Paper BSO 76/2014 FINANCE REPORT TO THE BOARD 1 APRIL 2014 – 31 JULY 2014 Patrick Anderson Director of Finance August 2014 Page 1 of 18 Paper BSO 76/2014 CONTENTS SECTION DESCRIPTION PAGE 1. Introduction 3 2. Income and Expenditure Performance 4 3. Capital Position 14 LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Income and Expenditure Account – Period ended 31 July 2014 Table 2 Summary of Budget versus Actual Out-turn – July 2014 Table 3 Analysis of Core Services – July 2014 Table 4 Operations Directorate – July 2014 Table 5 Customer Care & Performance Directorate – July 2014 Table 6 Other Directorates – July 2014 Page 2 of 18 Paper BSO 76/2014 1. Introduction 1.1 This report covers the four month period ended 31 July 2014 and presents the latest income and expenditure and capital positions for the BSO. 1.2 Section 2 of this report provides a summary of the reported income and expenditure position for the four month period ended 31 July 2014, along with any relevant commentary on variations from the 2014/15 budget as approved at the June 2014 Board meeting. 1.3 Section 3 presents the capital position as at 31 July 2014. Page 3 of 18 Paper BSO 76/2014 2. Income and Expenditure Performance 2.1 The income and expenditure position for the four month period ended 31 July 2014 for each segment of the Organisation is presented in Table 1 below. TABLE 1 - INCOME AND EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT – PERIOD ENDED 31 JULY 2014 Core Services £'000 BSTP ITS Programme £'000 £'000 Income 18,202 492 5,756 Pay 12,972 363 513 5,046 129 5,243 18,018 492 184 0 Non Pay Total Expenditure Surplus / (Deficit) Trading Managed Services Total £'000 £'000 £'000 15,005 6,204 45,659 419 14,267 15,019 5,849 31,286 5,756 15,019 6,268 45,553 0 (14) (64) 106 - 2.2 The overall reported surplus for the Organisation at 31 July 2014 was £106k. The surplus has primarily been generated by Core Services (£184k), offset by a deficit within Managed Services (£64k) and Trading (£14k) 2.3 The deficit on Managed Services is due to a higher level of expenditure than budgeted associated with the Healthy Start Programme. The year to date deficit on Healthy Start stands at £64k, which constitutes a £80k decrease in expenditure in comparison to the four months ended 31 July 2013. This has been described in more detail in paragraph 2.9 below. 2.4 A breakeven position at 31 July 2014 has been reported for BSTP. A level of external funding has been assumed in order to arrive at this position. This has been described in more detail in paragraph 2.7 below. 2.5 Table 2, overleaf, provides a summary of budget versus actual out-turn to 31 July 2014 for each segment of the Organisation. Page 4 of 18 Paper BSO 76/2014 TABLE 2 - SUMMARY OF BUDGET VERSUS ACTUAL OUT-TURN – JULY 2014 Month YTD FY Budget Actual Variance Budget Actual Variance Budget 2013/14 LBE £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 CORE SERVICES Income 4,789 4,603 (186) 18,468 18,202 (266) 56,960 43,989 Pay 3,449 Non Pay 1,114 3,233 216 13,345 1,252 (138) 4,965 12,972 373 42,035 32,998 5,046 (81) 14,925 10,465 Total Expenditure 4,563 4,485 78 18,310 18,018 292 56,960 43,463 0 Surplus / (Deficit) 226 118 (108) 158 184 26 0 526 0 Income 123 Pay 104 123 0 492 492 0 1,477 3,783 103 1 363 363 0 967 1,416 93 20 73 187 129 58 510 2,398 Total Expenditure 197 123 74 550 492 58 1,477 3,814 0 Surplus / (Deficit) (74) 0 74 (58) 0 58 0 (31) 