Housing Market Segmentation around Mild Disamenities By Hans R. Isaksona* And Mark D. Eckerb March 8, 2013 a Department of Economics University of Northern Iowa b Department of Mathematics University of Northern Iowa *Contact Author: Hans R. Isakson Professor Department of Economics University of Northern Iowa Cedar Falls, Iowa 50614-0129 Hans.isakson@uni.edu Voice: 319-273-2950 Fax: 319-273-2922 Keywords: sorting, housing markets, disamenities, underground storage tanks, spatial correlation, maximum likelihood JEL Codes: Q51, Q53, R21 Running Title: Segmentation around Mild Disamenities 1 Housing Market Segmentation around Mild Disamenities Abstract This study examines housing sales for market segmentation around mild disamenity sites. We segment households into groups by the number of disamenity sites very close to them to more accurately estimate the parameters of a hedonic equation using a Simultaneouslyfitted Spatial Linear (SFSL) model. The results show that households living more than ¼ mile from at most one disamenity site are willing to pay a premium to live even farther away. Households living within ¼ mile of multiple disamenity sites have no aversion to living near the disamenities. 2 Housing Market Segmentation around Mild Disamenities 1. INTRODUCTION The Rosen (1974) hedonic model has become the standard model used to estimate the implicit prices for a wide variety of environmental features (see Nelson, 2004, Simons and Saginor, 2006, and Boyle and Kiel, 2001). However, the possibility of market segmentation can create problems for hedonic models. If market segmentation exists, Freeman (1979, p. 164) points out that a single hedonic model fitted using aggregated sales data will product “faulty estimates of the implicit prices.” Straszheim (1975) observes that allowing for multiple housing submarkets can significantly reduce the sum of squared errors in hedonic regressions. He also observes that the coefficients of some independent variables, such as proximity to an amenity/disamenity, can vary substantially between submarkets. If market segmentation exists, Freeman (p. 164) recommends using a separate hedonic price function for each segment of the market. Housing submarkets can be segmented or stratified by a variety of factors, such as structural features (size, age, etc.), neighborhood features (school district, median income, etc.), or household characteristics (family size, race, etc.). F-tests will reveal if disaggregating the housing sales data into separate submarkets lowers the sum of squared errors. Previous studies of market segmentation include Goodman and Thibodeau (1998, 2003) in which housing markets are stratified by census track, zip code, and combinations of adjacent elementary school districts; Jones, Leishman, and Watkins (2003) in which housing markets are stratified by geographical areas; Kiel (1995) in which housing markes are stratified by time of sale (before/during/after cleanup of two superfund sites); Palm (1978) in which housing sales are stratified by MLS areas; Kuethe 3 and Keeney (2012) in which housing markets are stratified by the selling price of the house. In all of these studies, segmentation of the housing market significantly improved the hedonic model. Segmentation by household aversion Nearly all households will have a strong aversion to living near a severe disamenity site, such as a hazardous waste site, and will pay a premium to living farther away from it. We can also reasonably expect that household aversion to living near a mild disamenity, such as a nearby, older, gasoline station, will be more variable. In other words, household tastes or preferences for living near a mild disamenity can vary, and thus households will sort themselves into submarkets around the disamenity sites. So, segmenting a housing market into submarkets according to the degree of household aversion to living near a mild disamenity has the potential to improve the accuracy of our estimates of the implicit prices in a hedonic model. When multiple, yet similar, disamenities exist within an urban area, we can group houses by how many of these disamenities are nearby. We expect households very close to multiple disamenities to be less averse to living near these disamenities compared to households farther away. Therefore, we can disaggregate housing sales data into groups based upon how many disamenities are very close to the house. This approach to segmenting the housing market around disamenities is new to the literature. The purpose of this study is to explore the implicit prices of a hedonic model when housing sales data are divided into groups based upon how many disamenities are located near each house. We choose sites with an aging underground storage tank that is being monitored by the state department of natural resources as mild disamenity sites, 4 because sites of this type are plentiful in most urban areas and houses are often found them. Their presence in a neighborhood would be obvious to potential buyers, and proximity to these types of sites has been shown to have a negative impact on house prices (Simons, Bowen and Sementelli 1997a, Zabel and Guignet, 2010). 