Manor Green Primary and Nursery School Key Stage 2 Year 3 Summer 2 Thematic Curriculum – Medium Term Planning Theme Title: Theme subject focus: HISTORY The Roman Empire and its impact on Britain Visits / visitors / enhancements / WOW factor! Year 6 invasion of 3 Yellow and 3 Green Dewa Experience – visit to Chester Were the Romans really ruthless? Key Questions / Learning Challenges (Skills / Concepts) Can I describe events and periods using the words: BC and AD? Can I describe events and periods of time using ancient and century? Can I use a timeline within a specific time in history to set out the order things might have happened? Do I recognise that Britain has been invaded by several different groups over time? Can I explain why invaders in the past would have fought fiercely, using hand to hand combat? Do I recognise the part that archaeologists have had in helping us to find out about the past? Can I use various sources of evidence to answer questions? Can I suggest why people acted as they did in the past? Can I think of questions I would like to have asked a Roman soldier / slave? Can I explain why I think the Romans were more advanced than the Early Britons? Can I use my information finding skills to help them write about historical information and people eg Julius Caesar, Claudius, Boudica (British resistance) Can I describe what it is like to be invaded? Cross- curricular elements overview; Non chronological writing about a Roman’s everyday life – schools, what they ate, what they wore etc Story of Romulus and Remus, Roman Gods, weapons etc. Presenting their work in different ways. Report about the trip to Chester. Maths Roman maths problems, Roman numerals – up to 20 (100 and 1000) Tell and write time from an analogue clock, including using Roman numerals from 1 to X11 plus 12- hour and 24-hour clocks. Computing Programming games – using program (part 2) Roman related. The key skills of blogging Design Tech Research the different types of Roman shields and identify what was common for all shields - design and make own personalised shield. Art + Design Roman mosaics – look at existing ones (museum photographs) and design own mosaic (coloured card) Music Listen to different pieces of music to represent Roman soldiers marching. Identify the rhythms and compose music in groups. P.E. Sports coach – athletics and fitness in preparation for sports day. Roman ‘drills’ using rhythms investigated in music R.E. Belonging to the Hindu Community – way of life, prayer (Pilgrimage) Romans – worshipped several Gods. Early Christianity. SMSC Learning about other religions and ways of life, appreciating art from other times and cultures, working in teams to compose music. Languages French language and culture English Manor Green Primary and Nursery School Key Stage 2 Year 3 Summer 2 Thematic Curriculum – Medium Term Planning Theme Title: Theme focus: Were the Romans really ruthless? History Focus HISTORY Programme of study Chronological understanding to describe events and periods using terms such as BC, AD, decade, century and ancient. to use a timeline within a specific time in history to set out the order of events. The Roman Empire by AD 42 and the power of its army to describe events from the past using dates when things happened. British resistance – Boudica The Romans in Britain and the impact of technology, culture and beliefs Everyday life in Rome Investigative opportunities Challenge Pupils should be taught : Julius Caesar’s attempted invasion in 55- 54 BC Successful invasion by Claudius and conquest, Hadrian’s wall Resources Knowledge and interpretation that Britain has been invaded by several different groups over time. to realise that invaders in the past would have fought fiercely using had to hand combat to suggest why certain events happened as they did in history. (Historical enquiry) to recognise the part that archaeologists have had in helping us to understand more about what happened in the past to use various sources of evidence to answer questions to research a specific event / person from the past to use various sources of evidence to piece together information about the Romans. Video clips Photographs and images Non-fiction books Computers i-pads Tablets Can pupils give reasons why wars start and give suggestions about how they could be prevented? Can pupils use specific search engines to find information more rapidly? Can pupils offer reasons why Britain may be an important country to have invaded and conquered? Photographs of Roman artefacts / places in Britain Can they use a variety of different sources to bring together a conclusion about an historical event? Manor Green Primary and Nursery School Key Stage 2 Year 3 Summer 2 Thematic Curriculum – Medium Term Planning Theme Title: Were the Romans really ruthless? Cross-curricular elements: English, mathematics, design technology, art+design, music, P.E. R.E. Focus ENGLISH Chronological report Trip to Chester Non-chronological