0 5,756 1,524 (4,232) 5,756 5,756 0 14,805 14,400 BSTP Non Pay ITS PROGRAMME Income Pay 513 137 376 513 513 0 1,700 1,398 Non Pay 5,243 1,387 3,856 5,243 5,243 0 13,105 13,000 Total Expenditure 5,756 1,524 4,232 5,756 5,756 0 14,805 14,398 0 Surplus / (Deficit) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 3,667 3,811 144 14,667 15,005 338 44,000 43,861 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Non Pay 3,667 3,782 (115) 14,667 15,019 (352) 44,000 43,914 Total Expenditure 3,667 3,782 (115) 14,667 15,019 (352) 44,000 43,914 0 Surplus / (Deficit) 0 29 29 0 (14) (14) 0 (53) 0 1,594 1,440 (154) 6,372 6,204 (168) 19,115 19,306 104 110 (6) 414 419 (5) 1,242 1,295 Non Pay 1,489 1,372 117 5,958 5,849 109 17,873 18,361 Total Expenditure 1,593 1,482 111 6,372 6,268 104 19,115 19,656 0 Surplus / (Deficit) 1 (42) (43) 0 (64) (64) 0 (350) 0 15,929 11,501 (4,428) 45,755 45,659 (96) 136,357 125,339 0 4,170 3,583 587 14,635 14,267 368 45,944 37,107 0 Non Pay 11,606 7,813 3,793 31,020 31,286 (266) 90,413 88,138 0 Total Expenditure 15,776 11,396 4,380 45,655 45,553 102 136,357 125,245 0 Surplus / (Deficit) 153 105 (48) 100 106 6 0 94 0 TRADING Income Pay MANAGED SERVICES Income Pay TOTAL BSO Income Pay Page 5 of 18 Paper BSO 76/2014 2.6 Table 2 indicates that the budgeted income and expenditure position for the four month period ended 31 July 2014 was a surplus of £100k. The actual position to 31 July 2014 was a surplus of £106k. This position is set out in more detail in Tables 3 to 6 overleaf and explained in the supporting narrative. 2.7 A breakeven position has been reported within BSTP. Invoices for the quarter ended 30 June 2014 have been issued to all HSC bodies in respect of the full recharge of FPL and HRPTS systems maintenance costs. The break-even position assumes full recompense of these invoices. 2.8 The current revenue expenditure associated with the regional ITS Programme, undertaken by BSO on behalf of HSCB, is £4.4m as at 31 July 2014. This expenditure is agreed with HSCB on an ongoing basis and fully funded. Arrangements are in place to invoice HSCB for expenditure in full throughout the year. 2.9 As described in paragraph 2.3 above, Managed Services is currently in a £64k deficit position, due to a deficit within Healthy Start (£64k). This constitutes a decrease on the deficit recorded at the same stage in the 2012/13 financial year (£142k). The final outturn for Healthy Start in 2013/14 was a deficit of £345k. DHSSPS had previously provided an assurance that BSO will not be financially disadvantaged by administering the Healthy Start scheme and therefore we expect DHSSPS to provide full financial cover, if required. BSO will continue to report on the Healthy Start position to DHSSPS. 2.10 Table 3 overleaf sets out a high level summary of income and expenditure for the period for Core Services. Page 6 of 18 Paper BSO 76/2014 TABLE 3 - ANALYSIS OF CORE SERVICES – JULY 2014 Month YTD FY Budget Actual Variance Budget Actual Variance Budget 2013/14 LBE £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 OPERATIONS Income 2,726 2,497 (229) 10,023 9,937 (86) 31,625 20,278 Pay 1,873 1,763 110 7,112 7,037 75 22,867 15,227 Non Pay 723 689 34 2,900 2,874 26 8,758 5,133 Total Expenditure 2,596 2,452 144 10,012 9,911 101 31,625 20,360 0 Surplus / (Deficit) 130 45 (85) 11 26 15 0 (82) 0 (4) 2,916 2,915 (1) 8,750 8,119 CUSTOMER CARE & PERFORMANCE Income 730 726 Pay 634 