2. PREVIOUS LITERATURE Simons, Bowen and Sementelli (1997a and 1999) provide insight into the impact of USTs on property values in Cuyahoga County, Ohio (Cleveland). Although they do not look at the impact on nearby property values, Simons and Sementelli (1997b) report that commercial sites with an aging UST suffer in terms of salability and financing, making them less than one-half as liquid (ability to convert into cash) than clean, comparable commercial sites in Cleveland, Ohio. Simons, et al (1997a) report about a 17% decline in the selling prices of 83 houses within 300 feet of a site with an aging UST in Cleveland, Ohio. Using the same data as their earlier study, Simons, et al (1999) report a 14% to 16% reduction in houses values within 300 feet of a gas station with a UST. In a National Center for Environmental Economics (NCEE) study, Zabel and Guignet (2010) test for a disamenity effect in houses that use well water near USTs and report that proximity to a more publicized and more contaminated site can negatively impact surrounding home values by more than 10 percent. But, they also find that many aging USTs, especially the less contaminated sites, have little (negative) impact on surrounding house values. So, it would appear that publicity about the presence of an aging UST can amplify its influence on the prices of nearby houses. 5 These studies demonstrate that commercial sites with an aging UST can have a negative impact on the selling prices of nearby houses. In particular, the findings from Zabel and Guignet, suggest that proximity to a mild disamenity may not be capitalized into the values of house located near it, while the Simon, et. al. studies suggest otherwise. Interestingly, the mechanism through which a disamenity effect is transmitted around aging USTs may not be the obvious one, namely contamination of underground water. Instead, the publicity surrounding the site or perhaps the land use above the UST may be much more important than what actually lies beneath it. Not surprisingly, aging, poorly maintain USTs are often found beneath aging, poorly maintained commercial buildings. So, if the above and below ground conditions are highly correlated, it does not matter which one we observe as long as one is detectable by potential buyers. In addition, the effect could be a stigma associated with these types of sites and have very little to do with the presence of a UST. As a result, the specific mechanism transmitting the disamenity influence is often confounded. Varying degrees of household aversion to living near a disamenity can be important, especially around mild disamenities. For example, if there were a sufficiently large number of households with little or no aversion to living near mild disamenities, then these households would be willing to pay a higher price than more averse households for houses located near the disamenities, other things held constant. If no allowances are made for the presence of housing segmentation by household aversion, then the influence of one group of households can weaken or even wash-out the influence of another group of households. 6 3. THE STUDY FRAMEWORK To test for varying degrees of aversion to a mild disamenity, we need (1) a sufficient number of house sales surrounding the disamenities, (2) a means of disaggregating housing sales data into segments based upon aversion to living near multiple disamenity sites, and (3) a model that allows for varying coefficients within each segment. We achieve the first by pooling together the house sales surrounding commercial sites with an aging UST beneath them. This pooling of the data around multiple sites is common in the literature. Simons, et al (1997a) and Zabel and Guignet (2010) pool house sales data surrounding multiple sites. Isakson and Ecker (2008) pool housing sales data around multiple hog lots. As long as the sites are similar, as they are in this study, this sort of pooling of the data is acceptable. Dividing housing sales data into submarkets based upon aversion to living near multiple disamenity sites can be more challenging, because there are no examples to draw from in the literature. In this study, we use the number of disamenity sites within a very close distance to the house (0.25 mile) to classify households according to their degree of aversion to living near the mild disamenities. Thus, we create three groups as follows: Low Aversion Households (LAHs) consists of houses located very near two or more disamenity sites; Moderate Aversion Households (MAHs) consists of houses located very near exactly one disamenity site; and High Aversion Households (HAHs) consists of houses that are not very close to any disamenity site. Furthermore, an Analysis of Covariance series of F-tests in an OLS context (see Ott and Longnecker, 2010) statistically justified the creation of the segmentation of the data into these three 7 submarkets. 