reports about different aspects of Roman life, myths – eg Romulus and Remus, Roman Gods Poetry Programme of study Resources Investigative opportunities Challenge Pupils should be taught to: plan their writing by: discussing writing similar to that which they are planning to write in order to understand and learn from its structure, vocabulary and grammar discussing and recording ideas Sample text type examples of instructions – more advanced Can pupils use a variety of sentence openers (all different?) Collection of ideas / vocabulary Can pupils discuss with a partner which facts to use in their writing? draft and write by: composing and rehearsing sentences orally (including dialogue), progressively building a varied and rich vocabulary and an increasing range of sentence structures (English Appendix 2) organising paragraphs around a theme in non-narrative material, using simple organisational devices [for example, headings and sub-headings evaluate and edit by: assessing the effectiveness of their own and others’ writing and suggesting improvements proposing changes to grammar and vocabulary to improve consistency, including the accurate use of pronouns in sentences proof-read for spelling and punctuation errors read aloud their own writing, to a group or the whole class, using appropriate intonation and controlling the tone and volume so that the meaning is clear. I can statements for different text types (Writing genres – different levels in public folder) Thesaurus Dictionary Working wall Spellchecker Can they plan different ways of presenting their work and then make a choice? Manor Green Primary and Nursery School Key Stage 2 Year 3 Summer 2 Thematic Curriculum – Medium Term Planning Were the Romans really ruthless? Theme Title: Focus MATHEMATICS Roman maths problems Telling the time using analogue and digital clocks. DESIGN TECHNOLOGY Design and make a Roman shield RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Hinduism – Pilgrimage Early Christianity – the role of the Romans COMPUTING Programming – Scratch linked with Roman games Blogging ART AND DESIGN Collage – Roman mosaics Programme of study Pupils should be taught to: tell and write the time from an analogue clock, including using Roman numerals from 1 to X11, and digital 12 hour clocks. solve number problems and practical problems Pupils should be taught to: use research to develop design criteria so that the product is fit for purpose select form a range of tools and equipment to perform practical tasks. evaluate their ideas apply their understanding of how to strengthen, stiffen and reinforce more complex items. Pupils should be taught: how to investigate different religions and beliefs how to ask relevant questions to reflect on their own beliefs and values Pupils should be taught to: experiment with variables to control models use 90 degree and 45 degree turns give on-screen robot directional instructions find relevant information using a search engine search for an image, then copy and paste it into a document use blogging as a way of communication Pupils should be taught: to cut out very accurately to use mosaic about other artists and how using their techniques and ideas. Resources Investigative opportunities Challenge Different clock faces Prepared sheets with a variety of clock faces for recording and telling the time Do pupils know Roman numerals to 20? Thick card Sellotape Glue Paint Choice of paper etc for designs Can pupils ensure that their shield is fit for purpose? ie strong enough to defend Tameside locally agreed syllabus Discovery R.E. SOW DVD /books Jesus was the beginning of Christianity – what did the Romans do? Computers Scratch 2 Access to blog via website Images of Roman mosaics Coloured card / paper Can pupils use more complex designs on their mosaics? Manor Green Primary and Nursery School Key Stage 2 Year 3 Summer 2 Thematic Curriculum – Medium Term Planning Theme Title: Focus MUSIC Roman ‘marching music’ PHYSICAL EDUCATION Weekly sessions of games (with coach) Athletics Were the Romans really ruthless? Programme of study Appraising Pupils should be taught to: recognise the work of different composers use musical words to describe what they like and dislike. create a piece of music with a group create repeated patterns with different instruments combine different sounds to create a specific mood or feeling Games Pupils should be taught; to throw and catch with control to be aware of space within a games situation develop fair play attitudes explain why it is important to warm-up and cool down create their own training routines to be performed regularly (at playtimes and at home) evaluate and improve own performance Resources Clips from Youtube: Imperial March of Roman Legions ‘Imperial Roman triumph’ from Ben Hur Investigative opportunities Challenge Can pupils recognise the key elements of marching music? Can they record their own group composition? Hockey equipment Javelins Balls