Skyline Lakes Property-holders Association A Virginia non

Skyline Lakes Property-holders Association
A Virginia non-stock corporation
PO Box 427, Stanley, VA 22851
Board of Directors Meeting
Sunday, October 27, 2013 1:00 PM
Skotzko home
Election of new Board officers and organization of the 2013-2014 SLPA Board of Directors
Approval of Minutes from July 2013 Board meeting and SLPA Annual Meeting held Sept 21, 2013
Quarterly financial report presentation by Treasurer
Old Business
a. presentation of third quarter financial report
b. status of Firewise reimbursement to SLPA for installation of 911 house numerals
c. status of new collections attorney for unpaid POA fees
d. status of possible new approach to recover delinquent accounts
e. status of Apr 16-Oct 15 2013 Firewise grant
f. report of FY 2013 M&I funding
g. status of efforts to upload material to SLPA website by Carl Hallinan
h. status of repairs to community sign and its reinstallation and new “hazardous driving”
5. New Business
a. Proposal to charge property owners for repairs to neglected driveway culverts that
inhibit free-flow of drainage ditches
b. Construction of shed to house Association equipment-discussion
c. Discuss and vote on FY 2014 SLPA budget
6. Miscellaneous
7. Adjournment
President Eugene Skotzko called the meeting to order at 1:05 pm. Present were Board members Andy
Kent, Crystal Liebenow, Evans Painter, Gene Skotzko and Jimmy Painter, Regina Austin, and Beth Cayer.
Joyce Richards arrived from work some time later. Jane Harrington, former secretary, attended at
President Skotzko’s request because she will continue to maintain the SLPA newsletter.
1. Elections of Officers:
The following official duties were voted on and established for FY 2014:
President: Eugene Skotzko
Vice President: Regina Austin
Secretary: Beth Cayer
Treasurer: Crystal Liebenow
Chairman of Maintenance and Improvement Committee: Andy Kent
2. Acceptance of Minutes:
Minutes from the July 2013 Board meeting were accepted unanimously.
3. Minutes from the Sept 21 Annual meeting were amended as follows and accepted unanimously
a. page 3: added “M&I will replace at no cost to Bill Haycraft…”
b. page 2: “Because the Board noticed a math discrepancy in ballot question votes for and
against the shed (114 total votes, 81 yea, 27 nay and 7 abstentions) the Board requested
a recount of those votes. The recount outcome was 80 yea, 27nay and 7 abstentions.”
4. Treasurer’s report:
Crystal submitted copies of the Treasurer’s Report and noted the following:
a. FY 2013 resulted in significant overages of expenditures due to a late spring deluge of
snow and the subsequent removal. Additional costs, beyond the budgeted amount
i. snow removal
ii. road maintenance
+ 2,905.00
iii. gravel
+ 4,079.68
iv. fuel
are items II-IV the budgeted amount or beyond it?
b. SLPA borrowed $15,000 from the capital fund to pay these debts. It is hoped that
Crystal can recover over $20,000 in back fees to replenish the capital fund, however it is a
laborious process.
c. It was noted that $2,000 for new culvert pipes should come from the capital fund, not
from maintenance and improvement.
Crystal noted that we are still waiting for the $4,346.50 reimbursement check from
Firewise for the year, but that due to the government shutdown, it is delayed. She
hopes to have it in hand very soon to apply to the M&I account in case we have
significant snowfall again this year. If we get through the fall unscathed, the funds will
be transferred to the Capital Improvement fund along with any other budget surplus
from FY2013.
d. Firewise
a. SLPA needs a new liaison with the state Firewise program. After discussion, it
was resolved that Regina Austin would contact property owner Wayne Beers
about applying for a new grant.
e. Trailer at entrance:
a. The RV trailer at the entrance to Skyline Lakes development has been parked in
the general use area for several months. After discussion by the Board, Regina
was asked to contact the owner to ask that it be moved.
Neglected culvert pipes:
a. Discussion was held about what to do when privately-owned culvert (driveway)
pipes were neglected, causing runoff to back up onto development roadways
washing out gravel and making travel hazardous. Several solutions were
proposed, but the Board chose to table the issue until the winter meeting rather
than attempt to solve it now.
g. Equipment Shed
a. A clear margin (almost 3:1) on the ballot question was established at the annual
meeting in favor of erecting a maintenance shed to store SLPA equipment next
to the bathhouse. Several possible styles were discussed (pole building,
cinderblock, metal building). The Board formed a Building Committee consisting
of Andy Kent and Evans Painter that will work up three designs and report back
to the Board at the winter 2014 meeting.
b. Crystal pointed out that there is virtually no money in the capital fund for a
building, but per the check box on the ballot sent to owners for the Annual
Meeting, she will set up a special account for donations toward the shed.
c. The Board discussed different ways to fund the building and deferred further
discussion to the winter meeting.
h. Budget
a. Following a lengthy discussion about possible alternatives, a vote to raise lot
fees by $2.00 per lot was reluctantly, but unanimously, passed by the Board to
fund the 2014 budget. Inflation has taken its toll on the SLPA budget, just as it
has on the rest of the economy. Gravel is more expensive, for instance. We
need new tractor tires, which will cost $500-600. It was resolved, at Andy’s
request, that rather than budget for more supplies at the outset, if he finds that
he runs out of gravel, etc. in 2014, he may approach the Board for more funds at
later meetings.