588 46 2,515 2,413 102 7,708 7,362 87 107 (20) 347 344 3 1,042 702 Total Expenditure 721 695 26 2,862 2,757 105 8,750 8,064 0 Surplus / (Deficit) 9 31 22 54 158 104 0 55 0 1,333 1,380 47 5,529 5,350 (179) 16,584 15,592 Pay 942 882 60 3,718 3,522 196 11,461 10,409 Non Pay 304 456 (152) 1,718 1,828 (110) 5,123 4,630 Total Expenditure 1,246 1,338 (92) 5,436 5,350 86 16,584 15,039 0 Surplus / (Deficit) 87 42 (45) 93 0 (93) 0 553 0 Income 4,789 4,603 (186) 18,468 18,202 (266) 56,959 43,989 0 Pay 3,449 3,233 216 13,345 12,972 373 42,036 32,998 0 Non Pay 1,114 1,252 (138) 4,965 5,046 (81) 14,923 10,465 0 Total Expenditure 4,563 4,485 78 18,310 18,018 292 56,959 43,463 0 Surplus / (Deficit) 226 118 (108) 158 184 26 0 526 0 Non Pay OTHER DIRECTORATES Income TOTAL CORE SERVICES 2.13 A more detailed analysis of each Core Services Directorate is set out in Tables 4, 5 and 6 respectively. Page 7 of 18 Paper BSO 76/2014 TABLE 4 - OPERATIONS DIRECTORATE – JULY 2014 Month Budget £'000 YTD Actual £'000 Variance £'000 Budget £'000 FY Actual £'000 Variance £'000 Budget £'000 2013/14 £'000 LBE £'000 PaLS Income 966 968 2 3,865 3,839 (26) 11,595 11,388 Pay 756 736 20 3,037 2,943 94 9,094 8,961 Non Pay 208 204 4 834 808 26 2,501 2,678 Total Expenditure 964 940 24 3,871 3,751 120 11,595 11,639 0 Surplus / (Deficit) 2 28 26 (6) 88 94 0 (251) 0 145 143 (2) 581 574 (7) 1,743 1,479 75 66 9 297 293 4 898 866 PENSIONS Income Pay Non Pay 70 78 (8) 282 317 (35) 845 770 Total Expenditure 145 144 1 579 610 (31) 1,743 1,636 0 Surplus / (Deficit) 0 (1) (1) 2 (36) (38) 0 (157) 0 Income 94 94 0 378 377 (1) 1,133 1,146 Pay 83 86 (3) 351 349 2 1,031 997 COUNTER FRAUD & PROBITY Non Pay 8 6 2 34 29 5 102 124 Total Expenditure 91 92 (1) 385 378 7 1,133 1,121 0 Surplus / (Deficit) 3 2 (1) (7) (1) 6 0 25 0 Income 458 450 (8) 1,860 1,859 (1) 5,578 5,572 Pay 314 334 (20) 1,257 1,244 13 3,799 3,715 Non Pay 148 107 41 593 645 (52) 1,779 1,535 Total Expenditure 462 441 21 1,850 1,889 (39) 5,578 5,250 0 Surplus / (Deficit) (4) 9 13 10 (30) (40) 0 322 0 Income 10 10 0 41 41 0 123 139 Pay 11 11 0 26 43 (17) 113 134 1 (1) 2 3 (1) 4 10 26 Total Expenditure 12 10 2 29 42 (13) 123 160 0 Surplus / (Deficit) (2) 0 2 12 (1) (13) 0 (21) 0 1,053 832 (221) 3,298 3,247 (51) 11,452 554 Pay 634 530 104 2,144 2,165 (21) 7,931 554 Non Pay 288 295 (7) 1,154 1,076 78 3,521 0 Total Expenditure 922 825 97 3,298 3,241 57 11,452 554 0 Surplus / (Deficit) 131 7 (124) 0 6 6 0 0 0 FPS OPS DIRECTOR Non Pay SHARED SERVICES Income TOTAL OPERATIONS DIRECTORATE Income 2,726 2,497 (229) 10,023 9,937 (86) 31,624 20,278 0 Pay 1,873 1,763 110 7,112 7,037 75 22,866 15,227 0 Non Pay 723 689 34 2,900 2,874 26 8,758 5,133 0 Total Expenditure 2,596 2,452 144 10,012 9,911 101 31,624 20,360 0 Surplus / (Deficit) 130 45 (85) 11 26 15 0 (82) 0 Page 8 of 18 Paper BSO 76/2014 2.14 The Operations Directorate reported a surplus for the period ended 31 July 2014 of £26k (budget surplus £11k). Significant deviations from budget were as follows: PaLS – actual surplus of £88k versus budget deficit of £6k. This is primarily due to slippage in filling vacancies in the Medical Procurement and Non-Medical Procurement areas (£94k). Pensions – actual deficit of £36k versus budget surplus of £2k. This is primarily due to Dial Network charges for Waterside House, which were not factored into the Pensions budget. FPS – actual deficit of £30k versus budget surplus of £10k. This is primarily