1 We check the sensitivity of our results to the ¼ mile definition of very close by using definitions a bit less (0.2 mile) and a bit more (0.3 mile) than ¼ mile. 4. THE STUDY AREA AND DATA This study uses data from Cedar Falls, Iowa, a medium sized, Midwestern college town. The college (University of Northern Iowa) has about 12,000 students, over 95% of which live on or very near campus. The city has two junior high schools and several elementary schools of nearly equivalent quality that feed students into the city’s only public high school. The city is highly decentralized with the average commute time only 14 minutes. There is no dominant destination point, such as a central business district. Instead, jobs and retail shops are disbursed throughout the city. Preliminary analysis of the data reveals that premiums are not paid to gain proximity to any particular site in the city (including the college), largely due, we suspect, to the short commute times. Several small retail strip malls exist as well as a downtown area containing several restaurants, retail shops, banks, a small hotel, and a small theater. The downtown area is also within a mile of the city’s sewage treatment plant (STP), a source of occasional noxious odors depending on weather conditions. The city has a newer (1995) industrial park containing primarily warehouses on its far south side that is home to various, very low polluting businesses and warehouses. The city of Cedar Falls provides all utilities to its residents, including electricity, gas, refuse, cable TV, internet, and water. All houses are connected to the city’s water supply. Potable water comes from eight ground-water wells drawing from the SilurianDevonian limestone aquifer. The wells range in depth from 147 to 275 feet. The water 8 from this source is of such high quality that little treatment is needed; only chlorine and fluoride are added at the well sites. Contamination of potable water supplies by the disamenities in this study has not been reported by the IDNR. Housing Sales and Census Data Initially, the housing sales dataset contained every sale of a single-family house in the city of Cedar Falls from January 2000 to November 20042; these sales were parsed by using only those identified as “arm’s length transactions” by the county tax assessor’s office. This time period was selected in order to avoid the contamination effects of the recent housing bubble and subsequent crash. Additional refinement consists of choosing only those sales with a selling price greater than $32,000 or less than $400,000, houses with at least three but less than 12 rooms, at least 500 square feet of living area, and a lot size less than 3 acres.3 Several homes were repeatedly sold (but not enough to perform a repeat sales analysis) in this time frame; we use only the most recent sale. Disamenity Data We define a mild disamenity site as a commercial site with an aging UST beneath it. The 50 mild disamenities in the region are mostly neighborhood gasoline stations. We note that none of them are located near heavy industrial sites (see Deaton and Hoehn (2004). Information for the 50 mild disamenity sites was obtained from the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (http://www.iowadnr.gov/land/ust/ustdbindex.html). Registration of USTs is required by federal law (40 CFR parts 280 and 281). In Iowa, all USTs, except certain small, residential USTs, must be registered with the Iowa DNR (Iowa Code 455.B.474). These tanks must also be inspected for their likelihood of contamination of the surrounding land. If the site containing the UST has evidence of 9 contaminants that do not exceed certain delimited levels, then it is classified as requiring no further action. If the onsite contaminants exceed the delimited levels, but no receptors (aquifer, plastic water lines, basement, sewers, or surface water) are within the transport plum of the contaminants, then it is rated as a low risk and must be tested annually. If receptors exist within the transport plum of the contaminants, then it is classified as high risk and faces more intensive monitoring, testing, and possible remediation. Due to the extreme depth of the aquifer source of city water, none of the USTs in this study show signs of contaminating the city’s potable water supply. The IDNR data includes the exact state-plane coordinates of each UST site. Table 1 contains the summary statistics of the data, while Figure 1 shows the location of all 2,078 sales together with the STP, the 50 disamenity sites, the Cedar River, major highways, and Census block group boundaries. The classification of each disamenity is indicated in Figure 1 using different sized boxes. 