More Gunn Examples

California Standards for the Teaching Profession
Standard 5 Assessing Students for Learning
Teachers apply knowledge of the purposes, characteristics, and uses of different types of assessments. They collect and analyze assessment data from a variety of sources and
use those data to inform instruction. They review data, both individually and with colleagues, to monitor student learning. Teachers use assessment data to establish learning
goals and to plan, differentiate, and modify instruction. They involve all students in self-assessment, goal setting and monitoring progress. Teachers use available technologies
to assist in assessment, analysis, and communication of student learning. They use assessment information to share timely and comprehensible feedback with students and their
Key Element
5.1 Applying knowledge of the purposes, characteristics, and uses of different types of
What does this look like at Gunn and in your classroom?
These prompts/questions may help. Simply pick one and answer it!
“How do I...” or “Why do I...”
• become knowledgeable of the different types of assessments--and their uses, benefits, and limitations--that I
draw on to inform my instruction?
• select assessment strategies and instruments appropriate to the learning outcomes being evaluated?
• use my knowledge of assessment concepts such as validity, reliability, and bias to choose assessments
appropriate to my students?
• design grading practices that draw on multiple sources of information and reflect student learning?
EOI Skill
Formulating the Objective
Relationship to Teaching Standard
Teacher uses monitoring to formulate
new/progressive objectives for
What to look for
Does teacher continually monitor
student progress and use these
assessments to adjust objective?
Teaching to the Objective
Teacher uses questions, responses and
activities to assess student progress.
Does teacher use a variety of IQAR
that are congruent to the objective
consistently to check student progress?
Active Participation
Teacher provides covert and overt
activities for students to evaluate their
own learning.
Does teacher use covert and overt
activities to provide students the
opportunity to evaluate themselves or
Teacher provides covert and overt
opportunities to receive peer feedback.
Monitor and Adjust
Teacher gives congruent, immediate,
specific feedback.
Does teacher continually monitor
student progress and use the
assessments to adjust instruction?
Does teacher provide feedback to
students and report feedback to parents
as needed?
Does teacher make adjustments during
a lesson and in short- and long-term
Reinforce “old” material throughout the school year
Provide students a chance to teach each other
Adjust sequence, speed, focus of lesson
 Write in journal
 Log
 Monitor sheets
 Vocal polling to see if students
understand concept
 Adjust level of
questions/scaffolding (factual
recall, evaluative, analysis)
 Warm-up exercises done together
(guided instruction)
 Teacher rephrasing
 Vocab, act out word
 Ask questions of each
 Small group discussion
 Pair-share (everyone talking)
 Wait time
 Daily oral language
 Review questions on the board
 Visualize
 Listen and correct
 Validate thinking but redirect
factual information
 Send student back into the text
 How many agree? Disagree?
Return to original do they agree
still – disagree
 Post-It, ask question, student writes
first step, second step, and pass on
 Literary evidence of agree/disagree
 Formal assessment tools, review
after conferences
Quizzes, discussion, check HW, exit quiz
Weekly performance evaluation (peer and teacher)
Direct, immediate feedback
More Gunn Examples:
Every few powerpoint slides has a check for knowledge
Students given choices for homework
No-risk answers
Considers the differences between/among different assessments. (i.e., a multiple choice test to
determine content knowledge vs. an essay to allow a student to show analytic skills)
Project menu: allows choice
Discussions: application of knowledge
Open-minded and flexible assessment tools to determine learning (based on strengths) i.e., oral,
projects, group
Differentiation based on student ability
Form of assessment should be congruent with objective of lesson
Awareness of overall homework burden when providing project choices
Be willing to free a student up to go outside of comfort zone and try different approaches.
Verbal, written and self-evaluation assessments where all students participate, either as a group or
California Standards for the Teaching Profession
Standard 5 Assessing Students for Learning
Teachers apply knowledge of the purposes, characteristics, and uses of different types of assessments. They collect and analyze assessment data from a variety of sources and
use those data to inform instruction. They review data, both individually and with colleagues, to monitor student learning. Teachers use assessment data to establish learning
goals and to plan, differentiate, and modify instruction. They involve all students in self-assessment, goal setting and monitoring progress. Teachers use available technologies
to assist in assessment, analysis, and communication of student learning. They use assessment information to share timely and comprehensible feedback with students and their
Key Element
5.2 Collecting and analyzing assessment data from a variety of sources to inform instruction
What does this look like at Gunn and in your classroom?