due to the costs of handling charges for the margin survey which were not factored into the FPS budget, as well as the budget and profiling of the costs of exiting the Fujitsu contract. Shared Services – actual surplus £6k versus budget breakeven position. This is primarily due to the lower level of non-pay expenditure than anticipated at the time of setting the budgets, especially in computer maintenance costs. Page 9 of 18 Paper BSO 76/2014 TABLE 5 - CUSTOMER CARE & PERFORMANCE DIRECTORATE - JULY 2014 Month YTD FY Budget Actual Variance Budget Actual Variance Budget 2013/14 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 CC&P DIRECTOR Income 10 10 0 39 39 0 118 109 Pay 9 7 2 36 34 2 107 109 Non Pay 1 0 1 4 2 2 11 6 Total Expenditure 10 7 3 40 36 4 118 115 LBE £'000 0 Surplus / (Deficit) 0 3 CUSTOMER & SERVICE IMPROVEMENT Income 17 17 Pay 17 17 Non Pay 1 0 Total Expenditure 18 17 3 (1) 3 4 0 (6) 0 0 0 1 1 70 74 3 77 70 72 1 73 0 2 2 4 210 200 10 210 197 199 7 206 0 Surplus / (Deficit) ORECNI Income Pay Non Pay Total Expenditure (1) 0 1 (7) (3) 4 0 (9) 0 19 13 5 18 18 11 3 14 (1) 2 2 4 74 53 21 74 78 46 19 65 4 7 2 9 223 159 64 223 230 163 64 227 0 Surplus / (Deficit) EQUALITY Income Pay Non Pay Total Expenditure 1 4 3 0 13 13 0 3 0 16 15 1 16 16 12 (1) 11 0 3 2 5 63 57 2 59 63 52 2 54 0 5 0 5 188 181 7 188 203 167 5 172 0 0 5 5 4 9 5 0 31 0 120 114 6 120 117 101 5 106 (3) 13 1 14 480 456 24 480 475 415 17 432 (5) 41 7 48 1,441 1,369 72 1,441 1,310 1,259 52 1,311 0 0 11 11 0 43 43 0 (1) 0 548 466 73 539 548 440 100 540 0 26 (27) (1) 2,190 1,839 293 2,132 2,190 1,794 303 2,097 0 45 (10) 35 6,571 5,693 878 6,571 6,070 5,465 568 6,033 0 Surplus / (Deficit) 9 8 (1) TOTAL CUSTOMER CARE & PERFORMANCE Income 730 726 (4) Pay 634 588 46 Non Pay 87 107 (20) Total Expenditure 721 695 26 58 93 35 0 37 0 2,916 2,515 347 2,862 2,915 2,413 344 2,757 (1) 102 3 105 8,751 7,709 1,042 8,751 8,119 7,362 702 8,064 0 0 0 0 54 158 104 0 55 0 Surplus / (Deficit) INTERNAL AUDIT Income Pay Non Pay Total Expenditure Surplus / (Deficit) ITS Income Pay Non Pay Total Expenditure Surplus / (Deficit) 9 31 22 Page 10 of 18 Paper BSO 76/2014 2.15 The Customer Care and Performance (CC&P) Directorate reported a surplus for the four month period ended 31 July 2014 of £158k, compared with a budget surplus of £54k. Significant deviations from budget are described below. ORECNI – actual surplus of £13k versus a budget breakeven position. This is primarily due to a favourable pay variance (£7k) caused by slippage in filling vacancies in Band 5 REC managers. Internal Audit – actual surplus of £43k versus a budget breakeven position. This favourable variance is primarily due to the timing of the deployment in the use of staff substitution. ITS – actual surplus of £93k versus budget surplus of £58k. This is primarily due to slippage in filling vacancies, particularly in Bands 4 to 7. Page 11 of 18 Paper BSO 76/2014 TABLE 6 - OTHER DIRECTORATES - JULY 2014 Month Budget £'000 YTD Actual £'000 Variance £'000 Budget £'000 FY Actual £'000 Variance £'000 Budget £'000 2013/14 £'000 LBE £'000 LEGAL Income 364 390 26 1,525 1,543 18 4,575 4,386 Pay 331 323 8 1,311 1,279 32 4,072 3,792 42 42 0 168 179 (11) 503 574 Total Expenditure 373 365 8 1,479 1,458 21 4,575 4,366 0 Surplus / (Deficit) (9) 25 34 46 85 39 0 20 0 174 215 41 823 830 7 2,469 2,667 81 71 10 314 289 25 946 989 Non Pay 127 134 (7) 511 492 19 1,523 1,662 Total