5. THE EMPIRICAL MODEL The degree of aversion for each household to living near an aging UST is explicitly measured using a count variable: the number of very close disamenity sites, similar to Ihlanfeldt and Taylor (2004). A distance of ¼ mile is chosen to define “very close.” That is, the count variable is equal to the number of disamenity sites within ¼ mile (about three city blocks) of the house. After segmenting the data into submarkets based on the degree of household aversion to living near disamenity sites (LAHs, MAHs and HAHs), we use the previously cited Rosen hedonic approach to model the relationship between the price of a house and 10 its characteristics. Key aspects of the hedonic model are discussed below, namely, (1) the set of variables (dependent and independent) used in the model, (2) the functional relationship among these variables, and (3) the structure of the error term of the model. The dependent variable We select the selling price of a house as the dependent variable in our empirical model. Selling price is a popular choice in hedonic models, but selling price per unit area (dollars per square foot) is also common. The only difference between these two choices is the role that area plays in the set of independent variables. Using selling price per square foot of living area is equivalent to using selling price as the dependent variable and then multiplying every independent variable by the square footage of living area. Since we cannot justify having independent variables weighted by living area, we choose to use the selling price of the house as our dependent variable. The independent Variables We select independent variables that reflect the (1) structural characteristics of the property, (2) proximity of the property to points of influence (other than the mild disamenity sites), (3) characteristics of the neighborhood in which the property is located, (4) date at which the sale occurred and (5) disamenity specific data. The structural characteristic data include all of the publically available, house specific information: its living area, size of the lot, number of rooms and date built. Although more detailed housing data would be desirable, the above variables capture the most important features of a house relevant to buyers. Yet, there will be some, hopefully small, amount of variance in housing prices due to missing characteristics, such as number of bathrooms, style of the house, etc. Our model developed in the next section 11 includes a spatial correlation term that helps to mitigate the impact of missing variables as well as any incorrectly specified variables (Brasington and Hite, 2005). We also include variables that measure the Euclidian distance to various points of influence (other than the 50 disamenity sites), including a sewage treatment plant (STP), a nearby river, the nearest public school, and the nearest highway. The STP is located just south of a small downtown retail area and, occasionally, emits offensive odors that dissipate with increasing distance. The river is a major feature of the community, and may positively influence the selling prices of houses located near it. Proximity to a highway can save commuters travel expenses and time, and therefore, should positively influence selling prices. Characteristics of the neighborhood in which a house is located (census block groups) can also affect a house’s selling price. We include median rent, median year that houses were built, percent of housing units that are owner occupied, the number of housing units, and median household income of the neighborhood in which the house is located as additional independent variables. We expect that the selling prices of houses will be positively related to the median rent, median year that houses were built in the neighborhood, the percent of housing units that are owner occupied, and the median household income of the neighborhood. We expect selling prices of houses to be negatively related to the number of housing units in the neighborhood. The date of sale is also included as an independent variable to control for the effects of local market price trends. We expect to find gradually rising house prices during the period of time included in this study. Disamenity variables 12 We also include disamenity specific variables. The Euclidian distance for each house to the nearest disamenity, the condition of the nearest disamenity, and, when appropriate, the number of disamenities that are very close (within ¼ mile) to the house are included to capture the influence of nearby disamenity sites. For each sale, we include a disamenity proximity variable: the Euclidian distance to the nearest disamenity. The average distance for a house to the nearest mild disamenity is 0.48 miles with 27.6% of the sales (574/2078) having at least one aging gasoline station within ¼ mile. The coefficient of this variable is the primary focus of this study. A positive and statistically coefficient on this proximity variable is consistent with the site being a disamenity. We are interested in any variations in this coefficient across the three groups of households with different aversion: LAHs, MAHs and HAHs. We expect that this coefficient will be very low, perhaps statistically insignificant, in LAHs, slightly positive and statistically significant in MAHs, and strongly positive and statistically significant in HAHs. The number of disamenities very close to a house is relevant only for LAHs, since the number of very close disamenities is defined to be one for MAHs and zero for HAHs. However, for LAHs, we anticipate that house prices will not be affected by the number of very close disamenities, because we sense that any household already living near