CWU: Student Counseling Clinic Name SUPPLEMENTARY CLIENT INTAKE FORM (Please Print): _____________________________________ Date: _______________ In your own words, what are you struggling with that prompts you to seek counseling right now? Describe special interests, hobbies, or activities that you enjoy and that you have been avoiding as a result of what you have been struggling with: What are the three things that you value the most in your life right now? What change(s) would have to happen in order for you to improve your life? 1. What is your sexual orientation? Heterosexual Lesbian Gay Bisexual Questioning 2. How important are religious/spiritual matters to you? Not Very A Little Moderate A Lot 3. Are you currently affiliated with a religious/spiritual group? Yes No 4. Are there any special, unusual, or traumatic circumstances that affected you growing up (e.g., abuse, neglect, violence, family violence, and/or assault)? Yes No 5. Are you currently involved in any legal actions (either as a defendant or plaintiff)? Yes No 6. Do you have any past history of criminal charges or civil actions? Yes No 8. Do you have any disabilities we should know about, or that might impact counseling? Yes No 9. Are you currently being evaluated or treated for any physical complaints, pains, or illnesses? Yes No 10. Do you have any history of out-of-the-ordinary illnesses? Yes No 11. Do you have any health-related concerns that you are not currently being treated for? Yes No 7. How would you characterize your current health? Excellent Good Fair Poor 12. Please check whether you’ve experienced any of the following in the past couple of weeks: Sleep difficulties Appetite changes Lack of interest in activities Feelings of guilt/remorse Poor energy Difficulty concentrating Reduced/increased activity level Weight gain/Loss Continued on Next Page Page 2 Please list all prescribed medications and any over-the-counter medications or supplements that you take. Medication Over-the Counter Medication or Supplement Dose Prescribed by How often is it used? 13. Have you ever been in trouble as a result of drinking or substance use (e.g., minor in possession, DUI, DWI, drunk and disorderly, etc.)? Yes No 14. Do you think your substance use is interfering with your school performance, social relationships, job performance, or other responsibilities? Yes No 15. Even if you aren’t concerned, has anyone else ever thought that you should stop or reduce your use of substances? Yes No 17. Have you ever seen a mental health provider for services (e.g., school counselor, social worker, mental health counselor, psychologist, or psychiatrist)? Yes No 18. Is there anyone in your immediate family with a history of psychiatric illnesses (e.g., depression, anxiety, substance abuse, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, etc.)? Yes No 19. Do you currently have, or in the past couple of weeks have you had, thoughts or feelings about ending your life? Yes No 20. Have you felt hopeless lately, like things wouldn’t improve or get better? Yes No 21. Have you ever attempted suicide? Yes No 22. Has there ever been a time when people thought you were either too thin or losing too much weight? 23. Have you ever felt out of control and gone on eating binges during which you ate an abnormally large amount of food? Yes No Yes No 24. Has there ever been a time, lasting at least a few days, during which you felt hyper, charged up with energy, and you thought this was different from your usual self? Yes No 25. Before attending college, were you ever identified as having a learning disability or as having an attention deficit (ADHD)? Yes No 26. Are you currently employed, even part-time? Yes No 27. Have you ever served in the military service, or consider yourself a veteran? Yes No Document1