These prompts/questions may help. Simply pick one and answer it!
“How do I...” or “Why do I...”
• keep a continuous and comprehensive record of group and individual achievement?
• select, design, and use assessment tools appropriate to what is being assessed?
• collect, select, and reflect upon evidence of student learning?
• work with families to gather information about all students and their learning?
• use standardized tests, diagnostic tools, and developmental assessments to understand student progress?
• use a range of assessment strategies to implement and monitor individualized student learning goals
(including IEP goals)?
• assess student behavior to support learning?
• interpret data based on how an assessment is scored and what results it reports?
EOI Skill
Formulating the Objective
Relationship to Teaching Standard
Teacher uses monitoring to formulate
new/progressive objectives for
What to look for
Does teacher continually monitor
student progress and use these
assessments to adjust objective?
Teaching to the Objective
Teacher uses questions, responses and
activities to assess student progress.
Does teacher use a variety of IQAR
that are congruent to the objective
consistently to check student progress?
Active Participation
Teacher provides covert and overt
activities for students to evaluate their
own learning.
Does teacher use covert and overt
activities to provide students the
opportunity to evaluate themselves or
Teacher provides covert and overt
opportunities to receive peer feedback.
Monitor and Adjust
Teacher gives congruent, immediate,
specific feedback.
Does teacher continually monitor
student progress and use the
assessments to adjust instruction?
Does teacher provide feedback to
students and report feedback to parents
as needed?
Does teacher make adjustments during
a lesson and in short- and long-term
Reinforce “old” material throughout the school year
Provide students a chance to teach each other
Adjust sequence, speed, focus of lesson
 Write in journal
 Log
 Monitor sheets
 Vocal polling to see if students
understand concept
 Adjust level of
questions/scaffolding (factual
recall, evaluative, analysis)
 Warm-up exercises done together
(guided instruction)
 Teacher rephrasing
 Vocab, act out word
 Ask questions of each
 Small group discussion
 Pair-share (everyone talking)
 Wait time
 Daily oral language
 Review questions on the board
 Visualize
 Listen and correct
 Validate thinking but redirect
factual information
 Send student back into the text
 How many agree? Disagree?
Return to original do they agree
still – disagree
 Post-It, ask question, student writes
first step, second step, and pass on
 Literary evidence of agree/disagree
 Formal assessment tools, review
after conferences
Quizzes, discussion, check HW, exit quiz
Weekly performance evaluation (peer and teacher)
Direct, immediate feedback
More Gunn Examples:
Use Cruncher to find background data
(Informal) writing assessment at beginning of year peer review and self review on essays or other big assignments
Use quiz scores to decide if re-teaching needs to happen before a test
Communicating with family, support staff, gen. ed. teachers to differentiate instruction
Review graded tests, projects, essays and use as assessments to guide future instruction
Review Triennial reports to identify strengths, weaknesses
Monitoring (using data to adjust instruction and monitor individualized improvement
Exit ticket and use that to inform instruction
Discussing content material with teachers from other schools in district to inform instruction
Use active participation to solicit student’s prior knowledge
Use of rubrics to test content skill and knowledge. Then modify instruction to support
students who are struggling OR challenge those who are moving ahead
Use video and audio taping for collection of data (modify instruction)
California Standards for the Teaching Profession
Standard 5 Assessing Students for Learning
Teachers apply knowledge of the purposes, characteristics, and uses of different types of assessments. They collect and analyze assessment data from a variety of sources and
use those data to inform instruction. They review data, both individually and with colleagues, to monitor student learning. Teachers use assessment data to establish learning
goals and to plan, differentiate, and modify instruction. They involve all students in self-assessment, goal setting and monitoring progress. Teachers use available technologies
to assist in assessment, analysis, and communication of student learning. They use assessment information to share timely and comprehensible feedback with students and their
Key Element
5.3 Reviewing data, both individually and with colleagues, to monitor student learning
What does this look like at Gunn and in your classroom?
These prompts/questions may help. Simply pick one and answer it!
“How do I...” or “Why do I...”
• review student assessment data with colleagues?
• use assessment results to monitor my teaching and guide planning and instruction?
• use assessment information to determine when and how to revisit content that has been taught?
• use assessment data to eliminate gaps between students’ potential and their performance?
• use assessment results to plan instruction to support English learners?
