students will demonstrate an
understanding of the nature
of limited resources and
scarcity, using information
from a variety of print and
non-print sources (e.g.,
textbook, Internet, resource
Standard - SS-8-E-S-1
Students will demonstrate an
understanding of the nature of
limited resources and scarcity
in the United States prior to
Reconstruction, using
information from a variety of
print and non-print sources
Students will understand
that our global economy
provides for a level of
interdependence among
individuals, regions and
nations of the present
Teacher Target
Students will understand
the concept of a global
Student Target
I can explain how people,
regions, and countries are
interdependent due to the
global economy.
Internet) to investigate
present day economic
problems within the U.S.
and in world regions:
a) explain how scarcity
requires individuals, groups
and governments to make
decisions about the use of
productive resources (e.g.,
natural resources, human
resources and capital
b) compare economic
systems (e.g.,
command, market,
materials) to investigate
world civilizations prior to
1500 A.D.:
a) explain how
scarcity requires individuals,
groups and governments to
make decisions about use of
productive resources (e.g.,
natural resources, human
resources and capital goods)
c) explain how the
prices of goods and
services are determined by
supply and demand in
market economies
c) describe how goods
and services were
exchanged in world
civilizations prior to
1500 A.D.
Teacher Target
Students will understand
how scarcity is impacting
the United States today.
Teacher Target
Students will understand the
role scarcity played in the
United States prior to
Student Target
1. I can explain how scarcity
forced different groups to
make decisions about
productive resources.
2. I can describe how goods
and services were exchanged
in the United States prior to
3. I can explain how prices
are influenced by supply and
demand and competition.
4. I can explain how
economic decisions
influenced the settlement of
the United States.
Standard Demonstrator
Teacher Target
Students will understand
the role scarcity played in
world civilizations prior to
1500 A.D.
Student Target
1. I can explain how scarcity
forced different groups to
make decisions about
productive resources.
2. I can compare economic
systems in world civilization
prior to 1500 A.D.
3. I can explain the concept
of supply and demand in
world civilizations prior to
1500 A.D.
4. I can describe how goods
and services were
exchanged in world
civilizations prior to 1500
Standard Demonstrator
6th Grade
7th Grade
8th Grade
Standard - SS-6-E-S-2
Standard - SS-7-E-S-2
Standard -SS-8-E-S-2
Student Target
1. I can explain how
scarcity forces different
groups to make decisions
about productive
2. I can compare
economic systems.
3. I can explain how the
prices of goods are
determined by supply and
b) compare
economic systems and
explain the concept of
supply and demand in world
civilizations prior to 1500
(e.g., news media, news
magazines, textbook,
a) explain how scarcity
required individuals, groups
and governments to make
decisions about use of
productive resources (e.g.,
natural resources, human
resources and capital goods)
b) describe how goods
and services were
exchanged and how
supply and demand
and competition
determined prices
c) analyze cause-effect
relationships among financial
decisions by individuals and
groups and historical events.
Standard Demonstrator
Students will demonstrate
an understanding of
markets by providing
scenarios to illustrate how
goods and services are
exchanged; explain how
money can be used to
express the market value of
goods and services;
describe the relationship
between money and ease
of trading, borrowing,
investing and saving;
analyze the connections
between economic
conditions and current
events of the present day
Students will investigate the
production and distribution of
goods and services in world
civilizations prior to 1500
A.D. explaining ways in
which societies addressed
basic economic questions
(e.g., how resources were
used to produce goods and
services; how new
knowledge, technology/tools,
and specialization increased
productivity) about the
production, distribution and
consumption of goods and
Students will investigate the
production and distribution of
goods and services in the
United States prior to
a) examine ways in
which basic economic
questions about the
production, distribution
and consumption of
goods and services
were addressed
b) explain how resources
were used to produce
goods and services
and how profit
motivated individuals
and groups to take
risks in producing
goods and services
c) analyze how new
knowledge, technology/tools
and specialization influenced
productivity of goods and
Teacher Target
Students will create
scenarios to illustrate an
understanding of markets.
Teacher Target
Students will be able to
explain ways in which
societies addressed basic
economic issues.
Student Target
1. I can explain how money
is used to express the
market value of goods and
2. I can describe the
relationship money has to
3. . I can describe the
relationship money has to
4. . I can describe the
relationship money has to
investing and saving.
5. I can analyze the
connections between
economic conditions and
current events.
Student Target
In world civilizations prior to
1500 A.D……
1. I can explain how
resources were used to
produce goods and services.
2. I can explain how
technology increased
3. I can explain how
societies addressed basic
economic issues they faced.
Teacher Target
Students will be able to
explain how the United
States addressed basic
economic issues prior to
Student Target
1. I can explain how
technology increased
productivity in the United
States prior to
Standard Demonstrator
Standard Demonstrator
Standard Demonstrator
6th Grade
7th Grade
8th Grade
Standard - SS-6-E-S-3
Students will investigate the
production and distribution
of goods and services in
present day societies:
a) describe how
competition among
buyers and sellers
impacts the price of
goods and services
Standard -
Standard - SS-8-E-S-3
Students will analyze
interdependence of economic
activities among individuals
and groups in the United
States prior to Reconstruction
Teacher Target
Teacher Target
Students will analyze
interdependence of
economic issues of the
United States prior to
Student Target
1. I can explain what
interdependence means.
2. I can explain how the
interdependence of the
United States economy prior
to Reconstruction impacted
the various regions of the
United States.
b) explain ways in which
societies (within the U.S.
and in world regions)
address basic economic
questions (e.g., how
resources are used to
produce goods and
services, how regions
increase productivity)
about the production,
distribution and
consumption of goods and
c) analyze examples
that demonstrate
interdependence of
international economic
Teacher Target
Students will be able to
investigate the production
and distribution of goods
and services.
Student Target
1. I can describe how
competition impacts the
price of goods and services.
2. I can explain how
societies address basic
economic questions about
production, distribution,
and consumption of goods
and services.
Student Target
3. I can analyze
interdependence of
international economic
Standard Demonstrator
Standard Demonstrator
Standard Demonstrator