two aging gas stations, will not mind living near more than two. We also include the IDNR classification of each disamenity in our analysis to capture a potential information effect. Six of the disamenity sites are classified by IDNR as High Risk (receptors exist within the transport plum of the contaminants), four are classified as Low Risk (no receptors within the transport plum of the contaminants), and 13 the remaining 40 are classified as No Further Action Required (contaminants do not exceed delimited levels). We create a binary variable to capture the classification of the disamenities as follows: Condition equals one if the disamenity is classified as low risk or high risk; zero if it is classified as no further action required. We combine the low and high risk disamenity sites because there are so few (four) low risk disamenity sites. The information about the condition of the disamenity sites is publically available at the IDNR’s web site, but finding it takes considerable time and effort. Therefore, households may not actually know the condition of a UST under a nearby gas station. If households are sensitive to the condition of a disamenity (found at the IDNR website), then we expect the coefficient of the condition variable to be negative and statistically significant. A statistically insignificant coefficient for the condition variable is consistent with (1) households not undertaking the search to find the condition information or (2) households know the condition, but it does not impact their decision to live near a disamenity. The Functional Form of the Empirical Model Various functional forms for hedonic models are possible. The log-linear specification is popular, in which the log of selling price is the dependent variable and the independent variables are entered in a linear fashion. In the log-log form, all of the variables are entered in the log form. We use a combination of the log-log form for some independent variables and the log-linear form for the rest of the independent variables. The manner in which the distance to the nearest disamenity is entered into the model is not a trivial matter. The functional form of this important variable must be such that it diminishes with increasing distance from a disamenity. Examining the coefficient associated with distance to the disamenity will indicate the implicit price (marginal 14 willingness to pay) to live farther away from a disamenity. Therefore, we enter the log of distance to the nearest disamenity to capture its influence. Because the dependent variable is the log of price, the coefficient for the log of distance to the nearest disamenity will represent an estimate of the elasticity of house price with respect to proximity to the nearest disamenity. Mean structure of the model The mean structure of the empirical model contains several types of explanatory variables typically thought to explain house prices. Most broadly, these variables include (1) site level non-spatial characteristics of the home (house size characteristics including living area, number of rooms, parcel size, year built, and time of sale), (2) spatial characteristics (distances to the STP, a river, and the nearest highway), (3) neighborhood data (median rent, median year that houses were built, percent of housing units that are owner occupied, the number of housing units, and median household income), and (4) disamenity level factors (distance to the nearest disamenity; classification of the nearest disamenity, and number of disamenities within ¼ mile). Specifically, let P = the selling price of the house, S = lot size in acres, H = the living area of the house, d = distance to the nearest disamenity, and C = condition of the nearest disamenity, CT = number of disamenities within ¼ mile of the house. t = the time of the sale, R = number of rooms in the house, D = a vector of variables measuring distance to points of influence, N = a vector of neighborhood level variables, 15 We model the mean structure using the following non-linear functional form, (1) π = πΌππ½1 π»π½2 π π½3 π πΏπΆ+ππΆπ+π π‘+ππ +ππ· where the Greek letters represent parameters of the hedonic model. On the natural log scale, the hedonic model (1) becomes:4 (2) ln π = ln πΌ + π½1 ln π + π½2 ln π» + π½3 ln π + πΏπΆ + ππΆπ + π π‘ + ππ + ππ· The lot size (S) and house size (H) parameters, π½1 and π½2, represents the (constant) elasticity of price with respect to lot size and house size, respectively (see Isakson and Ecker, 2001 and Ecker and Isakson, 2005 for discussion). The key parameter, π½3, represents elasticity of house price with respect to distance from the nearest disamenity. The parameters associated with the remaining explanatory variables represent the percentage change in price given a one unit change in the variable. Structure of the error term and spatial correlation To estimate the parameters of (2), we must include an error or disturbance term, ε, in (2). Standard Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regressions assume that ο₯ ~ N (0,ο΄ 2 ) where normality and constant variance ( ο΄ 2 is a variability parameter, after accounting for site-level covariates) is assumed. When dealing with spatial data, such as housing sales, the potential exists for the OLS parameter estimates to be biased, especially any spatial distance parameter estimates in the mean structure (such as distance to the STP and distance to the nearest disamenity site). Visual examination of an empirical variogram (Cressie, 1993) of the OLS residuals in (2) reveals the presence of spatial correlation. Therefore, efforts to model this source of bias could be beneficial. 