• use assessment results to plan instruction to support students' IEPs?
EOI Skill
Formulating the Objective
Relationship to Teaching Standard
Teacher uses monitoring to formulate
new/progressive objectives for
What to look for
Does teacher continually monitor
student progress and use these
assessments to adjust objective?
Teaching to the Objective
Teacher uses questions, responses and
activities to assess student progress.
Does teacher use a variety of IQAR
that are congruent to the objective
consistently to check student progress?
Active Participation
Teacher provides covert and overt
activities for students to evaluate their
own learning.
Does teacher use covert and overt
activities to provide students the
opportunity to evaluate themselves or
Teacher provides covert and overt
opportunities to receive peer feedback.
Monitor and Adjust
Teacher gives congruent, immediate,
specific feedback.
Does teacher continually monitor
student progress and use the
assessments to adjust instruction?
Does teacher provide feedback to
students and report feedback to parents
as needed?
Does teacher make adjustments during
a lesson and in short- and long-term
Reinforce “old” material throughout the school year
Provide students a chance to teach each other
Adjust sequence, speed, focus of lesson
 Write in journal
 Log
 Monitor sheets
 Vocal polling to see if students
understand concept
 Adjust level of
questions/scaffolding (factual recall,
evaluative, analysis)
 Warm-up exercises done together
(guided instruction)
 Teacher rephrasing
 Vocab, act out word
 Ask questions of each
 Small group discussion
 Pair-share (everyone talking)
 Wait time
 Daily oral language
 Review questions on the board
 Visualize
 Listen and correct
 Validate thinking but redirect
factual information
 Send student back into the text
 How many agree? Disagree?
Return to original do they agree still –
 Post-It, ask question, student writes
first step, second step, and pass on
 Literary evidence of agree/disagree
 Formal assessment tools, review
after conferences
Quizzes, discussion, check HW, exit quiz
Weekly performance evaluation (peer and teacher)
Direct, immediate feedback
More Gunn Examples:
 Regularly assess progress/lack of progress on IEP goals
 Discuss progress in team
 Review reg. ed. performance
 Review standardized test data
 Comparison with colleagues about how they teach a particular skill or content area
 Analyze final exams and common assessments (Honors Chem) to ensure every student has equal access
to content
 English –norming of essay grades with colleagues and with Paly and Middle Schools
 Small Learning Community – discuss students’ strengths/weaknesses across curriculum
 Distribution chart of test scores on common assessments
 Teachers review content material to better align classes in different tracks
 Use email distribution lists or drop box of pertinent colleagues
 Review library standards with teachers to improve students’ performance level
 Communicate with students’ past teachers and current teachers and counselors
California Standards for the Teaching Profession
Standard 5 Assessing Students for Learning
Teachers apply knowledge of the purposes, characteristics, and uses of different types of assessments. They collect and analyze assessment data from a variety of sources and
use those data to inform instruction. They review data, both individually and with colleagues, to monitor student learning. Teachers use assessment data to establish learning
goals and to plan, differentiate, and modify instruction. They involve all students in self-assessment, goal setting and monitoring progress. Teachers use available technologies
to assist in assessment, analysis, and communication of student learning. They use assessment information to share timely and comprehensible feedback with students and their
Key Element
5.4 Using assessment data to establish learning goals and to plan, differentiate, and modify
What does this look like at Gunn and in your classroom?
These prompts/questions may help. Simply pick one and answer it!
“How do I...” or “Why do I...”
• draw upon assessment data to support development of learning goals?
• review and revise learning goals with students over time?
• ensure that student learning goals reflect key subject matter concepts, skills, and applications?
• use informal assessments to adjust instruction while teaching?
• use multiple sources of assessment to measure student progress and revise instructional plans?
• work to differentiate goals and plans based on assessed needs of my diverse learners?
• address the specific needs of English learners and students with special needs as I use assessments to
inform my instruction?
EOI Skill
Formulating the Objective
Relationship to Teaching Standard
Teacher uses monitoring to formulate
new/progressive objectives for
What to look for
Does teacher continually monitor
student progress and use these
assessments to adjust objective?
Teaching to the Objective
Teacher uses questions, responses and
activities to assess student progress.
Does teacher use a variety of IQAR
that are congruent to the objective
consistently to check student progress?
Active Participation
Teacher provides covert and overt
activities for students to evaluate their
own learning.