Expenditure 208 205 3 825 781 44 2,469 2,651 0 Surplus / (Deficit) (34) 10 44 (2) 49 51 0 16 0 FINANCE Income 117 117 0 470 467 (3) 1,408 2,627 Pay Non Pay 97 20 100 12 (3) 8 388 81 378 84 10 (3) 1,165 243 1,874 787 Total Expenditure 117 112 5 469 462 7 1,408 2,661 0 Surplus / (Deficit) 0 5 5 1 5 4 0 (34) 0 Income Pay 24 21 24 18 0 3 94 87 94 84 0 3 283 248 271 256 Non Pay Total Expenditure 3 24 3 21 0 3 12 99 10 94 2 5 35 283 41 297 0 Surplus / (Deficit) 0 3 3 (5) 0 5 0 (26) 0 Income 236 223 (13) 943 757 (186) 2,829 2,733 Pay 165 151 14 640 577 63 2,026 1,914 Non Pay HRCS Income Pay CEO HSC Leadership Centre Non Pay 67 1 66 268 264 4 803 794 Total Expenditure 232 152 80 908 841 67 2,829 2,708 0 Surplus / (Deficit) 4 71 67 35 (84) (119) 0 25 0 Income Pay 295 247 288 219 (7) 28 1,180 978 1,165 915 (15) 63 3,539 3,004 2,118 1,634 Non Pay Total Expenditure 45 292 (34) 185 79 107 178 1,156 166 1,081 12 75 535 3,539 471 2,105 0 Surplus / (Deficit) 3 103 100 24 84 60 0 13 0 123 123 0 494 494 0 1,482 790 0 0 0 298 0 (298) 0 500 0 633 0 (133) 0 1,482 (50) 301 HSC Clinical Education Centre OTHER Income Pay Non Pay Total Expenditure 0 298 (298) 500 633 (133) 1,482 251 0 Surplus / (Deficit) 123 (175) (298) (6) (139) (133) 0 539 0 TOTAL OTHER DIRECTORATES Income Pay 1,333 942 1,380 882 47 60 5,529 3,718 5,350 3,522 (179) 196 16,585 11,461 15,592 10,409 0 0 Non Pay Total Expenditure 304 1,246 456 1,338 (152) (92) 1,718 5,436 1,828 5,350 (110) 86 5,124 16,585 4,630 15,039 0 0 Surplus / (Deficit) 87 42 (45) 93 0 (93) 0 553 0 Page 12 of 18 Paper BSO 76/2014 2.16 Other Directorates within Core Services reported a breakeven position for the period compared to a budget surplus £93k. Significant deviations from budget were as follows: Legal Services – actual surplus of £85k versus a budgeted surplus of £46k. This favourable variance has been generated by a number of vacancies in professional DLS staff (due to maternity and sick leave) and a greater level of income from conveyancing than anticipated, although these gains have been offset by higher than expected cost of photocopying. HRCS – actual surplus of £49k versus a budgeted deficit of £2k. The favourable pay variance of £25k primarily relates to slippage in filling a number of vacant posts whilst the favourable non-pay variance of £19k is primarily due to lower seasonal expenditure compared to flat-lined budget profile especially in the area of heat, light & power. HSC Leadership Centre (LC) and Clinical Education Centre (CEC) – taken together, the Centres show an overall breakeven position for the period versus a budgeted surplus of £59k. Income received within these areas is not evenly profiled and tends to be lower in the early part of the financial year, peaking in the final quarter. The favourable variances within pay are due to underspends in staff substitution but these should be utilised in the latter half of the year. Other – actual deficit of £139k versus a budgeted deficit of £6k. Provision has been made within non pay to reflect items of expenditure which have been approved by SMT and other actions which have not yet materialised within Core Services. Page 13 of 18 Paper BSO 76/2014 3. Balance Sheet as at 31 July 2014 3.1 The Balance Sheet for the BSO as at 31 July 2014 is included below for information along with comments on a number of the key balances. TABLE 7 Non Current Assets Land Cost Buildings Cost Assets Under Construction Plant and Machinery Transport Equipment Information Technology Furniture and Fittings Intangible Software Intangible Software Licenses £000's £000's 31-Jul-14 £000's Cost 2,339 8,955 4,498 261 1,285 31,258 1,077 49,673 Deprec. 