16 Spatial linear models assume that the errors are not independent, that is, two comparable homes that are closer in space sell for a more similar price than two comparable homes farther apart. For example, houses located near each other are also near the same neighborhood amenities/disamenities. In this case, the selling prices of nearby, comparable houses tend to be more highly correlated than comparable houses farther apart. We build this spatial correlation into the model by assuming that ο₯ ~ N (0,ο΄ 2 ο« ο³ 2 ) (3) where ο΄ 2 is called the “nugget” , i.e. a micro-scale or measurement error variability, in the geostatistical literature (Cressie, 1993). The sum ο΄ 2 ο« ο³ 2 in equation (3) is termed the spatial variability of the spatial process or “sill” (the variability of the home prices after adjusting for individual home characteristics). Finally, for two home sales with errors ο₯ i and ο₯ j , their spatial correlation is modeled as a function of their Euclidean distance apart, d ij . Specifically, we adopt the spherical correlation structure, i.e., (4) πΆπππ(ln(ππ ), lnβ‘(ππ )) = 12(π3πππ3−3ππππ +2)β‘β‘β‘β‘β‘β‘ππβ‘πππβ‘≤β‘β‘π1 β‘. The parameter ο¦ directly controls the spatial correlation in the dataset and is termed the “range” (technically, 1 ο¦ is the exact value of the range in equation (4) (see Ecker, 2003) for the spherical correlation structure). Thus, any two homes that are separated by a distance of more than the range, have selling prices that are essentially uncorrelated.5 We make use of a Simultaneously-fitted Spatial Linear (SFSL) model by combining the traditional hedonic model, (2), together with a spatial correlation disturbance term, (3) and (4). We estimate the parameters of the SFSL model using SAS 17 for the LAHs, MAHs and HAHs separately. The spatial correlation terms (3) and (4) are random effects models designed to capture extra spatial variability not explained in the mean structure of the model. 6. MODEL FITTING AND RESULTS To fit the SFSL model given by equations (3) and (4) simultaneously with the mean structure coefficients in equation (2), seed values are required for the range, sill and nugget spatial parameters. We use S-Plus to fit a theoretical variogram to the empirical variogram from the residuals from the OLS regression to obtain these seed values. The coefficients of the model are then simultaneously estimated using Proc Mixed (a maximum likelihood technique) in SAS, and the results are reported in Table 2. Structure and neighborhood variables The size variables of Living Area, Number of Rooms and Parcel Size are all positive and strongly significant in all three groups. As expected, bigger houses sell at higher prices. Year built (minus the Median year built for the census block in which the house presides) is positive and significant in all three groups; newer houses sell for higher prices, compared to the average house in the region. Date sold is positive and significant, indicating a 4.9% annual rate of appreciation over the 4 years of sales for HAHs, 5.4% for MAHs and 5.3% for LAHs. Distance to the STP is positive and strongly significant for HAHs. Due to the smaller sample sizes associated with LAH and MAH sales, the distance to the STP coefficient is actually larger for both the LAHs and MAHs, but only moderately significant (P-value(HAH) = 0.0438 and P-value(MAH) = 0.0885). In all three groups, 18 no one wants to live near the sewage treatment plant. Distance to the nearest school is significant and negative for the MAHs only, indicating that MAHs are willing to pay a premium to live near a school. Distance to the nearest highway is marginally significant for the MAHs (p-value=0.0848) and HAHs (p-value=0.0631). Neither group desires to live near a highway. HAHs are willing to pay a premium to be close to the river. For the census group block variables, household income is positive and statistically significant for the MAHs and HAHs, but weak in magnitude. Prices and incomes are, not surprisingly, highly correlated. People with higher incomes tend to buy slightly more expensive houses. The number of occupied units is only statistically significant, at the 0.05 level for the LAHs, while median rent is not significant for any group. Percent owner occupied and median year built are only statistically significant in HAHs, suggesting that HAHs prefer neighborhoods with newer and fewer, non-owneroccupied houses. Disamenity Variables Overall, the parameter estimates for the disamenity variables are consistent with our expectations. The results indicate that the three groups of households, LAHs, MAHs and