Cathy Hetznecker Rag Rugs

Bachman Woodworking, Custom Furniture Builder
Demonstrating the process of bending and shaping the Shaker oval box. The oval pantry
box was one of the most popular products the Shakers offered to the outside world.
Demonstrator: John Bachman
Cathy Hetznecker Rag Rugs
The art of traditional, crocheted rag-rug making: Cathy takes a traditional approach
while bringing a contemporary twist to this humble craft by using fabric remnants from
American woolen mills and from the workrooms of interior decorators. See the use of a
simple wooden crochet hook, fabric, scissors, the artisan’s hands—and time—to create
intricate rugs, pillows, and upholstery.
Demonstrator: Cathy Hetznecker
Compass Ironworks
An exciting demonstration by the firm’s artisans: forging a half-scale Japanese maple
tree in iron. Still in the “growing” stage as they forge trunk and branches, the sculpture
will take the company’s craftsmen into the summer.
Demonstrators: Family and Staff of Compass Ironworks
Luck’s Ware
A fifth-generation potter, Sid turns functional pottery that mirrors the shapes turned by
his forebears. During his demonstration of wheel-thrown pottery, he will discuss the
history of pottery-making, the process of transforming clay into finished pieces, and his
passion for the craft. Observers are welcome to ask questions—or even try their hand at
the wheel!
Demonstrator: Sid Luck
Olde Virginea Trading
Sculpting Queen Anne dolls, and an exhibit of dolls, floorcloths, and folk art portraits.
Sharan Mason draws inspiration for her floorcloths from old portraits that she adapts
for walls and floors.
Demonstrator: Sharan J. Mason
Olde Virginea Trading
Assembling miniatures. Roger Mason replicates tavern furniture (tables and chairs) in
full size and in miniature. Look for him in the April issue of Early American Life.
Demonstrator: Roger Mason