Does teacher use covert and overt
activities to provide students the
opportunity to evaluate themselves or
Teacher provides covert and overt
opportunities to receive peer feedback.
Monitor and Adjust
Teacher gives congruent, immediate,
specific feedback.
Does teacher continually monitor
student progress and use the
assessments to adjust instruction?
Does teacher provide feedback to
students and report feedback to parents
as needed?
Does teacher make adjustments during
a lesson and in short- and long-term
 Write in journal
 Log
 Monitor sheets
 Vocal polling to see if students
understand concept
 Adjust level of
questions/scaffolding (factual recall,
evaluative, analysis)
 Warm-up exercises done together
(guided instruction)
 Teacher rephrasing
 Vocab, act out word
 Ask questions of each
 Small group discussion
 Pair-share (everyone talking)
 Wait time
 Daily oral language
 Review questions on the board
 Visualize
 Listen and correct
 Validate thinking but redirect
factual information
 Send student back into the text
 How many agree? Disagree?
Return to original do they agree still –
 Post-It, ask question, student writes
first step, second step, and pass on
 Literary evidence of agree/disagree
 Formal assessment tools, review
after conferences
Reinforce “old” material throughout the school year
Provide students a chance to teach each other
Adjust sequence, speed, focus of lesson
Quizzes, discussion, check HW, exit quiz
Weekly performance evaluation (peer and teacher)
Direct, immediate feedback
More Gunn Examples:
 Considering students’ needs based on if they are ELL, have specific learning disabilities (dyslexia)
 Using visual aids – using materials and lessons that meet students at THEIR level.
 Sp.Ed: continuous monitoring of progress, in gen. ed. class to refine instruction in Sp. Ed. classrooms
 Help gen. ed. teacher differentiate and/or modify instruction, assignments and/or assessments
 Item analysis
 Quiz retakes or alternate forms of quizzes
 Use Cruncher to assess students’ weaknesses across curriculum and inform instruction
 Use ERB scores to inform instruction
 Think, pair share
 Review material the first few weeks of classes
 Pre-test
 Reading log topics lead to future essay topics/EOI formulating an objective
 Survey student interests to help differentiate instruction (EOI II)
California Standards for the Teaching Profession
Standard 5 Assessing Students for Learning
Teachers apply knowledge of the purposes, characteristics, and uses of different types of assessments. They collect and analyze assessment data from a variety of sources and
use those data to inform instruction. They review data, both individually and with colleagues, to monitor student learning. Teachers use assessment data to establish learning
goals and to plan, differentiate, and modify instruction. They involve all students in self-assessment, goal setting and monitoring progress. Teachers use available technologies
to assist in assessment, analysis, and communication of student learning. They use assessment information to share timely and comprehensible feedback with students and their
Key Element
5.5 Involving all students in self-assessment, goal setting, and monitoring progress
What does this look like at Gunn and in your classroom?
These prompts/questions may help. Simply pick one and answer it!
“How do I...” or “Why do I...”
• make assessment integral to the learning process?
• make assessment an interactive process between teacher and student?
• model self-assessment strategies for all students?
• develop and use tools and guidelines that help all students assess their work and monitor their learning
• provide opportunities for all students to engage in peer discussion and reflection of their work?
• provide opportunities for all students to demonstrate and reflect on their learning inside and outside of the
EOI Skill
Formulating the Objective
Relationship to Teaching Standard
Teacher uses monitoring to formulate
new/progressive objectives for
What to look for
Does teacher continually monitor
student progress and use these
assessments to adjust objective?
Teaching to the Objective
Teacher uses questions, responses and
activities to assess student progress.
Does teacher use a variety of IQAR
that are congruent to the objective
consistently to check student progress?
Active Participation
Teacher provides covert and overt
activities for students to evaluate their
own learning.
Does teacher use covert and overt
activities to provide students the
opportunity to evaluate themselves or
Teacher provides covert and overt
opportunities to receive peer feedback.
Monitor and Adjust
Teacher gives congruent, immediate,
specific feedback.
Does teacher continually monitor
student progress and use the
assessments to adjust instruction?
Does teacher provide feedback to
students and report feedback to parents
as needed?