HAHs, have significant differences in their tastes for some of the neighborhood variables. The non-significant distance to the nearest disamenity variable for the LAHs suggests that these buyers do not have an aversion to living close to multiple disamenities. The positive and nearly significant coefficient for proximity to the nearest disamenity for the MAHs (P-value = 0.1178, with only n=209) indicates that they might be willing to pay a higher premium to be farther from the disamenity than the LAHs. The positive and strongly significant distance to the nearest disamenity variable for the HAHs 19 indicates that these households are willing to pay a statistically significant premium to live farther away from a disamenity. In particular, the coefficient for distance to the nearest disamenity for the HAHs is actually smaller than the same coefficient for the MAHs, but it is about five times as large as that for the LAHs. The elasticity of house price with respect to proximity to a disamenity for the HAH is statistically significant and indicates that these households are willing to pay a premium to live farther away from a disamenity. In particular, HAHs are willing to pay 9.29% more for a house that is 10% farther away from the nearest disamenity. In addition, the count and condition disamenity variables reveal an interesting pattern. The count variable is only relevant for the LAHs, because count is defined as one for the MAHs and zero for the HAHs. The LAHs do not seem to mind if they live near two or more disamenities, as indicated by the lack of statistical significance for the proximity-to-disamenity parameter. The condition of a disamenity does not seem to matter to any of the households. It would appear that the publicly available (at the IDNR website) information does not influence household decisions regarding living near a disamenity. Nothing about a disamenity influences the LAHs (as expected), while all that matters for the MAHs and HAHs is their proximity to the nearest disamenity. The spatial association parameters of range, sill and nugget for the SFSL model are also reported at the bottom of Table 2. For all three groups, the nugget and sill estimates are fairly close, while range parameter is 166 feet (0.0166 times ten thousand feet) for the LAHs, 333 feet for the MAHs and 677 feet for the HAHs. Sensitivity Analysis 20 Lastly, we use sensitivity analysis to test the choice of ¼ mile as the distance to divide the sales data into three distinct groups, LAHs, MAHs and HAHs. We redefined these three groups using two other distances: 0.2 and 0.3 miles. Then, we fit the SFSL model for each group. Table 3 reports the results. The distance to the nearest disamenity variable intensifies (increases) for HAHs, as the distance to the nearest disamenity increases. This is consistent with a stronger aversion for the HAHs. The mild aversion observed for MAHs at a distance of ¼ mile has disappeared by increasing the distance to 0.3 miles. No disamenity variable, including count itself, is significant for the LAHs, regardless of the choice of distance (0.2, 0.25, or 0.3 miles). Lastly, condition is only significant for the MAHs at distance of 0.2 and for the HAHs at distance of 0.3, indicating that these groups might be aware of the condition of the disamenities. However, this awareness effect is not consistent in terms of statistical significance and changing signs across the groups and distance definitions. 7. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS This study develops a model of household aversion around mild disamenities: aging gasoline stations. It estimates the parameters of a hedonic model modified to include spatial correlation in the error term. Using housing sales data from a medium sized, Midwestern city, the parameters (mean structure and error terms) are estimated simultaneously using a maximum likelihood regression technique, the SFSL model. We find evidence that households within ¼ of a mile of multiple disamenities do not have a statistically significant aversion to living near disamenities. Neither the number of disamenities nearby nor the condition of the nearest disamenity has an 21 influence on selling prices. Households living near (within ¼ mile of) exactly one disamenity have a mildly significant willingness to pay a premium to live even farther away from it. Lastly, households living more than ¼ mile from a disamenity are willing to pay a highly statistically significant premium to live even farther away from it. The magnitude of this willingness to pay premium is consistent with other studies of the effects of disamenities on nearby house prices. It is no surprise that some people prefer to live far away from mild disamenities, such as aging gasoline stations. It should also not be a surprise that some people are not willing to pay a premium to live farther away from a mild disamenity. This study not only identifies each of these groups (and a third group that we categorize as households with moderate aversion), it also quantifies for each group the implicit price (marginal willingness-to-pay in a competitive market) as a function of proximity to the nearest mild disamenity. Furthermore, if one were to simply pool together all three submarkets identified in this study, then the lack of aversion of those living closest to the mild disamenities would be overwhelmed by the bulk of those individuals living farther away. Painting an accurate spatial picture of how and why certain factors affect housing prices is a fundamental goal of all researchers. 