Date Agreement Completed: ______________School: __________________________ School Year: ___________ Middle School Counselor/Administrator Partnership Agreement Student Access – Students will access the school counselor by: ______ Grade Level (list grade level and counselor name) ______ Community (list community name and counselor name) Program Delivery The school counseling teams will spend approximately the following time in each component area to ensure the delivery of the comprehensive school counseling program. Local School Time Plan Actual Use _____% _____% _____% _____% Recommended Time of time delivering guidance curriculum of time with individual student planning of time with responsive services of time with system support Program Goals 1 2 3 Provides developmental comprehensive guidance program content in a systematic way to all students K-12 Assists students and parents in development of academic and career plans Addresses the immediate concerns of students Includes program, staff and school support activities and services Middle School 15%–25% Middle School 25%–35% Middle School 25%–35% Middle School 15%–20% Counseling/Administrator Agreement Page 2 of 3 Programs, Information, Assistance and Outreach Teachers Parents Community Staff Development for School Counseling Staff The school counseling team will participate in the following staff development: ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Professional Collaboration The school counseling department will meet weekly/monthly: circle all that apply A. As a counseling department team B. With the school staff (faculty) E. With subject area departments D. With administration C. With the advisory council F. Other:________________ Supervision and Evaluation Immediate Supervisor: _________________________________ Evaluation will be done by: ______GSCEP # of observations_________ ______Closing the Gap Action Plan Budget Materials and Supplies Yearly Budget $__________ Needed materials, supplies and expenses: ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Counselor Availability/Office Organization The school counseling department will be open for students/parents/teachers from __________to__________ The department will manage the division of hours by __________________________________________________________________________________ Counseling/Administrator Agreement Page 3 of 3 Required Preplanning Staff Development Day ________________________________________________ Counselor on Call (in your absence) ________________________________________________ Role and Responsibilities of Other Staff and Volunteers ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ School counselor will be compensated for extra work hours by: (circle all) A. Extra duty pay@ $_________ (rate) B. Principal/Counselor Negotiation C. Flex Schedule D. No Option for this E. Comp Time F. Other ______________________________ Principal _________________________ Date ______________________________ Suvervisor’s signature _________________________ Date ______________________________ School Counselor _________________________ Date