Does teacher make adjustments during
a lesson and in short- and long-term
Reinforce “old” material throughout the school year
Provide students a chance to teach each other
Adjust sequence, speed, focus of lesson
 Write in journal
 Log
 Monitor sheets
 Vocal polling to see if students
understand concept
 Adjust level of
questions/scaffolding (factual
recall, evaluative, analysis)
 Warm-up exercises done together
(guided instruction)
 Teacher rephrasing
 Vocab, act out word
 Ask questions of each
 Small group discussion
 Pair-share (everyone talking)
 Wait time
 Daily oral language
 Review questions on the board
 Visualize
 Listen and correct
 Validate thinking but redirect
factual information
 Send student back into the text
 How many agree? Disagree?
Return to original do they agree
still – disagree
 Post-It, ask question, student writes
first step, second step, and pass on
 Literary evidence of agree/disagree
 Formal assessment tools, review
after conferences
Quizzes, discussion, check HW, exit quiz
Weekly performance evaluation (peer and teacher)
Direct, immediate feedback
More Gunn Examples:
 Rubrics for labs, projects etc. Self-assessment, peer assessment on rough draft
 Peer modeling: peer mark function of (teacher can choose peer groups & assessment
criteria or writing traits)
 Students do checklist for essays then write reflective cover sheet
 Monitoring learning of others – learning from other students’ work through creating a learning
 IEP goal setting and progress updates. EOI Anticipatory set, task analysis, formulating & teaching to an
 Self-reflection: daily behaviors and goals
 Peer check, feedback
 ELL students make websites in native language (for tech-specific course)
 Self assessment tool included with returned assessments (“What I did well, what I didn’t”)
 Content-based cards for students to sort into accomplishment groups
 Online Google form to conduct a self assessment of study strategies
 Peer “check for understanding” within groups. Incentives for groups to help each other.
California Standards for the Teaching Profession
Standard 5 Assessing Students for Learning
Teachers apply knowledge of the purposes, characteristics, and uses of different types of assessments. They collect and analyze assessment data from a variety of sources and
use those data to inform instruction. They review data, both individually and with colleagues, to monitor student learning. Teachers use assessment data to establish learning
goals and to plan, differentiate, and modify instruction. They involve all students in self-assessment, goal setting and monitoring progress. Teachers use available technologies
to assist in assessment, analysis, and communication of student learning. They use assessment information to share timely and comprehensible feedback with students and their
Key Element
5.6 Using available technologies to assist in assessment, analysis, and communication of
student learning
What does this look like at Gunn and in your classroom?
These prompts/questions may help. Simply pick one and answer it!
“How do I...” or “Why do I...”
• become familiar with and select technology resources that support assessment practices?
• use technology to analyze student learning and inform instruction?
• use appropriate technology resources to communicate students’ learning to students and their families?
EOI Skill
Formulating the Objective
Relationship to Teaching Standard
Teacher uses monitoring to formulate
new/progressive objectives for
What to look for
Does teacher continually monitor
student progress and use these
assessments to adjust objective?
Teaching to the Objective
Teacher uses questions, responses and
activities to assess student progress.
Does teacher use a variety of IQAR
that are congruent to the objective
consistently to check student progress?
Active Participation
Teacher provides covert and overt
activities for students to evaluate their
own learning.
Does teacher use covert and overt
activities to provide students the
opportunity to evaluate themselves or
Teacher provides covert and overt
opportunities to receive peer feedback.
Monitor and Adjust
Teacher gives congruent, immediate,
specific feedback.
Does teacher continually monitor
student progress and use the
assessments to adjust instruction?
Does teacher provide feedback to
students and report feedback to parents
as needed?
Does teacher make adjustments during
a lesson and in short- and long-term
Reinforce “old” material throughout the school year
Provide students a chance to teach each other
Adjust sequence, speed, focus of lesson
 Write in journal
 Log
 Monitor sheets
 Vocal polling to see if students
understand concept
 Adjust level of
questions/scaffolding (factual
recall, evaluative, analysis)
 Warm-up exercises done together
(guided instruction)
 Teacher rephrasing
 Vocab, act out word
 Ask questions of each
 Small group discussion
 Pair-share (everyone talking)
 Wait time
 Daily oral language
 Review questions on the board
 Visualize
 Listen and correct
 Validate thinking but redirect
factual information
 Send student back into the text
 How many agree? Disagree?
