InformationNow Teacher Quick Guide TEXTBOOKS

InformationNow Teacher Quick Guide TEXTBOOKS–
Assigning Textbooks to Students
1. To assign textbooks to students, go to Classroom | Textbook.
2. Make sure correct Grading Period is selected and click the Section Number that appears
as a blue link.
3. All students currently enrolled in the course will display.
4. A line will display for each student and for each textbook that has been assigned to the
Tip: To filter the list to only one specific textbook that has been assigned to the
course, select the textbook from the drop list. Click a column heading (i.e. Book
Name) to sort the list by the selected column.
5. Place a check next to each record to be assigned and click Assign.
6. The student’s name and book details will display at the top of the screen. Enter the
Number to assign to this student/textbook.
Tip: If the user places the mouse pointer over the Number field, a tool tip will
display indicating the inventory range of numbers for this book.
7. Confirm the Assigned Condition, Issue Date and Fee.
Note: All books should be “Condition 3” unless they are brand new!
8. Click Create.
9. Continue assigning book numbers to each selected student. Once assigned, the students
will be listed with the Book Name, Number, Condition, if the book is Consumable (CS) and
the Issue Date.
 When complete, print a copy of the list of the students and their corresponding
textbook numbers. Require each student to sign beside his/her name. Insert a
copy for each class into your red textbook distribution folder. This will assure
you have an accurate record in case a book is lost, stolen, or damaged.
 Students are REQUIRED to write their names inside their book. This should be
done in INK!
 Teachers, please inspect their names and then put your initials beside the
student’s name in the front of the book.
 If you run into any problems with issuing books, please let Ms. Brand and Mr.
LeBlanc know.
 Due to space limitations, extra textbooks will have to remain in your classroom.
Extra books should be socked in a secure place. If there is no room to lock them
in your closet, place them in a box that will fit on your shelf.
 Do not assign an extra textbook to a student unless you have received advanced
notification from an administrator.
Returning Student Textbooks
1. Go to Classroom | Textbook.
2. Make sure correct Grading Period is selected and click the Section Number that appears
as a blue link.
3. The list of students currently enrolled in the class will display.
4. Place a check next to the textbook(s) to be returned and click Return.
5. Condition: Select the condition of the textbook at the time it was returned.
Note: If the book is not severely damaged, please select “No Charge: Returned”.
If the book is severely damaged and unusable, please select “Severe Damage
– Book Unusable”.
6. Cost Code: If the student lost the book, choose “Lost Book” from the drop list.
7. Date: Enter the date the book was returned or marked as lost/damaged.
8. Calculate Charge: Check the Calculate Charge box to have the program determine the
amount to charge the student based on the cost code.
 To view the Amount of the charge assigned to a student for a lost book, click
on the Student Number which appears as a blue link.
 Click on Textbook under manage on the student maintenance screen. All
textbooks and the associated charges appear on this page.
 Please inform the student what their fee is and that they should pay Mrs.
Chumley ASAP. Let them know that Mrs. Chumley is located in the main office.
 Please list all students that had to pay a lost or damaged textbook fee on the
“Lost Textbook Form” that is found on the Faculty Share in the textbook folder.
 Remember: At the end of the year, students in your class that lost their book
(or damaged the book so it cannot be used again) must take their exam during
the make-up time. Exception: If a student shows you their receipt indicating
that they have paid the fee then they are allowed to take the exam at the
regularly scheduled time.
How to Delete a Textbook from a Student
1. If the wrong book was assigned to the student, users may delete the textbook from the
student’s history.
Note: The textbook will not be removed from inventory. It will only be removed
from the selected student’s textbook history.
2. Go to Classroom | Textbook.
3. Select to View the class. Place a check next to the record to be deleted and click Delete.
 If a student withdraws, Mr. Riggins will take up the student’s book. An
administrator will collect the books and return them to you. Please take a
moment and return the student’s book in INOW.
 If a student’s schedule is changed, the student’s counselor will instruct the
student to return their book to you. The new teacher will issue another book
from his or her inventory.
 Don’t forget to use your Red Textbook Folder as hard copy backup.