22 REFERENCES Boyle, M.A. and Kiel, K.A. (2001). A survey of house price hedonic studies of the impact of environmental externalities. Journal of Real Estate Research, 9(2), 117-134. Brasington, D.M. and D. Hite (2005). Demand for environmental quality: a spatial hedonic analysis. 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Note: Plot is in State Plane Coordinates 27 TABLE 1: Summary Statistics of Sales Data ALL SALES N=2,078 LAH N=365 MAH N=209 HAH N=1504 Variable Mean Std Dev Mean Std Dev Mean Std Dev Mean Std Dev Sale Price $144,995 71,415 $108,350 39,838 $97,717 27,606 $160,415 75,398 1332.8 1960.6 5.9 489.5 28.5 1.4 1172.1 1941.2 5.7 412.5 26.1 1.3 1073.5 1938.9 5.5 309.7 23.6 1.2 1407.8 1968.3 5.9 505.4 25.7 1.5 0.27 0.16 0.23 0.14 0.21 0.10 0.28 0.16 2.56 1.39 2.55 1.40 2.54 1.46 2.57 1.37 3.43 1.17 3.07 0.78 3.12 0.78 3.56 1.27 1.20 0.72 0.82 0.37 0.85 0.36 1.35 0.77 0.44 0.27 0.39 0.16 0.33 0.16 0.47 0.30 0.73 0.46 0.63 0.53 0.68 0.44 0.76 0.43 0.48 0.31 0.15 0.05 0.20 0.04 0.60 0.28 0.64 0.11 1.29 0.31 3.05 0.15 1.40 0.36 1 0.19 NA 0.39 0 0.09 NA 0.28 Structural Variables Living Area Year Built Number of Rooms Lot Size (acres) Date of Sale (0=1/1/2000) Distances (miles) Distance to STP Distance to River Distance to School Distance to Highway disamenity Variables Distance to disamenity( miles) Count Condition 28 Variable Census Block Variables Median Household Income Number Occupied Units Percent Owner Occupied Median Year Build Median Rent Difference Median Year Mean Std Dev Mean Std Dev Mean Std Dev Mean Std Dev 40,817 12,015 37,878 10,197 38,927 8,661 41,793 12,665 695.3 423.3 482.0 319.2 492.2 267.2 775.3 435.7 59.3 22.4 55.8 22.0 62.5 26.0 59.7 21.8 1962.3 12.8 1953.8 11.5 1954.0 8.4 1965.6 12.1 474.3 -1.7 189.9 20.9 472.7 -12.6 173.3 21.8 455.6 -15.1 154.8 21.5 477.2 2.7 197.9 18.7 29 TABLE 2: Results Proximity to disamenity Count Condition Distance to STP Distance to School Distance to Highway Distance to River Ln Living Area Date Sold Number of Rooms Ln Parcel Size Yr Blt – Median Yr Blt Median HH Income Num Occ Units Pct Owner Occ Median Yr Blt Median Rent Nugget Sill Range Group A n=365 0.0194 (0.5477) -0.0020 (0.8794) 0.0415 (0.3049) 0.1149 (0.0438) 0.0013 (0.9888) 0.1126 (0.0848) 0.0209 (0.7768) 0.4575 (0.0001) 0.0526 (0.0001) 0.0576 (0.0001) 0.0933 (0.0001) 0.0045 (0.0001) 0.000002 0.2809 0.0001 (0.0366) -0.0609 (0.5994) 0.0022 (0.3266) -0.00007 (0.4883) 0.0119 0.0355 0.0166 Group B n=209 0.0966 (0.1178) N/A Group C n=1504 0.0929 (0.0068) N/A 0.0397 (0.4795) 0.1102 (0.0885) -0.4095 (0.0011) 0.1009 (0.3022) 0.0243 (0.7894) 0.3274 (0.0001) 0.0544 (0.0001) 0.0782 (0.0001) 0.2266 (0.0001) 0.0037 (0.0001) 0.000007 0.0224 0.00002 (0.8752) -0.0415 (0.7733) -0.0024 (0.4788) -0.00007 (0.6065) 0.0126 0.0213 0.0333 -0.0462 (0.3362) 0.0814 (0.0001) -0.0320 (0.5171) 0.0738 (0.0631) -0.0796 (0.0082) 0.3030 (0.0001) 0.0490 (0.0001) 0.0648 (0.0001) 0.1200 (0.0001) 0.0059 (0.0001) 0.000008 (0.0001) 0.00003 (0.5209) -0.2284 (0.0113) 0.0069 (0.0002) -0.00002 (0.8088) 0.0095 0.0454 0.0677 Note: Numbers in parentheses are p-values. 30 TABLE 3: Sensitivity analysis to the choice of the distance that defines the count variable Distance = 0.2 mile Sample Size Proximity to disamenity Count Condition LAH 202 MAH 189 HAH 1687 0.0846 (0.1632) NA 0.0878 (0.0005) NA 0.1521 (0.0030) -0.0564 (0.1403) LAH 365 MAH 209 HAH 1504 0.0194 (0.5477) -0.0020 (0.8794) 0.0415 (0.3049) 0.0966 (0.1178) N/A 0.0929 (0.0068) N/A 0.0397 (0.4795) -0.0462 (0.3362) LAH 550 MAH 187 HAH 1341 0.0357 (0.2762) 0.0009 (0.9336) 0.0400 (0.2790) 0.0350 (0.5329) NA 0.1088 (0.0095) NA -0.1120 (0.2226) -0.1404 (0.0348) -0.0167 (0.7531) -0.0332 (0.2267) -0.0354 (0.7903) Distance = 0.25 mile Sample Size Proximity to disamenity Count Condition Distance = 0.3 mile Sample Size Proximity to disamenity Count Condition 31 1 Details of this ANCOVA are available from the authors upon request. 2 The authors thank the Black Hawk County Board of Supervisors for providing the housing sales data used in this study. Of course, any opinions expressed in this study are strictly those of the authors. 3 Because the original data set contained all transactions of houses, it included a few very small structures (as small as 100 square feet) that sold for very low prices (as low as $7,500) as well as a few very large houses with large amounts of land that sold for as much as $2.5 million. These outliers were excluded because they were not representative of the typical house in Cedar Falls, Iowa. 4 Equations 1 and 2 do not yet contain an error term. The structure of the error term is discussed later in this section. 5 Ihlanfeldt and Taylor (2004) use a SAR for the error term in their model. 32