0 (1,206) 0 (109) (928) (19,688) (261) (22,192) 27,481 3,747 68,382 72,129 (3,524) (19,195) (22,719) 49,410 76,891 Current Assets Inventories Trade & other receivables Prepayments and accrued income Commercial Banks and cash in hand 5,235 26,945 1,032 3,893 37,105 TOTAL ASSETS 113,996 Current Liabilities Other taxation and social security Bank overdraft Trade revenue & capital payables Payroll payables Other payables Accruals and deferred income 2,179 0 22,429 0 0 6,404 31,012 NON CURRENT ASSETS LESS NET CURRENT ASSETS/LIABILITIES Non Current Liabilities Other Payables, accruals and deferred income 82,984 0 Provisions Prov Former Dir Prov Other Staff Prov Other 74 558 32 664 ASSETS LESS LIABILITIES 82,320 TAXPAYERS' EQUITY Revaluation reserve General reserve B/fwd Grant In Aid less RRL Non cash - Depreciation etc Surplus in Period 3,697 72,507 9,704 (3,697) 109 6,116 82,320 Page 14 of 18 Paper BSO 76/2014 3.2 Inventories The stock balance at 31 July 2014 was £5.2m (31 May 2014: £5m). 3.3 Trade & other receivables The balance of trade receivables and prepayments at 31 July 2014 was £28m (31 May 2014: £32.9m). This balance is comprised of trade debt including inter-HSC, balances owed by client NDPBs and VAT. The movement in this balance since 2013/14 year end is due to the timing of the issue of Management Fee invoices to HSC trusts around the year end and the payment thereof. 3.4 Bank & cash / overdraft The balance of £3.9m includes BSO No 1 and No 2 accounts and the Central accounts which are managed by BSO. Also included is a petty cash balance of £2k. 3.5 Trade & other payables The balance of trade and other payables at 31 July 2014 was £31m (31 May 2014: £25.3m). This includes a balance owed to DHSSPS of £12.4m (31 May 2014: £6.7m) and other revenue and capital payables and accruals of £18.6m. The balance with DHSSPS represents cash drawn from DHSSPS to fund BSO’s working capital requirements and movements relate in particular to FPS expenditure and the respective cash drawn. Page 15 of 18 Paper BSO 76/2014 4. Capital Position as at 31 July 2014 4.1 Capital sources The BSO has received capital funding in respect of the following: 4.2 General capital allocation (from DHSSPS); ITS Programme (from HSCB); BSTP (from HSCB under ITS Programme); Shared Services (from DHSSPS); and CERI (from DHSSPS). General capital allocation BSO submitted a list of capital bids for 2014/15 to the DHSSPS on 1 April 2014 categorised as either essential or desirable. Total approved CRL for 2014/15 was £768k with £462k approved under general capital and the remaining four projects £306k were approved under ITS Programme allocation. BSO also received a further CRL confirmation of £120k in August 2014 on a business case submitted to DHSSPS on 31 July 2014 for Replacement Racking at Lissue. The approved bids along with a current status report are listed in Table 8 below. Project Name Description Planned Cost(£) Current Status eProcurementNI Implementation (ITS Programme) The new NI CoPES eTendering portal will secure continuity and efficiencies of online Tendering, evaluation and contract management is maintained and optimised. £127,000 Expenditure to date £11k. Estimated completion