Return to original do they agree
still – disagree
 Post-It, ask question, student writes
first step, second step, and pass on
 Literary evidence of agree/disagree
 Formal assessment tools, review
after conferences
Quizzes, discussion, check HW, exit quiz
Weekly performance evaluation (peer and teacher)
Direct, immediate feedback
More Gunn Examples:
 Using a google form
 Clickers for monitoring and/or closure
 Geometer’s sketchpad
 RSS feeds and student blogs
 Teacher websites
 Smartboards
 Online quiz (monitoring, immediate feedback)
 Survey Monkey
 Ceiling projectors
 Document cameras
 Email
 Overhead projector
 Class Dojo helps teacher stay congruent to lesson objective and helps students see strengths/weaknesses
of their performance and that of class
 Scantron statistics
 IC
 EOI: monitoring
 iPads
 Special Ed Flick/Video share student baselines, progress with student, parents, support staff
 iPads/iTouch communication
 EOI monitoring, task analysis, motivation, active participation, closure
Audio recording
Music tuners and metronomes
Heart monitors
GPS watches
California Standards for the Teaching Profession
Standard 5 Assessing Students for Learning
Teachers apply knowledge of the purposes, characteristics, and uses of different types of assessments. They collect and analyze assessment data from a variety of sources and
use those data to inform instruction. They review data, both individually and with colleagues, to monitor student learning. Teachers use assessment data to establish learning
goals and to plan, differentiate, and modify instruction. They involve all students in self-assessment, goal setting and monitoring progress. Teachers use available technologies
to assist in assessment, analysis, and communication of student learning. They use assessment information to share timely and comprehensible feedback with students and their
Key Element
5.7 Using assessment information to share timely and comprehensible feedback with
students and their families
What does this look like at Gunn and in your classroom?
These prompts/questions may help. Simply pick one and answer it!
“How do I...” or “Why do I...”
• provide all students with information about their progress as they engage in learning activities?
• initiate regular and timely contact with families and resource providers about student progress?
• communicate assessment results to families in ways that are respectful and understandable?
• provide families with ways to use assessment information at home to improve student learning?
EOI Skill
Formulating the Objective
Relationship to Teaching Standard
Teacher uses monitoring to formulate
new/progressive objectives for
What to look for
Does teacher continually monitor
student progress and use these
assessments to adjust objective?
Teaching to the Objective
Teacher uses questions, responses and
activities to assess student progress.
Does teacher use a variety of IQAR
that are congruent to the objective
consistently to check student progress?
Active Participation
Teacher provides covert and overt
activities for students to evaluate their
own learning.
Does teacher use covert and overt
activities to provide students the
opportunity to evaluate themselves or
Teacher provides covert and overt
opportunities to receive peer feedback.
Monitor and Adjust
Teacher gives congruent, immediate,
specific feedback.
Does teacher continually monitor
student progress and use the
assessments to adjust instruction?
Does teacher provide feedback to
students and report feedback to parents
as needed?
Does teacher make adjustments during
a lesson and in short- and long-term
 Write in journal
 Log
 Monitor sheets
 Vocal polling to see if students
understand concept
 Adjust level of
questions/scaffolding (factual
recall, evaluative, analysis)
 Warm-up exercises done together
(guided instruction)
 Teacher rephrasing
 Vocab, act out word
 Ask questions of each
 Small group discussion
 Pair-share (everyone talking)
 Wait time
 Daily oral language
 Review questions on the board
 Visualize
 Listen and correct
 Validate thinking but redirect
factual information
 Send student back into the text
 How many agree? Disagree?
Return to original do they agree
still – disagree
 Post-It, ask question, student writes
first step, second step, and pass on
 Literary evidence of agree/disagree
 Formal assessment tools, review
after conferences
Reinforce “old” material throughout the school year
Provide students a chance to teach each other
Adjust sequence, speed, focus of lesson
Quizzes, discussion, check HW, exit quiz
Weekly performance evaluation (peer and teacher)
Direct, immediate feedback
More Gunn Examples:
 Attendance (tardies and cuts)
 Website (Google site)
 Email – 2 business days/24 hours
 Infinite Campus posting of grades not just at grading time
 Timely grading
 Peer assessment to enhance timeliness
 Post feedback online for common issues
 Tutorials
 Phone calls
 Notes/quick comments on assignments/assessments
 Parent conferences
 Home-School communication via phone, email, notes, in person, EOI monitoring (giving congruent,
immediate, specific feedback (Special Ed))
 Performance evaluation, written or oral
 Use comment box on Infinite Campus to give personal feedback and even specific errors
 Transparency with content errors and grade distribution
 Having student keep all word (graded and non-graded)