date moved from quarter 3 to quarter 4 due to contractor issues. Additional Double Trailer and vehicle Additional double trailer and vehicle required to trunk stock orders between Campsie and Boucher Warehouses £92,000 Order complete. Estimated completion December 14 Replace 2 current leased CCA transits Replace with 2 new BSO longwheel base transits for CCA Lissue. Recurrent lease cost £22k per annum £44,000 Order complete. Estimated completion October 14 Replace current BSO CCA vans – Lissue Replace with long wheel-base vans increasing the load capacity by 25% as well as reducing journey frequency £66,000 Order complete. Estimated completion October 14. Page 16 of 18 Paper BSO 76/2014 4.3 Customer Relationship Manager (CRM) Solution ITS Programme) The reporting functions will allow managers within centres to manage their people resources more effectively and monitor progress against KPI and SLA targets. £96,413 Requisition being processed Replacement current BSO Iveco Daily Tailgate Transit Boucher Operation The replacement 7.5 tonne Euro Cargo will increase the load capacity by 50% and also reducing journeys and maximising vehicle capacity per run £44,000 Order complete. Estimated completion December 14 Replacement Counter Balance - Lissue operation Current Counter balance at Lissue is 15 years old and needs replacement £20,000 Order complete. Estimated completion November 14 Replace current 2 BSO 10 tonne vehicles Boucher Operation Replace with two new 10 Tonne Euro 6 vehicles. Euro 6 is the highest standard compliant with environmental legislation £94,000 Order complete. Estimated December 14 Replacement Reach Truck - Lissue operation Current Counter balance at Lissue is 15 years old and needs replacement £25,000 Order complete. Estimated completion November 14. Replace Order Pickers - Boucher operation Replacement of 3 electric picker trucks for Boucher £30,000 Requistion raised, waiting for confirmation of order. Refurbishment Training Centre - replacements windows and doors and installation of shower room A number of Training Centre windows and external doors require replacement to improve and installation of Shower Room £47,000 Developing specification for Tender. Estimated contract award in September, pending price. EPES – Image Archiving (ITS Programme) Storage of prescription images on near-line storage on separate server for immediate retrieval £79,401 Order complete. Estimated completion October 14 Dual Screens (ITS Programme) Dual screens for new FPS payment system £3,450 Order complete. Estimated completion September 14. Replacement racking at Lissue New space efficient drive-in racking system increasing capacity for 700 pallet locations £120,000 CRL approved 20th August 14. Total confirmed general CRL £888,264 ITS Programme Expenditure on ITS Programme was £492k as at 31 July 2014. The full year budget for this programme is £8.3m. 4.4 BSTP A separate £1m allocation for BSTP is being managed by HSCB under ITS programme. Expenditure on BSTP at 31 July 2014 was £610k. Page 17 of 18 Paper BSO 76/2014 4.5 Shared Services Expenditure on the Shared Services Project was £32k as at 31 July 2014. The budget for expenditure on this project is £497k for 2014/15. 4.5 CERI (Carbon Emission Reduction Initiative) The BSO received confirmation of CRL allocation of £20k in June 2014 for hand dryers under this initiative. No expenditure has been incurred to date. Page 18 of 18